MJ Green laughs when told about young child' s death from COVID

AOC isn't a freshman congress person anymore. That was her first term when she was elected in 2018.

Please give me a link to AOC laughing at the death of any child or a child who died of covid.

I am willing to bet, such video doesn't exist. Mostly because AOC isn't anything like mtg. Much less the flip side of mtg.

While I don't agree with some of what AOC says and does, I know she has humanity and does care if a 5 year old child dies of covid in the arms of his mom. The last thing she would do is laugh at that and such a question.
I am no AOC fan, do not support her and her little gang of 4 far left wing rabble rousers. I do not give wholesale support to much of her Green New Deal from her freshman years. She still sounds like a freshman in her approach to the job, a highly partisan one at that, which never endears a public official to me, of either stripe. Failing to think of her as a freshman is akin to social promotions, which I also do not support. She does not have a mature statesman (woman) outlook in my opinion. You can like her if you want. Maybe she's just your type of politician and that is fine for you. For all I know, she is of your district, and you voted for her, as is your right. I do not care for her and would not vote for her at her present or foreseeable state of maturity overall, whether she laughed out of turn or not. I cannot look at her without thinking children should be seen but not heard.
No she's not, AOC has zero in common with MTG.
They are two sides of the partisan coin, polar opposites and equally deserving disdain, unless you are a partisan for one side or the other.
Rand Paul attacked by his democrat neighbor. Paul suffers broken ribs and more. What did the left wing media say about this? What did politicians say about this? What did the liberals HERE say about that?? hmmm
America doesn't want Democrats??

America just handed the White House, U.S. House and U.S. Senate to Democrats. Looks like you don't realize which party it is America rejected. Bigly!
Orange cultists have waived their American citizenship.
Rand Paul attacked by his democrat neighbor. Paul suffers broken ribs and more. What did the left wing media say about this? What did politicians say about this? What did the liberals HERE say about that?? hmmm
His neighbor knows what an AH he is.
I am no AOC fan, do not support her and her little gang of 4 far left wing rabble rousers. I do not give wholesale support to much of her Green New Deal from her freshman years. She still sounds like a freshman in her approach to the job, a highly partisan one at that, which never endears a public official to me, of either stripe. Failing to think of her as a freshman is akin to social promotions, which I also do not support. She does not have a mature statesman (woman) outlook in my opinion. You can like her if you want. Maybe she's just your type of politician and that is fine for you. For all I know, she is of your district, and you voted for her, as is your right. I do not care for her and would not vote for her at her present or foreseeable state of maturity overall, whether she laughed out of turn or not. I cannot look at her without thinking children should be seen but not heard.

You have your right to believe what you want about her.

I never said I like her. I said there are things about her I don't like.

I was addressing the fact that you stated or insinuated that AOC would laugh at a 5 year old child dying from covid.

She never would do that.

She is not the flip side of mtg.

She is young and still have things to learn but to compare her as the flip side to mtg is not fair in my opinion.

No I don't live in NY city and she doesn't represent me.

When she does what you accused her of doing then I'll agree with you but when I ask you for a video of her doing it, you don't provide it. Because it doesn't exist because she would never do such a thing.

Very few people would. Both conservative and liberal.

Only people like mtg would do such a thing and there aren't many people like that in our nation. Or I would like to think there isn't.
I am no AOC fan, do not support her and her little gang of 4 far left wing rabble rousers. I do not give wholesale support to much of her Green New Deal from her freshman years. She still sounds like a freshman in her approach to the job, a highly partisan one at that, which never endears a public official to me, of either stripe. Failing to think of her as a freshman is akin to social promotions, which I also do not support. She does not have a mature statesman (woman) outlook in my opinion. You can like her if you want. Maybe she's just your type of politician and that is fine for you. For all I know, she is of your district, and you voted for her, as is your right. I do not care for her and would not vote for her at her present or foreseeable state of maturity overall, whether she laughed out of turn or not. I cannot look at her without thinking children should be seen but not heard.
But you love Green and her crazy talk. You are just another trump humper.
You have your right to believe what you want about her.

I never said I like her. I said there are things about her I don't like.

I was addressing the fact that you stated or insinuated that AOC would laugh at a 5 year old child dying from covid.

She never would do that.

She is not the flip side of mtg.

She is young and still have things to learn but to compare her as the flip side to mtg is not fair in my opinion.

No I don't live in NY city and she doesn't represent me.

When she does what you accused her of doing then I'll agree with you but when I ask you for a video of her doing it, you don't provide it. Because it doesn't exist because she would never do such a thing.

Very few people would. Both conservative and liberal.

Only people like mtg would do such a thing and there aren't many people like that in our nation. Or I would like to think there isn't.
Well-spoken. I still don't like her. :)
The vaccines haven't been fully cleared by the FDA. It's illegal to force the troops to take it. The government isn't above the law, ya know.
Nice way to avoid the issue. The issue isn't she doesn't want the military to be forced to be vaxxed... the issue is her ignorance of spreading the falsehood that covid is not dangerous to anyone under 65 or not obese. The reporter's question was right on target with that.
But you love Green and her crazy talk. You are just another trump humper.
Nope. She totally blows. You can't find a radical loudmouth on either side of the divide that I support, and she is a trumper, the party of insurrection, anti-constitution, anti-rule of law, in support of her authoritarian figurehead, that lost the election, and has tried to overthrow the election ever since.
No one downplayed the virus. The only thing anyone has done is criticize the government's reaction to the virus. In short: they cocked it up. The more the cocked it up, the more bad decisions they made to cock it up even more. The lockdowns were obviously politically motivated. Shut the beaches down, ban outdoor church gatherings, but insist that the BLM riots weren't a hazard.
That's a lie. Greene downplayed the virus...

"The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65." ~ Marjorie Taylor Greene
Nice way to avoid the issue. The issue isn't she doesn't want the military to be forced to be vaxxed... the issue is her ignorance of spreading the falsehood that covid is not dangerous to anyone under 65 or not obese. The reporter's question was right on target with that.
She doesn't want our troops to be subject to illegal treatment. Are you under the illusion that the government can ignore the law anytime it chooses, or thinks it has a good reason to do so?
The vaccines have been given Emergency Use Approval by the FDA. Quit spreading misinformation.

But not "full" authorization. Stop lying and learn something...


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