More Bad News For Obama&Chicago Thugs, North Carolina Is More Red Than DNC Thought.

I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.

So that'll be your excuse, then? If you lose in November, it's because Americans are stupid?

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'll vote for Obama this time because Romney is such a scumbag.
Bush sucked; no doubt. He was so bad that the people voted for a silver tongued socialist - anything but Bush. North Carolina sees Obama for what he is - a socialist. They will not make the same mistake again! Everyone who wants further socialism is scared - that is easily perceivable. He has lost his charisma with most. The only support he has now are morons, and lovers of socialism - more morons!

Yup. People were so sick of Bush and the Reps I think they would have voted for OL'Mickey Mouse as Prez.

Barry was an unknown quantity. A smooth talking shyster of the first magnitude. Loads of people bought into his Hope and Change bs. Of course it didn't take long for Barrys way left leaning true colors to appear.

America has had 3yrs to let Barry fix things. We can all see how well that has gone. The guys polices haven't worked and he is clueless. Time for another change.

Of course there are some out there who still think the guy walks on water. I ain't one of em.
Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today...

Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina...

From the statistics Rush gave today on his show...

I'm sure I'm missing something, but it appears that you heard Rush say this stuff and immmediately took it as fact without questioning it, without doing any research to confirm, without checking to see if you were getting just one part of a bigger picture, with no filtering whatsoever. He said it, you bought it, hook, line and sinker.

It appears that "followers" of Rush, Sean, Mark, Rachel, Ed, Lawrence and the rest just hear stuff and run with it. This is happening at a time when the two ends of the political spectrum continue to move further and further apart, accomplishing nothing of substance as the country continues its decay.

Coincidence? Nope.

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Obama won due to the Research Triangle and the huge number of yankees that moved in to escape the oppressive regimes of their home states. Times are different now with high unemployment and dimples or dumplin' whatever her name is, the governor not running for re-election. The North Carolina outcome will be interesting.

I agree.

I lived in NC for 10yrs and sometimes the politics in that State are strange.

Will be interesting to see which way OL'NC goes in Nov.
Bush sucked; no doubt. He was so bad that the people voted for a silver tongued socialist - anything but Bush. North Carolina sees Obama for what he is - a socialist. They will not make the same mistake again! Everyone who wants further socialism is scared - that is easily perceivable. He has lost his charisma with most. The only support he has now are morons, and lovers of socialism - more morons!

Yup. People were so sick of Bush and the Reps I think they would have voted for OL'Mickey Mouse as Prez.

Barry was an unknown quantity. A smooth talking shyster of the first magnitude. Loads of people bought into his Hope and Change bs. Of course it didn't take long for Barrys way left leaning true colors to appear.

America has had 3yrs to let Barry fix things. We can all see how well that has gone. The guys polices haven't worked and he is clueless. Time for another change.

Of course there are some out there who still think the guy walks on water. I ain't one of em.

I would take your argument a lot more seriously if it came from someone who voted for Obama in 2008 and has become disillusioned. I haven't really heard from that person yet.

I think it is kind of silly for someone who voted for McCain because she hated Obama (not because she liked McCain) and is going to vote for Romney for much the same reason to speculate what the folks who voted for Obama last time were thinking.

So how about it. Anyone here who voted for Obama last time who is seriously giving thought to voting for Romney this time?
I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.

So that'll be your excuse, then? If you lose in November, it's because Americans are stupid?

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'll vote for Obama this time because Romney is such a scumbag.

There are people running for president other than Obama and Romney, you know.
I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.

So that'll be your excuse, then? If you lose in November, it's because Americans are stupid?

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'll vote for Obama this time because Romney is such a scumbag.

There are people running for president other than Obama and Romney, you know.

Yes, I know, but none that I can take seriously.

I did consider voting for Gary Johnson if he got the libertarian nod.

But I think it is more important to slap down the GOP and slap them down hard for even nominating Romney in the first place. Which means making that gap between them so wide they might start rethinking what they stand for as a party, and they'd better come up with a better answer than "Tax Cuts and Polo Ponies for Millionaires!"

The best way to do that is to make sure he loses by a bigger margin than McCain did.
Bush sucked; no doubt. He was so bad that the people voted for a silver tongued socialist - anything but Bush. North Carolina sees Obama for what he is - a socialist. They will not make the same mistake again! Everyone who wants further socialism is scared - that is easily perceivable. He has lost his charisma with most. The only support he has now are morons, and lovers of socialism - more morons!

Yup. People were so sick of Bush and the Reps I think they would have voted for OL'Mickey Mouse as Prez.

Barry was an unknown quantity. A smooth talking shyster of the first magnitude. Loads of people bought into his Hope and Change bs. Of course it didn't take long for Barrys way left leaning true colors to appear.

America has had 3yrs to let Barry fix things. We can all see how well that has gone. The guys polices haven't worked and he is clueless. Time for another change.

Of course there are some out there who still think the guy walks on water. I ain't one of em.

I would take your argument a lot more seriously if it came from someone who voted for Obama in 2008 and has become disillusioned. I haven't really heard from that person yet.

