Monica's revenge: Lewinsky 'to publish secret love letters to Clinton- for 12m

In spite of cons' best efforts, Clinton left office with a 66% approval. He'll survive Monica's book, too.

But the question is "Will he survive Hillary?".


would be nice if Hillary to be president just for this show,,. And the first lady Bubba. Just this alone is worth it. For stories about first lady Bubba and hillary's got a whip. Classic, just plain fantastic. Bubba doing first lady functions:banana::banana::lmao::lmao: not to do and first lady functions are diminishing in any way to women as its a title. But Americans truly first dude classic
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Back when MonicaGate happened, when I used to be really right wing, I thought Clinton was a creep and should have been impeached.

Do you know what I remember now?

That in 2000, I was able to sell my house for twice what I paid for it in 1987.

That I regularly got raises of 5% a year. And that when I finally got fed up with my job, I was able to find a better one that paid a lot better.

That we weren't at war with anyone (mostly)...

I wish the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the president was getting a blow job.
sweet revenge coming to the Clinton's

Both of them are despicable people

He for using his position of power to seduce a young woman his daughters age, and Hillary for STANDING BY MY HOUND DOG just for the SAKE OF POWER
sweet revenge coming to the Clinton's

Both of them are despicable people

He for using his position of power to seduce a young woman his daughters age, and Hillary for STANDING BY MY HOUND DOG just for the SAKE OF POWER

"Both of them are despicable people"??? ok.... compare to whom..are their lower around..
or just this is bottom... Islam liftsyle comes to mind, the tally too :confused: So on a scale one to ten? I say 7!
I'm kind of depressed that this woman has a master's degree from Oxford, and the only thing she can do with her life is write books about giving a guy a beej 15 years ago...
I'm kind of depressed that this woman has a master's degree from Oxford, and the only thing she can do with her life is write books about giving a guy a beej 15 years ago...

yeah, isn't life a BITCH for poor billy boy
hysterical how the rightwingnut toons get themselves into a tizzy when reminded that baby bush broke the economy...

but they're still talking about something that happened oh... a dozen years ago that affected...

well, absolutely nothing.

Back when MonicaGate happened, when I used to be really right wing, I thought Clinton was a creep and should have been impeached.

Do you know what I remember now?

That in 2000, I was able to sell my house for twice what I paid for it in 1987.

That I regularly got raises of 5% a year. And that when I finally got fed up with my job, I was able to find a better one that paid a lot better.

That we weren't at war with anyone (mostly)...

I wish the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the president was getting a blow job.

personal recovery it hard, you will make it on a WING and a prayer...
I'm kind of depressed that this woman has a master's degree from Oxford, and the only thing she can do with her life is write books about giving a guy a beej 15 years ago...

That would be from Oxford Crackerjack University, the same place where Truthmatters got her degree in quantum physics.
sweet revenge coming to the Clinton's

Both of them are despicable people

He for using his position of power to seduce a young woman his daughters age, and Hillary for STANDING BY MY HOUND DOG just for the SAKE OF POWER
Monica seduced Bill. Remember, she snapped her thong as she walked past him. She was a grown woman when she met Clinton, but had been "doing" married men since she was in high school.
sweet revenge coming to the Clinton's

Both of them are despicable people

He for using his position of power to seduce a young woman his daughters age, and Hillary for STANDING BY MY HOUND DOG just for the SAKE OF POWER
Monica seduced Bill. Remember, she snapped her thong as she walked past him. She was a grown woman when she met Clinton, but had been "doing" married men since she was in high school.

so i suppose you'd blame a woman for being raped too
sweet revenge coming to the Clinton's

Both of them are despicable people

He for using his position of power to seduce a young woman his daughters age, and Hillary for STANDING BY MY HOUND DOG just for the SAKE OF POWER
Monica seduced Bill. Remember, she snapped her thong as she walked past him. She was a grown woman when she met Clinton, but had been "doing" married men since she was in high school.

so i suppose you'd blame a woman for being raped too

ask Todd Akin! and after rape are their personal activation fluid mixtures to stop rape so to have a choice in the matter?
In spite of cons' best efforts, Clinton left office with a 66% approval. He'll survive Monica's book, too.

I liked Clinton in the end.

He got so occupied by this crap that Congress actually ran the country...the way it should be.

He turned his back on the liberals. Gotta respect that.

This book could muck up Hillary.....she might not survive.

Unless she wants to publish a book about how she plays Bill's organ.
Back in those days, I used to like Bill, even though I didn't think much of his presidency. When the shit hit the fan I was of the opinion that it was between him and Hillary and no business of mine. I used to have fun imagining this scenario:

"Ring" "Ring" Ring"
"Hello? This is Yassar Arafat."
"Hey Yaz, Bill here. Whatcha doing?"
"I'm dodging Israeli bullets, what the ____ do you think?"
"Sorry to hear that man. Monica's here, guess what I'm doing!"
"Sucks to be you Yaz!"

Just to mess with him.

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