Mordred's Imaginarium Ideas: Reagan/Trump


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Imagine that a time-traveling knight from Medieval England arrives in America/TrumpUSA and is interviewed about the 'quality' of consumerism in the 21st Century by CNN interviewers intrigued by the unusual knight's esoteric commentary about 'capitalism-consciousness tailoring' (thinking that the knight is a journalist working for a moderate-conservative fanzine based out of Canada).

What is the 'doctored aesthetic' of TrumpUSA? Should we care about the quality of capitalism craftsmanship?

Cheers (signing off),



MORDRED: Thank you for hosting this televised interview.
CNN: You claim to be a time-traveling knight from Camelot!
MORDRED: The very-same knight who defied King Arthur.
CNN: Mordred died on the battlefield...
MORDRED: You historians present ideas about possible outcomes only.
CNN: So you, if you are Mordred, express 'great confidence' about destiny!
MORDRED: I'm intrigued by your TrumpUSA bravado-mentality...
CNN: What're you referring to, Mordred (we love your gold armor)?
MORDRED: Thanks; this armor was made by a craftsman; TrumpUSA is a kaleidoscope.
CNN: A kaleidoscope?
MORDRED: Just think about it good sirs; TrumpUSA is a capitalism/consumerism shop!
CNN: A shop or a candy-store?
MORDRED: Yes, a place for great purchasing of spiritually-oriented consumer spirit.
CNN: What about all our media confetti?
MORDRED: Well, there're media fireworks and media scandals...
CNN: Are you a fan of Reaganomics?
MORDRED: Reagan was your 1st celeb-prez; Trump is your 2nd; I prefer 'Trumponomics.'
CNN: What is 'Trumponomics' in your estimation?
MORDRED: An express investment in consumerism-leveraged goods/services flowery.
CNN: Flowery?
MORDRED: Yes; it's why you celebrate a casino-owner as your President; it's all cotton.
CNN: Cotton?
MORDRED: Yes; TrumpUSA creates ample room for great traffic imagination.
CNN: What about war?
MORDRED: Of course...the nature of auction-oriented society aesthetics inspires piracy!
CNN: What kinds of 'piracy' do you reference?
MORDRED: Your American child-like fascination with WikiLeaks/Facebook is a 'theme-park.'
CNN: And 'pirates' want to profit from all this 'modern urban trumpetry.'
MORDRED: I'm returning to Camelot; concluding TrumpUSA is a 'phonics trumpet.'
CNN: Good luck...and may you have fantastic 'daydreams' (as a democracy-journalist).



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