MJ Green laughs when told about young child' s death from COVID

MJG is the face of the repub party. McCarthy is very proud of her and Gaetz. They are the "cream" of the repub party.
Holy shit. Right there on the video. It was the child's responsibility, too. It's his fault he's dead.

Trumpism is a group pathology. This is fucking ugly. America is better than this.
NBC Odanny? really? You throw that term idiot around an awful lot. Sure you aren't doing a little projection there?
rumpism is a group pathology. This is fucking ugly. America is better than this.

Mac. You like authoritarianism looming on the horizon? SOcialism? Socialist medicine for your family? open borders for criminal aliens, increased unemployment for americans so that elites can have cheap labor and you have nothing? Taxed to the hilt so that you have nothing just like your neighbor?? shared misery?? is that what you want?

MJG is the face of the repub party. McCarthy is very proud of her and Gaetz. They are the "cream" of the repub party.


She laughed at the fact that a 5 year old child died of covid in his mother's arms.

I'm not surprised but I am disgusted.
She is the flip side of AOC. Both suck, figuratively and literally, I am pretty sure. Like I said with AOC, and my thoughts on freshman congress persons in general. Children should be seen but not heard.

AOC isn't a freshman congress person anymore. That was her first term when she was elected in 2018.

Please give me a link to AOC laughing at the death of any child or a child who died of covid.

I am willing to bet, such video doesn't exist. Mostly because AOC isn't anything like mtg. Much less the flip side of mtg.

While I don't agree with some of what AOC says and does, I know she has humanity and does care if a 5 year old child dies of covid in the arms of his mom. The last thing she would do is laugh at that and such a question.

She laughed at the fact that a 5 year old child died of covid in his mother's arms.

I'm not surprised but I am disgusted.
She is a disgusting mammal....not ready to place in the human being category yet.

She laughed at the fact that a 5 year old child died of covid in his mother's arms.

I'm not surprised but I am disgusted.
You know if she is pressed on it, she will try and say she was laughing at something else or being sarcastic....just like the man that they hump asserts.


MJG is the face of the repub party. McCarthy is very proud of her and Gaetz. They are the "cream" of the repub party.
You guys laugh and blow off deaths from the Vax. We’re supposed to believe you give two shits about this kid?
You know if she is pressed on it, she will try and say she was laughing at something else or being sarcastic....just like the man that they hump asserts.

Why is some reporter telling her about a 5 year old COVID death? The vaccine isn’t approved for 5 year olds. The vaccine isn’t approved by the FDA. Are you claiming this kid should had been illegally given an experimental vaccine?
Face of the republican party? The only people that talk about that moron is democrats. Face of the democrat party, more like it :lol:
So can the flu.

You people are beyond stupid.
The point is, trump humper, there are people on the far right who are still downplaying COVID. The are spreading misinformation. apparently to please the man they hump. In the process, people are dying. Wasn't it bad enough when the Former Guy downplayed the virus for months, sealing the fate of death to tens of thousands of people, including poor Herman Kaine who listened to the liars at FOX and the Former Guy's WH. How did that turn out for him?
AOC isn't a freshman congress person anymore. That was her first term when she was elected in 2018.

Please give me a link to AOC laughing at the death of any child or a child who died of covid.

I am willing to bet, such video doesn't exist. Mostly because AOC isn't anything like mtg. Much less the flip side of mtg.

While I don't agree with some of what AOC says and does, I know she has humanity and does care if a 5 year old child dies of covid in the arms of his mom. The last thing she would do is laugh at that and such a question.
What about Kamala laughing and shit-grinning and cackling like a hyena when asked about kids in cages? Or Kayla Mueller murder?
What's stupid about it given Greene said...

The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65.

Clearly, covid can be dangerous for people under 65 or non-obese.
The vaccines haven't been fully cleared by the FDA. It's illegal to force the troops to take it. The government isn't above the law, ya know.
The point is, trump humper, there are people on the far right who are still downplaying COVID. The are spreading misinformation. apparently to please the man they hump. In the process, people are dying. Wasn't it bad enough when the Former Guy downplayed the virus for months, sealing the fate of death to tens of thousands of people, including poor Herman Kaine who listened to the liars at FOX and the Former Guy's WH. How did that turn out for him?
No one downplayed the virus. The only thing anyone has done is criticize the government's reaction to the virus. In short: they cocked it up. The more the cocked it up, the more bad decisions they made to cock it up even more. The lockdowns were obviously politically motivated. Shut the beaches down, ban outdoor church gatherings, but insist that the BLM riots weren't a hazard.
I dont think green was laughing at the dead children but rather at the stupidity of the question

But I can see how libs might disagree and want to attack her personally

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