Montana Republican: NO YOGA PANTS, NO NO NO!!!

What does their behavior have to do with their clothing?

Wearing clothing is a behavior. Choosing to go out in public looking poorly is behavior.

You know, the inability to understand what makes trashy people trashy people tends to implicate yourself as being a trashy person. Or, as we used to say back in my HS wrestling days: If there's no chumps in your weight class, you are the chump.

Can a woman be trashy in a full length ball gown?

You should ask this trashy bitch.

What does their behavior have to do with their clothing?

Wearing clothing is a behavior. Choosing to go out in public looking poorly is behavior.

You know, the inability to understand what makes trashy people trashy people tends to implicate yourself as being a trashy person. Or, as we used to say back in my HS wrestling days: If there's no chumps in your weight class, you are the chump.

Can a woman be trashy in a full length ball gown?

You should ask this trashy bitch.

"Poorly" is subjective like most of your opinions are. It depends on you having the authority to assign your belief system to everyone else. You dont have that authority so its not a fact but just your opinion like I am trying to get you to see.
HELENA — A Montana legislative panel moved to kill an indecent exposure bill Wednesday after the lawmaker who introduced it said he thinks yoga pants should be illegal.

Members of the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to table House Bill 365, which Rep. David Moore introduced Tuesday.
Yes, but having made the effort will help him pick up chicks at church.
Or his family reunion...
"Poorly" is subjective like most of your opinions are.

And that is where your problem is. Trashy morons like you can't get it through your skull that it's not subjective. When you walk out of the house looking like shit, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. If you don't bathe and constantly smell, it's not on opinion that you smell.

Back in the 90s the grunge style was popular. It was a style, and many people looked great pulling off that style. But then there were some people who had no style whatsoever and were just being trashy.

It depends on you having the authority to assign your belief system to everyone else. You dont have that authority so its not a fact but just your opinion like I am trying to get you to see.

It has nothing to do with assigning belief systems. A person who murders other people for sport is an evil person. That is a fact. It has nothing to do with me assigning beliefs to everyone else. Just because you aren't able to comprehend it does not make it an opinion.

"Poorly" is subjective like most of your opinions are.

And that is where your problem is. Trashy morons like you can't get it through your skull that it's not subjective. When you walk out of the house looking like shit, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. If you don't bathe and constantly smell, it's not on opinion that you smell.

Back in the 90s the grunge style was popular. It was a style, and many people looked great pulling off that style. But then there were some people who had no style whatsoever and were just being trashy.

It depends on you having the authority to assign your belief system to everyone else. You dont have that authority so its not a fact but just your opinion like I am trying to get you to see.

It has nothing to do with assigning belief systems. A person who murders other people for sport is an evil person. That is a fact. It has nothing to do with me assigning beliefs to everyone else. Just because you aren't able to comprehend it does not make it an opinion.

"Looking like shit" is also subjective.
It should be news. The citizens of Montana should be outraged that an elected official uses the precious time in their legislature with something this trivial.
It just shows the stupidity of some elected officials and what they use their time doing.
Damn right it should be news.

Missoula lawmaker Yoga pants Speedos should be illegal in public Politics

A Montana lawmaker is seeking to strengthen the state’s indecent exposure law, stopping just short of his wish to outlaw yoga pants.

Rep. David Moore on Tuesday introduced House Bill 365 in the House Judiciary Committee in response to a group of naked bicyclists who rolled through Missoula in August.

The proposal would expand indecent exposure law to include any nipple exposure, including men’s, and any garment that “gives the appearance or simulates” a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple.

The Republican from Missoula said tight-fitting beige clothing could be considered indecent exposure under his proposal.

“Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway,” Moore said after the hearing.

Moore said he wouldn’t have a problem with people being arrested for wearing provocative clothing but that he’d trust law enforcement officials to use their discretion. He couldn’t be sure whether police would act on that provision or if Montana residents would challenge it.

Now, who is this unbelievable studmuffin of a legislator?



State Rep. Daivid Moore (R- Missoula)
So? This is news?
"Looking like shit" is also subjective.

No, you just aren't able to understand why you're wrong, because you're too egocentric.
You claiming I am wrong is also subjective.

To you, everything is subjective. Moral nihilism always fails, because eventually you have to be willing to accept someone murdering you just because it's okay to do so in their opinion.
Of course everything is subjective. I think your mixing up my ability to understand that with my willingness to accept things that dont fit into my belief system. Those are 2 different things that are not mutually exclusive. When you get older and wiser you may learn that.
Of course everything is subjective.

Then stop arguing, I'm right. And you can't argue otherwise because it's all subjective. Right? Maybe. Who knows?

Typical leftists. If they can't be right, nobody can be right.
Of course everything is subjective.

Then stop arguing, I'm right. And you can't argue otherwise because it's all subjective. Right? Maybe. Who knows?

Typical leftists. If they can't be right, nobody can be right.
Dont beg me to stop educating you. Your opinion is not a fact. Your version of what is right or wrong or trashy doesn't rate relevance. Typical righty. They actually think they know whats best for everyone.

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