Modern Scrubbing Technology - Why fossil fuels are not extinct..

Thus proving that Todd desperately searches the internet for anything he thinks might discredit his opponents point even though he doesn't understand what he is reading and then when he gets called on his error he doubles down on stupid.
Sounds like he is describing the ocean. What do you think? Now all you have to do is explain why the ocean does respond to BACKradiation. Go.

Because he seemed to explain why the ocean doesn't respond to BACKradiation, you simpleton.

The ocean doesn't respond to BACKradiation?
What makes it so special?

Because he seemed to explain why the ocean doesn't respond to BACKradiation

Yeah, his dumbed down error filled "explanation" was hilarious.
Thus proving that Todd desperately searches the internet for anything he thinks might discredit his opponents point even though he doesn't understand what he is reading and then when he gets called on his error he doubles down on stupid.

What error? Link?
The ocean doesn't respond to BACKradiation?
What makes it so special?

Because he seemed to explain why the ocean doesn't respond to BACKradiation

Yeah, his dumbed down error filled "explanation" was hilarious.
So you can't explain how the ocean responds to back radiation? Because that was your contention, right? That the ocean does respond to back radiation. So you tell me. Billy has already explained why it doesn't. It's your turn now to state a case.
So you can't explain how the ocean responds to back radiation? Because that was your contention, right? That the ocean does respond to back radiation. So you tell me. Billy has already explained why it doesn't. It's your turn now to state a case.

So you can't explain how the ocean responds to back radiation?

It responds in 3 ways. It absorbs it, it reflects it or it causes ocean water to evaporate.

I guess billy's claim was wrong. How do you think it responds?

Billy has already explained why it doesn't.

I especially liked his use of the word "defeated".

It's a very PhD level word.
So you can't explain how the ocean responds to back radiation?

It responds in 3 ways. It absorbs it, it reflects it or it causes ocean water to evaporate.

I guess billy's claim was wrong. How do you think it responds?

Billy has already explained why it doesn't.

I especially liked his use of the word "defeated".

It's a very PhD level word.
Doesn't matter what I believe. Tell me more about the three ways it responds with an emphasis on wavelength. You might even use that handy chart billy provided in your explanation.
I guess billy's claim was wrong.
Was it? I took his claim to mean backradiation didn't warm the ocean. I'm still waiting for you to explain how back radiation warms the ocean. I don't see it included in the energy budgets. They all show back radiation warming land surface. If that's not your claim, then it would be good to admit that now.
It responds in 3 ways. It absorbs it, it reflects it or it causes ocean water to evaporate.

I guess billy's claim was wrong. How do you think it responds?
This is a textbook example of nit picking. You don't seem to be arguing that back radiation warms the ocean. You seem to be nit picking billy's language. Now we know this is nit picking because if you read the whole post you would know he was talking about back radiation not warming the ocean. So how is this not nit picking?
Doesn't matter what I believe. Tell me more about the three ways it responds with an emphasis on wavelength. You might even use that handy chart billy provided in your explanation.

You want me to use his chart....this chart?


You want me to use his chart for incoming solar radiation to discuss LWIR backradiation?

Do you believe he has a PhD?
Was it? I took his claim to mean backradiation didn't warm the ocean. I'm still waiting for you to explain how back radiation warms the ocean. I don't see it included in the energy budgets. They all show back radiation warming land surface. If that's not your claim, then it would be good to admit that now.

Warming is the only way something responds to LWIR?
What about evaporation? What about warming and then mixing with colder water?
Does that count as warming?

Do you have any source that says the ocean doesn't "respond to LWIR"?
This is a textbook example of nit picking. You don't seem to be arguing that back radiation warms the ocean. You seem to be nit picking billy's language. Now we know this is nit picking because if you read the whole post you would know he was talking about back radiation not warming the ocean. So how is this not nit picking?

You don't seem to be arguing that back radiation warms the ocean.

All the LWIR absorbed by the ocean warms the ocean.
You want me to use his chart....this chart?


You want me to use his chart for incoming solar radiation to discuss LWIR backradiation?

Do you believe he has a PhD?
No. I want you to use back radiation and this chart. That was what he was discussing. If you don't believe this chart is applicable for that then I'd love to hear your reason why because that would have been a much better argument than you nit picking over responds instead of warms. It was obvious he was discussing back radiation doesn't warm the ocean. So if you have a simple argument for why that isn't the case, now would be the time to explain it.
Warming is the only way something responds to LWIR?
What about evaporation? What about warming and then mixing with colder water?
Does that count as warming?

Do you have any source that says the ocean doesn't "respond to LWIR"?
You are asking questions when you should be stating your case. Doesn't sound like you have much of a case.
No. I want you to use back radiation and this chart. That was what he was discussing. If you don't believe this chart is applicable for that then I'd love to hear your reason why because that would have been a much better argument than you nit picking over responds instead of warms. It was obvious he was discussing back radiation doesn't warm the ocean. So if you have a simple argument for why that isn't the case, now would be the time to explain it.

No. I want you to use back radiation and this chart.

His chart isn't of back radiation.

If you don't believe this chart is applicable for that then I'd love to hear your reason why

I did.

It was obvious he was discussing back radiation doesn't warm the ocean.

And it's obvious he did that partially by saying it did.
No. I want you to use back radiation and this chart.

His chart isn't of back radiation.

If you don't believe this chart is applicable for that then I'd love to hear your reason why

I did.

It was obvious he was discussing back radiation doesn't warm the ocean.

And it's obvious he did that partially by saying it did.
What do you believe downwelling radiation is?

The component of radiation directed toward the earth's surface from the sun or the atmosphere
So you believe all back radiation warms the ocean? That would be a material difference. Can you prove it?

So you believe all back radiation warms the ocean?

All the back radiation that is absorbed warms the ocean. Of course.

Do you believe no back radiation warms the ocean?

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