Moore, OK: Ya learn somethin' new every day

Makes you wonder why nobody has mentioned it, doesn't it?

I'm more curious about why I've never run across them. I've responded 26 times to 22 different disasters in 13 states and one foreign country and I've NEVER seen them.

Is it something new?

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Yes. The next time I spot what I think is a Muslim, I will not think of this good news story about helping people in need. I will think of a suicide bombing toddler. That is because I am a fair minded person.....always seeking justice and fully supportive of the concept that one is innocent until proven guilty.

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

You are talking about extremists, the exception to the rule.

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Well you know that the Christians Serbs were brutal murdering terrorist hell bend on genocide too. Does that make all Christians terrorist in your book?
Our media isnt allowed to feed us uplifting information. They can only report information that causes half of our population to hate the other half.

Democrats cheer for your team! Republicans cheer for your team! Dont work together! Dont unite! The other team is stupid! and their fans are even more asinine!

Our political system is like a damned sports rivalry. You have a team. You pay money to go watch them play. The players are paid to play so that you can pay to watch. The owners of the team get paid to sit and watch you pay to watch. The more your team wins, the more money they get! The team you cheer for is always right! If the ref makes a call against your team, THE REF IS INSANE!

If we all came together and cheered for the same team, the money would stop flowing from the bottom to the top. There would be no game to watch! WE WOULD ALL BE HAPPY!! Democrats dont want that. Republicans dont either. At least not the ones at the top.

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Well you know that the Christians Serbs were brutal murdering terrorist hell bend on genocide too. Does that make all Christians terrorist in your book?

Its always funny when the right screams about religious freedom. They are always talking about THEIR religion....not those, those MOOSLIMS!


Maybe they aren't highly recognized because the organizations just don't blow their own horn like others do. 1970 up here for ICNA.

ICNA Relief Canada is a department of ICNA Canada, working in the field of community and social development.

Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is a registered Canadian charity working for the welfare of the community since 1970. It is a grass-roots and well reputed organization in the community. ICNA Relief Canada - as a Muslim charity - always tries to respond and reach out to the victims of natural disasters. It has many rehabilitation projects at home and abroad.

ICNA Relief Canada works as a Leader in Empowering lives, creating opportunities and strengthening the bond of humanity.

We are committed to serve humanity by integrating resources for people in need. We strive to provide immediate response in times of disasters, and have effective programs in placec of suffering, for the pleasure of Allah.

ICNA Relief Canada is a global humanitarian relief and development organization responding to human suffering in emergency and disaster situations around the world. In addition to our emergency relief efforts in natural or man-made disasters, we also work on long term relief and development programs.

More at link:

ICNA Relief Canada | Please Donate Generously
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Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Well you know that the Christians Serbs were brutal murdering terrorist hell bend on genocide too. Does that make all Christians terrorist in your book?

Its always funny when the right screams about religious freedom. They are always talking about THEIR religion....not those, those MOOSLIMS!

If you were to say that "MOOSLIMS always talk about THEIR religion", you would be closed minded. You cant talk shit about any religion but Christianity, it is intolerant to do so....................................................................

Kinda does little good when you have people killing innocents same as that tornado did, in the name of your faith. I highly doubt charities like that exist. But heck, people who suffered through things like that would naturally be willing to take help wherever it comes from, no matter how hollow the intentions are.

I mean for pete's sake, those terrorists strap children with bombs over there and walk them into densely populated areas! When Muslims do more good than harm, I will be happy to hear anything good about them. As far as they go now, they have little to show for themselves.

Yes. The next time I spot what I think is a Muslim, I will not think of this good news story about helping people in need. I will think of a suicide bombing toddler. That is because I am a fair minded person.....always seeking justice and fully supportive of the concept that one is innocent until proven guilty.

You mean like the left ignoring trillions of dollars from Christian charities all over the globe to focus on priest scandals and the Crusades? :eusa_whistle:
Well you know that the Christians Serbs were brutal murdering terrorist hell bend on genocide too. Does that make all Christians terrorist in your book?

Its always funny when the right screams about religious freedom. They are always talking about THEIR religion....not those, those MOOSLIMS!

If you were to say that "MOOSLIMS always talk about THEIR religion", you would be closed minded. You cant talk shit about any religion but Christianity, it is intolerant to do so....................................................................

You can and no one is stopping go....stop pretending someone is
Its always funny when the right screams about religious freedom. They are always talking about THEIR religion....not those, those MOOSLIMS!

If you were to say that "MOOSLIMS always talk about THEIR religion", you would be closed minded. You cant talk shit about any religion but Christianity, it is intolerant to do so....................................................................

You can and no one is stopping go....stop pretending someone is

Well of course I could. That doesn't change how what I said would be viewed. Be real with yourself. You can't make fun of religions other than Christianity and not have extreme negative backlash by religious tolerance Activists. Come on man...
If you were to say that "MOOSLIMS always talk about THEIR religion", you would be closed minded. You cant talk shit about any religion but Christianity, it is intolerant to do so....................................................................

You can and no one is stopping go....stop pretending someone is

Well of course I could. That doesn't change how what I said would be viewed. Be real with yourself. You can't make fun of religions other than Christianity and not have extreme negative backlash by religious tolerance Activists. Come on man...

So? I bet if you moved to India there are plenty of Hindu jokes and when someone tries to tell a Christian jokes someone in a Dhoti says "Hey, HEY!! Be sensitive of other religions asshole!"

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