Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

So only liberals sue?

I got hurt at work twice. My employer wanted me to lie and put the injury on my insurance. I didn't lie so the company had to pay their deductible on two different occasions.

Lets say that the cookie lady gives a cookie to a child who is allergic and doesn't say,"no". Let's say the child has no insurance and is admitted to the E.R. I was in the E.R. a few years ago and X-Rays and an Ultrasound was $5,000 for only 3.5 hours of being in the E.R. How much would it be for being in the hospital overnight? I think an allergic reaction could put any child in the E.R. overnight. Who is going to pay?

This is where it gets fun and companies like hospitals want to get paid and they have collection agencies and you can't get blood out of a stone or someone who doesn't have insurance but this lady is operating as a business even though she doesn't have a license but it is full time work for her so who does the hospital see as negligent? Who does the hospital go after? Who gets the finger pointed at? The hospital wants someone who can pay. Courts are a funny thing. I have a small book on preventing lawsuits and I bet the cookie lady loses in court if it comes down to that.

How is this lady operating as a business? She does not sell the cookies. She has no employees. She makes no profit, doesn't even cover the cost.
I guess it just goes to prove that no good deed goes unpunished. Makes you want to run right out and do good deeds, doesn't it.

Except that Salvation Army Bell Ringers sued the Salvation Army because they were homeless, given a bell and told to ring the bell and in return they could have a place to sleep and get some soup. Or some of their officers were in that position. The judge found that they were working regardless because of the number of hours that they weren't making any money and told the Church to pay them. If you work, you have a business whether it is self employed or not and in their case it was full time.
I'm not liberal enough to be the suing type. I'm not sure how people make that connection...oh, wait, schools have budgets and therefore access to a pot of cash. So, other than getting a pot of cash, just how would suing anyone make my loss better? I have no price on the life of my child. The child had been told, he disobeyed. That would be my failure, not the school's. Now that is a different tune, isn't it? Personal responsibility, it isn't really that difficult to grasp. One of the biggest problems in this country is the fact that too many cannot accept their own responsibility in their situation and outcomes. Must be someone else's fault.

So only liberals sue?

Would you people read and comprehend! I said I am not liberal enough to sue. That does not mean that only Liberals sue. Christ-on-a-cracker! Such thin skins.

Well, conservatives are not liberal.........geez, you really are naive if you think we are going to swallow your thinly veiled insult......
How is this lady operating as a business? She does not sell the cookies. She has no employees. She makes no profit, doesn't even cover the cost.
I guess it just goes to prove that no good deed goes unpunished. Makes you want to run right out and do good deeds, doesn't it.

Do companies that don't make a profit and go bankrupt have to pay taxes? Are they making people work a good number of hours? Would not paying them be in violation of the labor laws? She is performing a service. It sounds like a job to me.
I got hurt at work twice. My employer wanted me to lie and put the injury on my insurance. I didn't lie so the company had to pay their deductible on two different occasions.

Lets say that the cookie lady gives a cookie to a child who is allergic and doesn't say,"no". Let's say the child has no insurance and is admitted to the E.R. I was in the E.R. a few years ago and X-Rays and an Ultrasound was $5,000 for only 3.5 hours of being in the E.R. How much would it be for being in the hospital overnight? I think an allergic reaction could put any child in the E.R. overnight. Who is going to pay?

This is where it gets fun and companies like hospitals want to get paid and they have collection agencies and you can't get blood out of a stone or someone who doesn't have insurance but this lady is operating as a business even though she doesn't have a license but it is full time work for her so who does the hospital see as negligent? Who does the hospital go after? Who gets the finger pointed at? The hospital wants someone who can pay. Courts are a funny thing. I have a small book on preventing lawsuits and I bet the cookie lady loses in court if it comes down to that.

How is this lady operating as a business? She does not sell the cookies. She has no employees. She makes no profit, doesn't even cover the cost.
I guess it just goes to prove that no good deed goes unpunished. Makes you want to run right out and do good deeds, doesn't it.

Except that Salvation Army Bell Ringers sued the Salvation Army because they were homeless, given a bell and told to ring the bell and in return they could have a place to sleep and get some soup. Or some of their officers were in that position. The judge found that they were working regardless because of the number of hours that they weren't making any money and told the Church to pay them. If you work, you have a business whether it is self employed or not and in their case it was full time.

So desperate.
I own and run a farm. I work where we constantly use ladders. I am smart enough to know when not to use the ladder. I am also intelligent and responsible enough to understand that ladders are dangerous. So what did people do before tort law?
Medical treatment is expensive in part because of the certainty that government will force someone to pay whatever they wish to charge. Insurance, whatever...If that certainty did not exist, medical providers would be reasonable and charge what people could afford. $5000 for a 3 1/2 hour ER visit. And how much of that 3 1/2 hours was actually spent with a medical professional? Why aren't you bullshit artists all up in the grills of hospitals and doctors who overcharge because they know that insurance will pay whatever they want, instead of what the market can reasonably bear?
How is this lady operating as a business? She does not sell the cookies. She has no employees. She makes no profit, doesn't even cover the cost.
I guess it just goes to prove that no good deed goes unpunished. Makes you want to run right out and do good deeds, doesn't it.

