Senior Member
Facts are, a child is in more danger at home than anywhere due to the fact that the more likely offenders are well known family members. The chances of a child being targeted is lower than that of being struck by lightening. Children need to learn responsibility and the ability to think on their own in order to be able to live on their own. They cannot be denied their physical activities or they turn into blobs and tend to be unhealthy. Would you deny your child the chance in life to become a healthy adult just to avoid them being struck by lightening?
Well, there is a lot of truth in what you say Kitten... but the threat from family members comes only when the Family member which potentially threatens the kid feels safe in doing so; meaning that they've been lead to believe that such is acceptable; say, for instance that the family has an open 'lifestyle policy'... I assure you that such is not the case in the Infinitum family; lines are clearly drawn and such demarcations are of such a threshold that to cross one, requires one to KNOW TO A CERTAINTY that in doing so they've left the "Family" zone, where the consequences for such will be swift and devastating.
Secondly, I agree that it's unlikely that a given child will face abduction and possibly even at the odds of being sturck by lightening. But as noted above, BEING STRUCK BY LIGHTENING can quickly become a PROBABILITY... when one subjects themselves to circumstnces where Lightening all around you.
I've personally been struck by the inductive field of lightening 3 times...
There are reasons to not promote that which exposes one's culture to such strikes and you've just noted the best of them.
Perhaps we can agree that not advocating for sexual deviancy and 'alternative lifestyles' to be accepted as normal and/or equaitble with the norm will reduce the overll chances that such freaks will not be plotting a storm over the tree where one's children happen to be standing...
There are two big reasons people have the illusion of an increase in danger, part of it being that they pay too much attention to the media which has thrown perspective out of focus completely making them believe that danger lurks at every corner and that no one is willing to ever help. It has nothing to do with what adult do with their own, it's those who are for some reason capable of harming innocence (in the form of a child) that are dangerous, but there are very simple rules parents can teach their kids to cut their chances to almost zero without causing the damage done by "locking them up", as Penn equated it to.
Most of the problem is that children do not know how to recognize abuse when it happens to them, they don't realize that it's abuse since no one is teaching them. The real danger is the long term abuses by family members or close personal friends because of this, most predators are from such cases (though they never mention that in the media).
By teaching children how to protect themselves at a young age you are also offering them extremely useful skills for their adult lives as well. There was a controversy when a woman let her 10 (if I remember correctly) year old son take the subway home in NY. He wanted to try it and already new what to look out for. So she let him ... and *gasp* nothing happened! He got home safely and learned how to read the maps and such on his own. The media and outrage about it was horrendous, the child was very articulate in the articles for his age even, sharp as a whip. But for some reason people were upset about it.