MLK was a conservative


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
August Meier dubbed MLK "The Conservative Militant"

August Meier dubbed MLK "The Conservative Militant"

Funny you say that --- --- a few weeks ago, I caught a re-airing of an old interview with MLKJr. on TV and the first thing that struck me listening to him was what a calm, RATIONAL person he was and how I would enjoy the chance to sit down and have a deep conversation with him.

He was nothing like the movement you see today of radicals running around screaming hate and destroying; he would have no truck with people like BLM.
From the link:
"The word, “conservative” has a specific meaning here. King was a democratic socialist, he opposed the Vietnam War, and he called for massive investment in the inner cities. He was not conservative in any political sense. But what Meier showed was that King nevertheless manifested a conservative core – one that resonated with millions of Americans and thereby helped achieve the movement’s remarkable success.

In Meier’s words:
“American history shows that for any reform movement to succeed, it must attain respectability. It must attract moderates, even conservatives to its rank.”
King understood this. And to that end, he was indeed conservative – both in the arguments he made and the manner in which he presented them."

Very illuminating, thanks.

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