Except that Salvation Army Bell Ringers sued the Salvation Army because they were homeless, given a bell and told to ring the bell and in return they could have a place to sleep and get some soup. Or some of their officers were in that position. The judge found that they were working regardless because of the number of hours that they weren't making any money and told the Church to pay them. If you work, you have a business whether it is self employed or not and in their case it was full time.

So desperate.

No. You deserve to be paid for your time. Charities are run like corporations and even some mega-churches. Should they expect you to volunteer 40 hours a week in return for a position or aid? It is labor. Who gets compensated for getting sick for ringing a bell and standing on a street corner in freezing weather? One of the custodians in our building was always working outside in the cold and he got walking pneumonia in the winter and it went to his heart and he later died. People have rights.
I own and run a farm. I work where we constantly use ladders. I am smart enough to know when not to use the ladder. I am also intelligent and responsible enough to understand that ladders are dangerous. So what did people do before tort law?
Medical treatment is expensive in part because of the certainty that government will force someone to pay whatever they wish to charge. Insurance, whatever...If that certainty did not exist, medical providers would be reasonable and charge what people could afford. $5000 for a 3 1/2 hour ER visit. And how much of that 3 1/2 hours was actually spent with a medical professional? Why aren't you bullshit artists all up in the grills of hospitals and doctors who overcharge because they know that insurance will pay whatever they want, instead of what the market can reasonably bear?

Because the hospitals are not allowed to turn people away because people are sick and have an emergency. People don't pay so you are paying for all the people who don't pay and companies rent this equipment to hospitals an they don't work for free.
So only liberals sue?

I got hurt at work twice. My employer wanted me to lie and put the injury on my insurance. I didn't lie so the company had to pay their deductible on two different occasions.

Lets say that the cookie lady gives a cookie to a child who is allergic and doesn't say,"no". Let's say the child has no insurance and is admitted to the E.R. I was in the E.R. a few years ago and X-Rays and an Ultrasound was $5,000 for only 3.5 hours of being in the E.R. How much would it be for being in the hospital overnight? I think an allergic reaction could put any child in the E.R. overnight. Who is going to pay?

This is where it gets fun and companies like hospitals want to get paid and they have collection agencies and you can't get blood out of a stone or someone who doesn't have insurance but this lady is operating as a business even though she doesn't have a license but it is full time work for her so who does the hospital see as negligent? Who does the hospital go after? Who gets the finger pointed at? The hospital wants someone who can pay. Courts are a funny thing. I have a small book on preventing lawsuits and I bet the cookie lady loses in court if it comes down to that.

How is this lady operating as a business? She does not sell the cookies. She has no employees. She makes no profit, doesn't even cover the cost.
I guess it just goes to prove that no good deed goes unpunished. Makes you want to run right out and do good deeds, doesn't it.

There are all kind of good deeds that a person can do that don't involve providing food to innocent children. If she wanted to do a good deed, she can go work in a soup kitchen, or volunteer at a charity pantry.

Most states require food servers to acquire a permit....obviously for health reasons.
Except that Salvation Army Bell Ringers sued the Salvation Army because they were homeless, given a bell and told to ring the bell and in return they could have a place to sleep and get some soup. Or some of their officers were in that position. The judge found that they were working regardless because of the number of hours that they weren't making any money and told the Church to pay them. If you work, you have a business whether it is self employed or not and in their case it was full time.

So desperate.

No. You deserve to be paid for your time. Charities are run like corporations and even some mega-churches. Should they expect you to volunteer 40 hours a week in return for a position or aid? It is labor. Who gets compensated for getting sick for ringing a bell and standing on a street corner in freezing weather? One of the custodians in our building was always working outside in the cold and he got walking pneumonia in the winter and it went to his heart and he later died. People have rights.

SA bell-ringers who are provided a place to stay and food are being compensated for their "work".
I always work outside, should I be compensated if I contract pneumonia? Pneumonia is not an issue of working outside in the cold. It can be viral, bacterial, or caused by certain parasites. So, just exactly how did your company expose him to any of those vectors?
So desperate.

No. You deserve to be paid for your time. Charities are run like corporations and even some mega-churches. Should they expect you to volunteer 40 hours a week in return for a position or aid? It is labor. Who gets compensated for getting sick for ringing a bell and standing on a street corner in freezing weather? One of the custodians in our building was always working outside in the cold and he got walking pneumonia in the winter and it went to his heart and he later died. People have rights.

SA bell-ringers who are provided a place to stay and food are being compensated for their "work".
I always work outside, should I be compensated if I contract pneumonia? Pneumonia is not an issue of working outside in the cold. It can be viral, bacterial, or caused by certain parasites. So, just exactly how did your company expose him to any of those vectors?

We rent in a building. He worked for the building owner.
Did you ever get a cold in the summer without air-conditioning? Probably not.
Think of your body as a container. The heat usually kills the germs in the summer. How do you keep penicillin alive? You put it in the refrigerator.

