MLK Statue Will Replace White Supremacist On Georgia Capitol Grounds

He's an idiot.

The older statue was moved, but only across the street, because repairs had to be made to the area it was in.

Instead of moving it again, they decided to leave it where it is, and put a statue of MLK in it's former place.
So in essence they replaced him with MLK


Are you grabbing for this?


Or this?


they should be grabbing for their head and pulling it out of their ass. they might need help, it's been up there a long time

Are you getting ready for your trailer parks 4th of july festivities , government cheese burgers?
Go away Kraut boy. PROVEN moron PROVEN fool and PROVEN liar.
So in essence they replaced him with MLK


Are you grabbing for this?


Or this?


they should be grabbing for their head and pulling it out of their ass. they might need help, it's been up there a long time

Are you getting ready for your trailer parks 4th of july festivities , government cheese burgers?
Go away Kraut boy. PROVEN moron PROVEN fool and PROVEN liar.
Says Mr. 214.
Tom Watson? Never heard of him.

When do we tear down the Lincoln Memorial? He wanted to deport blacks out of America. Guess that racism is ok?

"Watson, a former state lawmaker, congressman and U.S. senator, was viewed by many as a hero when his statue was dedicated in 1932."

Georgia had Democrat Governors from 1872 until 2003. Who would you expect them to honor?

Are you grabbing for this?


Or this?


they should be grabbing for their head and pulling it out of their ass. they might need help, it's been up there a long time

Are you getting ready for your trailer parks 4th of july festivities , government cheese burgers?
Go away Kraut boy. PROVEN moron PROVEN fool and PROVEN liar.
Says Mr. 214.
More then a few have shown him to be the lying ass loser he is.
You may have to unzip tonight. He's going to need his "Binky".
Tom Watson, isn't he a golfer? I never knew he was a racist, learn something new.

Are you grabbing for this?


Or this?


they should be grabbing for their head and pulling it out of their ass. they might need help, it's been up there a long time

Are you getting ready for your trailer parks 4th of july festivities , government cheese burgers?
Go away Kraut boy. PROVEN moron PROVEN fool and PROVEN liar.
Says Mr. 214.
That's dorkyfuzzelnuts- IQ-214 half baked taco boi
The Washington, and Jefferson Memorials need to come down, and they both as well as Andrew Jackson need to be removed from our currency.

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