I think it is kind of silly for someone who voted for McCain because she hated Obama (not because she liked McCain) and is going to vote for Romney for much the same reason to speculate what the folks who voted for Obama last time were thinking.

So how about it. Anyone here who voted for Obama last time who is seriously giving thought to voting for Romney this time?

I didn't and don't hate Barry.

I just knew a shyster when I heard one and I never bought his Hope and Change BS.

AS for my voting for Romney because I dislike Barry??

Nope. Its more like I think Romney has the business sense to get this country back on track.

Unlike you I could give fuck one about his religion. He can worship an idol in the corner for all I care.

If this guy can get this country up and running I will consider my vote well spent.
Obama won due to the Research Triangle and the huge number of yankees that moved in to escape the oppressive regimes of their home states. Times are different now with high unemployment and dimples or dumplin' whatever her name is, the governor not running for re-election. The North Carolina outcome will be interesting.

I agree.

I lived in NC for 10yrs and sometimes the politics in that State are strange.

Will be interesting to see which way OL'NC goes in Nov.

i was surprised when nc went for obama.....but this year we got a bad democratic gov who is not running for re election...that just kinda says it can pat from charlotte carry the state for the gop?

can obama get out the vote in the east....i was not aware that the research triangle carried obama....i thought it was the black vote east of greensboro.....will they be motivated this election?
Obama won due to the Research Triangle and the huge number of yankees that moved in to escape the oppressive regimes of their home states. Times are different now with high unemployment and dimples or dumplin' whatever her name is, the governor not running for re-election. The North Carolina outcome will be interesting.

I agree.

I lived in NC for 10yrs and sometimes the politics in that State are strange.

Will be interesting to see which way OL'NC goes in Nov.

i was surprised when nc went for obama.....but this year we got a bad democratic gov who is not running for re election...that just kinda says it can pat from charlotte carry the state for the gop?

can obama get out the vote in the east....i was not aware that the research triangle carried obama....i thought it was the black vote east of greensboro.....will they be motivated this election?

To tell you the truth so was I.

RTP has loads of Eastern Yanks though so who knows.

I lived right outside Raleigh and most of the folks I knew were very conservative. The go to Church every Sunday types.

Did have a few Democrat or nothing friends as well. LOL

I have a feeling the State will go Rep this time round though. Will just have to wait and see. With NC nothing would surprise me.

Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today? Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina, and now the DNC is in that "Should Of,Could Of,Would Of" dilemma being North Carolina is a lot more "Red" than we thought. Hmm, isn' that what Bozo and Biden said in 2009 when they didnt create any jobs from the stimulus?
From the statistics Rush gave today on his show, North Carolina has a 10% unemployment rate, and Yobama only won the state by about 100 illegal votes.
Guess we can add North Carolina to the Romney list now, and lets see if Wasserman decides to move the convention elsewhere,,,,maybe even Kenya?

Naw, I don't listen to obese junkies. However, the Realclearpolitics poll has NC going to Romney, one of the few swing states doing so. Most of the others are going for President Obama, many by two digit margins.
I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.
we can only pray, Romney needs to convince College Grads that Obama 2012 is the end of America as we know it,,,we may as well move to Canada or Australia.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.:lol:
I agree.

I lived in NC for 10yrs and sometimes the politics in that State are strange.

Will be interesting to see which way OL'NC goes in Nov.

i was surprised when nc went for obama.....but this year we got a bad democratic gov who is not running for re election...that just kinda says it can pat from charlotte carry the state for the gop?

can obama get out the vote in the east....i was not aware that the research triangle carried obama....i thought it was the black vote east of greensboro.....will they be motivated this election?

To tell you the truth so was I.

RTP has loads of Eastern Yanks though so who knows.

I lived right outside Raleigh and most of the folks I knew were very conservative. The go to Church every Sunday types.

Did have a few Democrat or nothing friends as well. LOL

I have a feeling the State will go Rep this time round though. Will just have to wait and see. With NC nothing would surprise me.

I found this 2008 Presidential General Election Results - North Carolina

Unless I am reading the data wrong, the following results are from the 2008 general election:

Wake County Obama 56% McCain 42%
Durham County Obama 75% McCain 23%
Orange County Obama 71% McCain 27%
i think it will depend a lot on the gov election......perdue not running was not that much of a shock
Well, NC was red back in 2008. It's just that way too many people got caught up in the Obama fantasy. I can't blame them. Obama was charismatic, cool, fresh (at the time). He COULD have been the greatest US president ever, had he taken the right approach. But then the phony exterior was removed and we see how dumb and radical he really is.

But looking at the run of candidates like Clinton, Bush, Gore, Kerry, McCain, etc, it's no suprise that many got caught up in the new, fresh, cool, inspiring candidate who wasn't really saying shit except "Hope, change!" and the media refusing to report his baggage.

More states than NC will shift back to default now.

North Carolina has always been a democratic controlled state. The state senate and house has always been in the control of the democrats for 140 years until 2010. Thing is it's showing signs of being fed up with democrats. The governor isn't even running for a second term, which it was the same governor who won on the coat tail of obama.

The only time North Carolina is a strong red state is during the presidential election.
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