That is how people get sick. I use to put layers on to go shovel snow. I put thermal underwear which is cotton and cotton absorbs the sweat and then I become a refrigerator after a few hours of being in the cold. You are not being compensated for everything like life threatening injuries.

By law, if I get injured on the job, it comes out of the employer's insurance.
I own and run a farm. I work where we constantly use ladders. I am smart enough to know when not to use the ladder. I am also intelligent and responsible enough to understand that ladders are dangerous. So what did people do before tort law?
Many were smart like you and didn't have a problem....others had accidents.....geez, it's not that complicated.
Medical treatment is expensive in part because of the certainty that government will force someone to pay whatever they wish to charge. Insurance, whatever...If that certainty did not exist, medical providers would be reasonable and charge what people could afford. $5000 for a 3 1/2 hour ER visit. And how much of that 3 1/2 hours was actually spent with a medical professional? Why aren't you bullshit artists all up in the grills of hospitals and doctors who overcharge because they know that insurance will pay whatever they want, instead of what the market can reasonably bear?[

We's called Obamacare. But you "I'm doing fine, why isn't everyone else doing fine" people are trying to circumvent it. It prevents insurance companies from jacking up your premiums whenever they wish, and keeps them from refusing you coverage due to pre-existing conditions (which they were able to twist and turn to their favor).....and it's affordable for the ones that are not wealthy......

Geez, all those things you mention sound like all the problems that Obamacare is trying to correct....hmmmm, wonder why conservatives would be against it, must be they don't think like you do....maybe you are more liberal than you think?
I always work outside, should I be compensated if I contract pneumonia? Pneumonia is not an issue of working outside in the cold. It can be viral, bacterial, or caused by certain parasites. So, just exactly how did your company expose him to any of those vectors?

You are you make your own rules.....whether or not you should be compensated for contracting pneumonia, regardless of how you got it.....

It isn't rocket science....
No good deed goes unpunished in Obamerica.

The only good comes from the government. Thou shalt not exalt anything or anyone who is not sanctioned by and representative of the government.

Geez, don't you about some comprehension? Noone said that only good comes from the government......remember George Bush and the economy melt down....short memories?
No. You deserve to be paid for your time. Charities are run like corporations and even some mega-churches. Should they expect you to volunteer 40 hours a week in return for a position or aid? It is labor. Who gets compensated for getting sick for ringing a bell and standing on a street corner in freezing weather? One of the custodians in our building was always working outside in the cold and he got walking pneumonia in the winter and it went to his heart and he later died. People have rights.

SA bell-ringers who are provided a place to stay and food are being compensated for their "work".
I always work outside, should I be compensated if I contract pneumonia? Pneumonia is not an issue of working outside in the cold. It can be viral, bacterial, or caused by certain parasites. So, just exactly how did your company expose him to any of those vectors?

We rent in a building. He worked for the building owner.
Did you ever get a cold in the summer without air-conditioning? Probably not.
Think of your body as a container. The heat usually kills the germs in the summer. How do you keep penicillin alive? You put it in the refrigerator.

That is how people get sick. I use to put layers on to go shovel snow. I put thermal underwear which is cotton and cotton absorbs the sweat and then I become a refrigerator after a few hours of being in the cold. You are not being compensated for everything like life threatening injuries.

By law, if I get injured on the job, it comes out of the employer's insurance.

Holy-fuck-me-to-tears! I work in Alaska, graveyards. You cannot educate me about cold. And ladders? Well, anyone with an operating brain cell knows what the "dangers" are. We dress for the climate. We understand that when it's cold, the ground is icy, the wind blows...we understand to take precautions. Who in hell wants to be on the injured list? Any ass with a sense of self-preservation chooses to take the recommended precautions rather than relying on the court system to compensate them for their stupidity.
I always work outside, should I be compensated if I contract pneumonia? Pneumonia is not an issue of working outside in the cold. It can be viral, bacterial, or caused by certain parasites. So, just exactly how did your company expose him to any of those vectors?

You are you make your own rules.....whether or not you should be compensated for contracting pneumonia, regardless of how you got it.....

It isn't rocket science....

With employees in this tough economy working longer hours with less staff there is a greater chance of getting injured on the job. Workers have rights for injuries under the Workman's Compensation Act that was established in the late 1920's to limit the liability for employers on injured employees. It was designed to limit the liability of employer's negligence.

The compensation for the injury is a bit complicated. Some of the benefits include medical bills paid by the employers insurance with no deductible per fee schedule. There also can be temporary total disability benefits (TTD) amounting to 2/3 of the employees pay for the duration of their inability to work. If it is a permanent disability, payment is made on each body part injured, like an arm, which is paid per schedule for so many weeks based on 60% of the employee's salary.

Injured on the Job? Know Your Rights for Workman?s Compensation | Get Employed!
Why, in Alaska, would you want to use a ladder?

Just be patient then walk up the snow drift.
Whenever I was in grade school, my bus driver used to bring in cookies or candy for the kids who rode on her bus and not once in the three years I rode the bus did anyone complain. Then again, the side of town I lived on was just about entirely members of the far right, so...

yep. Definitely a liberal. The school probably didn't show her the complaint because then that would be further proof of the left's arrogance and tyranny.

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