"moderate" Syrian Rebels Sign Non-aggression Pact With Isis; Iraq Defies Us

Obama and Kerry are clowns.

The obomanation is going to need a NEW STRATEGY!!!!!

First it was the 'broad coalition' that appeared a little narrower than President Obama explained to the world last week. Today, 2 more crucial aspects of the 'strategy' appear to be faltering. Despite the promise of $500 million to train "moderate" Syrian terrorist/rebels to fight ISIS, GlobalPost reports Syrian rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State have agreed a non-aggression pact for the first time. Under the deal, "the two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime." Not exactly what Obama and Kerry had in mind. But it is John Kerry's trip to Iraq that appears to have had blowback already as Reuters reports the newly installed US-friendly PM al-Adadi ordered his air force to halt strikes on civilian areas, "even in those towns controlled by ISIS," just a day after Kerry's visit (which left Turkey explaining how it would not support US airstrikes either). So far, so good?!
So, to sum up...
First, Germany and UK (and Australia) - the USA' broad coalition of allies to strike ISIS - will not support airstrikes on ISIS in Syria.
As The WSJ reports,
Germany and the U.K. on Thursday ruled out carrying out air strikes on Islamic State militants in Syria, a day after President Barack Obama authorized the start of U.S. air strikes there.
"We haven't been asked, nor will we do it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told reporters when asked about German participation in air strikes against the Islamic State, known as ISIL or ISIS, in light of Mr. Obama's speech.
"We need to be honest with ourselves in the current situation, we don't yet have a final, blanket strategy which guarantees that we'll be successful against ISIS and similar groups," the German minister said in Berlin.
His U.K. counterpart Philip Hammond explicitly ruled out air strikes in Syria, after the U.K. parliament struck down such a move last year.
* * *
Second, Turkey - the USA's closest ally in NATO among the Middle East - denies them its airbases for use as launch sites of airstrikes and will not support airstrikes in Syria (after John Kerry visits)
As AFP reports,
US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Ankara Friday for talks aimed at building a coalition against Islamic State jihadists, a visit that comes after Turkey said it would not allow its air bases to be used for strikes on the extremists.
The top US diplomat, touring the Middle East to establish a coalition of more than 40 countries, is to meet with Turkey's leaders including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for talks on measures to defeat the militants in Iraq and Syria.
Turkey, a NATO member and Washington's key ally in the region, is reluctant to take part in combat operations against Islamic State militants, or allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadists from its territory.
On the eve of the visit, a Turkish official told AFP: "Our hands and arms are tied because of the hostages."
The official added that Turkey will "not be involved in any armed operation but will entirely concentrate on humanitarian operations."
IS militants hold 49 Turks hostage, including diplomats and children
, abducted from the Turkish consulate in Mosul in Iraq in June.
Turkey is the only Muslim country in a coalition of 10 countries who agreed to fight ISIS at the NATO summit in Newport.
Turkey can open Incirlik Air Base in the south for logistical and humanitarian operations in any U.S.-led operation, according to the official who stressed that the base would not be used for lethal air strikes.
“Turkey will not take part in any combat mission, nor supply weapons,” he said.
* * *
Third, Iraq's newly-installed US-friendly PM al-Abadi defies the US and halts airstrikes on ISIS-held civilian areas (leaving it up to the US to be the bad guys against his people once again), and
As Reuters reports,
Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Saturday that he had ordered his air force to halt strikes on civilian areas.
"I have ordered the Iraqi Air Force to halt shelling of civilian areas even in those towns controlled by ISIS," Abadi said on his official Twitter account, using the former name for militant group Islamic State.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been touring the Middle East to coordinate a response to Islamic State's growing power in eastern Syria and western Iraq.
Abadi said his order to protect civilians had been issued on Thursday, a day after he held talks with Kerry in Baghdad.
* * *
Finally, The USA's proxy boots-on-the-ground - Syria's "moderate" rebels - have signed a non-aggression truce with ISIS.
As Global Post reports,
Syrian rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State have agreed a non-aggression pact for the first time in a suburb of the capital Damascus, a monitoring group said on Friday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the ceasefire deal was agreed between IS and moderate and Islamist rebels in Hajar al-Aswad, south of the capital.
Under the deal, "the two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime."

