More anti science liberals... Environmentalists: Power from massive Canadian dams isn’t renewable

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
And just when you think the AGW cult couldn't get any stupider and more spin/ propaganda .

Environmentalists: Power from massive Canadian dams isn't renewable - VTDigger

Environmental activists from New England and Canada are demanding that political leaders stop promoting “false” solutions to climate change.

The Vermont Sierra Club, 350Vermont and other environmental groups are protesting a New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers [conference] this week. They oppose new fossil fuel infrastructure and say electricity from large hydro dams or biomass plants should not count as renewable energy.
Energy is a major focus of the conference, which will take place at Stowe Mountain Resort, Sunday through Tuesday. The environmental coalition kicked off events with an energy and climate forum at the Waterbury Congregational church Sunday evening. Twenty people attended.

Panelists said that neither large scale hydropower nor biomass should be considered “carbon neutral” forms of electricity production.

Labrador activists Roberta Benefiel and Tracey Doherty described in a video the devastating effects of the Muskrat Falls dam on the 532 mile Grand River and the Innu, Inuit, and Metis peoples who depend on that river for their livelihoods. The $12.7 billion dam will contaminate fish with methylmercuryand poison those who fish the river, they said.

Doherty said that the project violates the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples because it ignores concerns voiced by members of the indigenous communities near the dam. “We’ve been oppressed people for centuries now,” she said. “It can’t only be the business voice in our community that is heard — it has to be all the people.”

Vermont gets about 30 percent of its power from Hydro Quebec, which generates electricity from a massive dam near St. James Bay. The company is planning another large scale hydro project on the Romaine River, north of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

And just when you think the AGW cult couldn't get any stupider and more spin/ propaganda .

Environmentalists: Power from massive Canadian dams isn't renewable - VTDigger

Environmental activists from New England and Canada are demanding that political leaders stop promoting “false” solutions to climate change.

The Vermont Sierra Club, 350Vermont and other environmental groups are protesting a New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers [conference] this week. They oppose new fossil fuel infrastructure and say electricity from large hydro dams or biomass plants should not count as renewable energy.
Energy is a major focus of the conference, which will take place at Stowe Mountain Resort, Sunday through Tuesday. The environmental coalition kicked off events with an energy and climate forum at the Waterbury Congregational church Sunday evening. Twenty people attended.

Panelists said that neither large scale hydropower nor biomass should be considered “carbon neutral” forms of electricity production.

Labrador activists Roberta Benefiel and Tracey Doherty described in a video the devastating effects of the Muskrat Falls dam on the 532 mile Grand River and the Innu, Inuit, and Metis peoples who depend on that river for their livelihoods. The $12.7 billion dam will contaminate fish with methylmercuryand poison those who fish the river, they said.

Doherty said that the project violates the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples because it ignores concerns voiced by members of the indigenous communities near the dam. “We’ve been oppressed people for centuries now,” she said. “It can’t only be the business voice in our community that is heard — it has to be all the people.”

Vermont gets about 30 percent of its power from Hydro Quebec, which generates electricity from a massive dam near St. James Bay. The company is planning another large scale hydro project on the Romaine River, north of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.


Panelists said that neither large scale hydropower nor biomass should be considered “carbon neutral” forms of electricity production.

Build more nukes, ya stupid twats.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

I read your link...where is the cancer?

I delt with low voltage and high voltage / high amps my entire life and never had any of these symptoms.. got my ass shocked once but it was only 240volts around 60 amps (knocked me on my ass)

From your link

Health Risks and Power Lines.
According to research and publications put out by the World Health Organization (WHO), EMF such as those from power lines, can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Prickling and/or burning skin
  • Rashes
  • Muscle pain

And just when you think the AGW cult couldn't get any stupider and more spin/ propaganda .

Environmentalists: Power from massive Canadian dams isn't renewable - VTDigger

Environmental activists from New England and Canada are demanding that political leaders stop promoting “false” solutions to climate change.

The Vermont Sierra Club, 350Vermont and other environmental groups are protesting a New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers [conference] this week. They oppose new fossil fuel infrastructure and say electricity from large hydro dams or biomass plants should not count as renewable energy.
Energy is a major focus of the conference, which will take place at Stowe Mountain Resort, Sunday through Tuesday. The environmental coalition kicked off events with an energy and climate forum at the Waterbury Congregational church Sunday evening. Twenty people attended.

Panelists said that neither large scale hydropower nor biomass should be considered “carbon neutral” forms of electricity production.

Labrador activists Roberta Benefiel and Tracey Doherty described in a video the devastating effects of the Muskrat Falls dam on the 532 mile Grand River and the Innu, Inuit, and Metis peoples who depend on that river for their livelihoods. The $12.7 billion dam will contaminate fish with methylmercuryand poison those who fish the river, they said.

