More Awful Blowback In Libya: Islamic Rebels Seize Huge Swath Of Africa...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Triumphant Tuareg rebels fall out over al-Qaeda's jihad in Mali

As one group of rebels proudly proclaimed the independent state of Azawad in the "liberated" north of Mali last week, their allies were preparing for jihad by cutting off the hand of a "criminal" and forcing women to wear the veil.


The rebels, armed with weapons stolen from Muammar Gaddafi’s formidable arsenal, took over an area of the Sahara as big as France in an astonishing 72 hours, taking advantage of the chaotic aftermath of an army coup.

Few of the people they promised to free waited to find out what freedom would be like. Instead, an estimated 250,000 people left their homes, terrified families fleeing with their children and possessions. Many told tales of looting and rape by rebels who now control a vast area in the heart of Africa.

Foreign governments were left scrambling to find out exactly who the rebels were, amid fears that a base for al-Qaeda will now be set up in the Sahara similar to ones in lawless parts of Pakistan and Somalia.

“Our law is a legal war, a sacred war, in the name of Islam,” a bearded leader of the Ansar al Din militia called Omar Hamaha told his supporters in Timbuktu soon after they took control of the ancient caravan town. With its blue men, spectacular mudbrick mosques, and annual music festival under the desert stars, Timbuktu was a fashionable destination for the well-heeled tourist looking for an experience of the Sahara, until 2007 when kidnapping started.

Even more worrying than Ansar al Din were the supporters of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) who streamed into northern Mali with ambitions of setting up an Islamic state. They included men who have made millions of pounds of ransom money by kidnapping foreigners.

Read More:
Triumphant Tuareg rebels fall out over al-Qaeda's jihad in Mali - Telegraph
Wasn't this part of obama's intent when he helped to get rid of Gaddaffi?
Didn't the right and Bush I support islamic rebels in Iraq?
And Reagan supported the Islamic "freedom fighters" in Afganistan when the Solviets were there?
Wasn't this part of obama's intent when he helped to get rid of Gaddaffi?

Sure looks that way. Radical Islamists couldn't have dreamed of a better outcome for them over there. What a mess.
Didn't the right and Bush I support islamic rebels in Iraq?
And Reagan supported the Islamic "freedom fighters" in Afganistan when the Solviets were there?

All islamic rebels are not the same. obama specifically supports Al Quaeda, the Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood.
They say the land these rebels seized is as big as France, and it's possible this will be the next base for Al-Queda.

Great job Obama!
Didn't the right and Bush I support islamic rebels in Iraq?
And Reagan supported the Islamic "freedom fighters" in Afganistan when the Solviets were there?

Yes, and Blowback will be blowing our way on this stuff at some point too. It's already starting to blow. Radical Islamists are clearly reaping the rewards of yet another one of our Foreign Intervention follies. It's very sad.
In all fairness to the boy-king in charge, Libya was largely a British/French exercise with obama riding coattails as if he thought it all up by his lonesome.
Didn't the right and Bush I support islamic rebels in Iraq?
And Reagan supported the Islamic "freedom fighters" in Afganistan when the Solviets were there?

No. And libturds like you whined about it when he didn't.
The Muslim Brotherhood is about as dysfunctional as they come. They argue, bitch and moan at each other worse than a group of women.
Great thing about this is wait and watch them start to kill each other as their power grows.
I do not like them but at least we know where they stand which is unlike the other regimes in Egypt that publicly took our money and shook our hand all the while undermining American policy and torturing their citizens.
You make peace with your enemies, you do not have to with your friends. Bush policy from the start in Afghanistan was to broker a deal with Taliban after we ran them to the hills.

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