More bad news Republicans, Dow soars to 4 year high

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. stocks rallied Tuesday as investors welcomed a rise in U.S. manufacturing activity and digested a mixed batch of corporate earnings

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 108 points, or 0.8%. Earlier in the day, the gains pushed the blue-chip index to a multi-year high of 13,338.66, the highest since December 2007.

U.S. stocks gain ground on manufacturing growth - May. 1, 2012

Only a moronic left wing hack like you would think that the Stock Market increasing would be a bad thing for us. This republican is making money. That is never a bad thing.

The point isn't that people are making money again. The point is that the Republican campaign against Obama was based on a stagnant economy. Even Romney admitted the other day that the economy is improving. The Republicans are being forced to change their tune.
Housing in the tank, check.
17% unemployment, check.
CSA, Secret Service and now ICE financial debacles, check.
Racial violence, check.

obama going crazy, double check.
Housing in the tank, check.
17% unemployment, check.
CSA, Secret Service and now ICE financial debacles, check.
Racial violence, check.

obama going crazy, double check.

Housing is bottoming out according to Zillow. It still sucks, don't get me wrong, but prices are beginning to stabilize. Check.

Unemployment is at 8.3%, not 17%. Seriously, did you just make up that figure or do you have some paranoid arcane formula for counting jobs as not-jobs?

Sure, the secret service debacle is Obama's fault. Right. So is global warming (if it exists, right?).

Racial violence? What are you talking about and how is Obama at fault for this, besides being an Evil Muslim Kenyan Socialist-Communist that is.
Iceland Rejects Bank Bailout - The Daily Beast

Iceland told the banks to fuck themselves. :clap2:
Watch them recover quicker than we will.

Good for them. They never allowed the private for profit capitalist bankers take over their finances.

Central Bank of Iceland » Central Bank of Iceland

Well they had the balls to tell the bankers no. Perhaps the public so overwhelmingly said no to a bailout that the bankers are just going to have to eat it. Not like the bank robbery here when Bush was leaving office. They said either give them the money or the economy would collapse. And Bush wanted to give them the money no strings attached. The Huffington post had the exact language from Paulson and it said, "give the banks everything they want and don't ask them where its going".

At least Obama's bailout has some oversight. Obama got the money back. Of course for every dollar they borrowed they only owed 40 cents, but that's another conversation.
Could somebody please clue this meathead in that this is a POLITICS forum..................

What matters is what the people think about the know........the people who vote:coffee:

Hey Chris, you fucking dolt..................Oooooooooops:2up:..............

Rasmussen Consumer Index - Rasmussen Reports™
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Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?


Yes, they can always fall back to their social agenda to attract evangelicals but we can see from the past just how well that has worked.

Do you have children? If so, I'd like you know why you hate them so much since you are willing to saddle their future with the burden of your greed.

PLz explain why you think children's parents not having jobs, or health care or those children not having access to a college education is going to help those children out.

Why would I explain your supposition? Shouldn't you be doing that? I know I'm an amazing guy, but reading minds isn't one of my many talents.
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

So what you're saying is the Democrats are the party of the 1%?

The highest DOW was under Bush you know.

Ignore him... Chris is a fucking idiot.
So.............where did the dolt who authored this thread go???

Top of the board on DRUDGE right now!!!!

Anaemic jobs data hit Obama launch; Official campaign starts under shadow...

Labor Force Participation Lowest Since 1981...

Disability applications soar...

Gloom builds for euro zone, United States..



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