But apart from that, everything is going great...

Moderate Syrian Rebels Sign Non-Aggression Pact With ISIS Iraq Defies US Zero Hedge


Thanks for providing quite an elaborate explanation as to why people like myself have been right all along.
Dream on.
The other nations have wised up and refuse to follow the U.S. into another idiotic military adventure. .... :cool:
The other nations have wised up and refuse to follow the U.S. into another foolhardy foreign adventure. .... :cool:

Wised up or scared?

UK and Germany scared of their own islamist extremist population.

Turkey scared of ISIS beheading the hostage Turkish diplomats.

Bunch of cowards, that all...

These countries are the victims of their own failed policies and politics.
by god send em weapons now....smart diplomacy

The US, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been co ordinating efforts to arm moderate rebels since 2012.

The problem is that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood were the ones smuggling in the arms.

And no one thought "gee, what could possibly go wrong?".


Whoopsies. How many moderates did they give the hardware to?
From huffington ISIS Strikes Deal With Moderate Syrian Rebels Reports
According to Agence France-Presse, ISIS and a number of moderate and hard-line rebel groups have agreed not to fight each other so that they can focus on taking down the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Other sources say the signatories include a major U.S. ally linked to the Free Syrian Army. Moreover, the leader of the Free Syrian Army said Saturday that the group would not take part in U.S. plans for destroying the Islamic State until it got assurances on toppling Assad.The deal between ISIS and the moderate Syrian groups casts doubt over President Barack Obama's freshly announced strategy to arm and train the groups against ISIS.

Could it ever be that you convey a news report without the persistently dishonest Obama hater slant to it?

Here is the Reuters report as written without Obama hater modifications:

BAGHDAD/CAIRO (Reuters) - Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Saturday that he had ordered his air force to halt strikes on civilian areas, following attacks by both Iraqi and U.S. jets in large areas of the country held by Islamic State fighters.

The announcement, which comes as the United States tries to build regional support for deeper military action against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, may be aimed at winning Sunni Muslim support for Abadi's new Shi'ite-led government as it battles the group which controls one third of Iraqi territory.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been touring the Middle East to coordinate a response to Islamic State's growing power in eastern Syria and western Iraq. In Cairo on Saturday, he said Egypt has a critical role to play in countering the group's hardline Sunni Islamist ideology.

Abadi said his order to protect civilians had been issued on Thursday, a day after he held talks with Kerry in Baghdad.

Sunni Muslim tribal figures, who the U.S. hopes can be persuaded to turn against the jihadists, have demanded a freeze on military action on civilian areas as one of the conditions for their support of the Shi'ite-led government.
And the Free Syrian Army has been tag teaming with AQ in Syria known as al Nusra.

What a tangled web Obama has woven. Anything to topple Assad for Obama. He's obsessed. Even AQ connections it seems.
Nothing like having a lap dog liberal media like Reuters write up a obomanation friendly story, and leave out the real meat!

Reuters is probably the most unbiased news resource in the world. But then it's Vigilante, so his comment doesn't surprise me one bit. Based on Vigilante's posts, The Holy Bible is a lap dog for the liberals too! Then he uses the Dailey Caller as a resource and he's crying about lap dogs!:muahaha: Hypocrisy in action! :laugh: Way to go Vigi! :poke:
ISIS Strikes Deal With Moderate Syrian Rebels Reports
and the huff is?

Nothing like having a lap dog liberal media like Reuters write up a obomanation friendly story, and leave out the real meat!

Reuters is probably the most unbiased news resource in the world. But then it's Vigilante, so his comment doesn't surprise me one bit. Based on Vigilante's posts, The Holy Bible is a lap dog for the liberals too! Then he uses the Dailey Caller as a resource and he's crying about lap dogs!:muahaha: Hypocrisy in action! :laugh: Way to go Vigi! :poke:

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