Doherty said that the project violates the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples because it ignores concerns voiced by members of the indigenous communities near the dam. “We’ve been oppressed people for centuries now,” she said. “It can’t only be the business voice in our community that is heard — it has to be all the people.”

Vermont gets about 30 percent of its power from Hydro Quebec, which generates electricity from a massive dam near St. James Bay. The company is planning another large scale hydro project on the Romaine River, north of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.


30% now and rapidly rising.

Last October I personally witnessed a mega-powerline being built into Canada. Big enough so that WHEN Vermont has driven all energy production out of state....they ARE working on that....100% of the electricity in cloud-hippiland (VT) subject to Canadian pricing whims and export tariffs.


Fucking brilliant.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

You can't get something from nothing, and you can't (yet) transmit power without high voltage wires. Even if you have large solar or wind farms, they are also usually way out in the sticks.

Yes, you flood areas when you create reservoirs, but you also create a new ecosystem. Wind farms have impacts, large solar fields have impacts.

and the cancer/EMF links have never been even remotely proven.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

I read your link...where is the cancer?

I delt with low voltage and high voltage / high amps my entire life and never had any of these symptoms.. got my ass shocked once but it was only 240volts around 60 amps (knocked me on my ass)

From your link

Health Risks and Power Lines.
According to research and publications put out by the World Health Organization (WHO), EMF such as those from power lines, can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Prickling and/or burning skin
  • Rashes
  • Muscle pain


Plus most of those lines traverse sparsely populated areas, and the right of ways are undeveloped.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Everything you've explained gives a fair argument about why hydro power may not be an especially good source of power for society. But does nothing to support the extraordinary claim that hydro power is not a renewable source of energy.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Everything you've explained gives a fair argument about why hydro power may not be an especially good source of power for society. But does nothing to support the extraordinary claim that hydro power is not a renewable source of energy.

I haven’t looked into why they are pushing for this or whether the claims of mercury contamination are true. As long as rivers flow to the sea, the plant will keep pumping out electricity with lower carbon emissions than gas or coal fired plants.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

I would be far more suspicious of their claims too if I hadn’t experienced the effect of the EMF myself. Within 5 minutes of my arrival at that property, I was so sick I had to leave. My husband had to pull the car over so I could vomit on the way home.

This was 35 years ago before I had any idea that there were issues with living next to tower lines. This wasn’t my having an “expected reaction”, to something I’d been told previously, because I had no idea.

I will also add, neither my husband nor the realtor had the same reaction. Both felt the same vibrating sensation from the EMF, but neither of them became ill or had to leave.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

I would be far more suspicious of their claims too if I hadn’t experienced the effect of the EMF myself. Within 5 minutes of my arrival at that property, I was so sick I had to leave. My husband had to pull the car over so I could vomit on the way home.

This was 35 years ago before I had any idea that there were issues with living next to tower lines. This wasn’t my having an “expected reaction”, to something I’d been told previously, because I had no idea.

I will also add, neither my husband nor the realtor had the same reaction. Both felt the same vibrating sensation from the EMF, but neither of them became ill or had to leave.

if you only felt it once, how do you know the EMF caused it?

Correlation does not equal causation.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

I would be far more suspicious of their claims too if I hadn’t experienced the effect of the EMF myself. Within 5 minutes of my arrival at that property, I was so sick I had to leave. My husband had to pull the car over so I could vomit on the way home.

This was 35 years ago before I had any idea that there were issues with living next to tower lines. This wasn’t my having an “expected reaction”, to something I’d been told previously, because I had no idea.

I will also add, neither my husband nor the realtor had the same reaction. Both felt the same vibrating sensation from the EMF, but neither of them became ill or had to leave.

if you only felt it once, how do you know the EMF caused it?

Correlation does not equal causation.

Occam’s razor:: The simplest most obvious answer is usually the right one. But like a true conservative, seeing answer you don’t like, your look for something else.

I only went that close to a big transmission tower once. I’ve had similar experiences every time I’m exposed to EMF’s but not to this uextent. This was one of the giant transmission towers bringing hydro to Toronto from Niagara Falls, and I was standing right under it.

The feeling abated as I moved away from the tower, and the field was otherwise empty. There was nothing else around to cause it.

The fact that I vividly remember this 35 years later and that I have taken great pains to ensure I never got that close to a tower again, should tell you just how unpleasant it was.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

Yeah that's what I thought ...from your link

There was no evidence that electrical utility workers who were exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields produced by power lines were more likely to develop brain tumors or leukemia than the general population
Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

I would be far more suspicious of their claims too if I hadn’t experienced the effect of the EMF myself. Within 5 minutes of my arrival at that property, I was so sick I had to leave. My husband had to pull the car over so I could vomit on the way home.

This was 35 years ago before I had any idea that there were issues with living next to tower lines. This wasn’t my having an “expected reaction”, to something I’d been told previously, because I had no idea.

I will also add, neither my husband nor the realtor had the same reaction. Both felt the same vibrating sensation from the EMF, but neither of them became ill or had to leave.

if you only felt it once, how do you know the EMF caused it?

Correlation does not equal causation.

Occam’s razor:: The simplest most obvious answer is usually the right one. But like a true conservative, seeing answer you don’t like, your look for something else.

I only went that close to a big transmission tower once. I’ve had similar experiences every time I’m exposed to EMF’s but not to this uextent. This was one of the giant transmission towers bringing hydro to Toronto from Niagara Falls, and I was standing right under it.

The feeling abated as I moved away from the tower, and the field was otherwise empty. There was nothing else around to cause it.

The fact that I vividly remember this 35 years later and that I have taken great pains to ensure I never got that close to a tower again, should tell you just how unpleasant it was.

I don't doubt you, electricity still does werid stuff that today we still don't understand..but I say you must be a rarity.

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

I would be far more suspicious of their claims too if I hadn’t experienced the effect of the EMF myself. Within 5 minutes of my arrival at that property, I was so sick I had to leave. My husband had to pull the car over so I could vomit on the way home.

This was 35 years ago before I had any idea that there were issues with living next to tower lines. This wasn’t my having an “expected reaction”, to something I’d been told previously, because I had no idea.

I will also add, neither my husband nor the realtor had the same reaction. Both felt the same vibrating sensation from the EMF, but neither of them became ill or had to leave.

if you only felt it once, how do you know the EMF caused it?

Correlation does not equal causation.

Occam’s razor:: The simplest most obvious answer is usually the right one. But like a true conservative, seeing answer you don’t like, your look for something else.

I only went that close to a big transmission tower once. I’ve had similar experiences every time I’m exposed to EMF’s but not to this uextent. This was one of the giant transmission towers bringing hydro to Toronto from Niagara Falls, and I was standing right under it.

The feeling abated as I moved away from the tower, and the field was otherwise empty. There was nothing else around to cause it.

The fact that I vividly remember this 35 years later and that I have taken great pains to ensure I never got that close to a tower again, should tell you just how unpleasant it was.

Occam's razor's first part is "in the absence of other evidence". People tend to leave out that part.

The lack of repeatability in your situation leads to a lack of confirmation.

And feeling uneasy in a certain condition does not make something then leap to being cancerous.
I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

Ya know I heard that before, even people just living under high voltage wires saying cancer was higher but is their any scientific proof of it or just a myth, how does high voltage lines cause cancer???

Studies have confirmed the higher rates of cancer and they’re quoted in the link I posted.

The electro-magnetic field around these transmission lines is said to disrupt cell growth. Several studies from different countries have found similar correlations.

The US government commissioned a study which was completed in 2006 but they never published the results. One can’t help but wonder why not. If the study found no correlation, you’d think they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

Your link is from a company that sells supposed "protection" from non-ionizing EMF's. forgive me if I don't bend over backwards to believe them.

This link is from a government website and they are far more ambivalent over the whole thing.

Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

Yeah that's what I thought ...from your link

There was no evidence that electrical utility workers who were exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields produced by power lines were more likely to develop brain tumors or leukemia than the general population

Working on power lines would be the obvious indicator, as they get the most exposure.

Ever see the nutjobs who crawl along live cables in a faraday cage?

I’m not sure large scale hydro-electric dams in Labrador are the answer at all. They’re very destructive environmentally, both in terms of building the infrastructure, and flooding the land above the dam to build up water pressure for the turbines. And then there’s the issues around the transmission lines from such a remote area.

Cancer rates for people living near these big hydro lines are high. We looked at a house which back onto a hydro transmission corridor in Toronto years ago and just standing in the back yard 50 feet from the power lines my body was vibrating from the energy those lines were throwing off. I was feeling nauseous within minutes. The agent said this was affecting potential sales of the property. No doubt.

Thousands of miles of these corridors are needed to get that power from the dam to the US, which, as the article stated, involves the destruction of 43 wetlands between Labrador and the US.

So while production of the hydro doesn’t create carbon emissions per de, the infrastructure such production requires is so environmentally damaging as to negate the benefits of low carbon emissions.

Power Lines - Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety from Safe Space Protection

I read your link...where is the cancer?

I delt with low voltage and high voltage / high amps my entire life and never had any of these symptoms.. got my ass shocked once but it was only 240volts around 60 amps (knocked me on my ass)

From your link

Health Risks and Power Lines.
According to research and publications put out by the World Health Organization (WHO), EMF such as those from power lines, can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Prickling and/or burning skin
  • Rashes
  • Muscle pain


I got a major zapp when the wife and I moved into our first rent house.
I was pushing the dryer into place and when it made contact with the gas connection it shocked the living shit out of me!!!
Apparently the electric outlet was wired improperly.

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