More BS from Washington

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............
I'm glad I'm retired too. This is a pretty sad thing. More insanity from Washington...
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

Me too brother...

Hopefully when Romney's elected, he'll straighten this shit out.
Ollie is obviously a raging Homophobe.

What he conveniently forgets is, that he served to protect the rights of ALL AMERICANS, not just those he agrees with.

Military in Uniform at NASCAR races: OK.
Military in uniform at NHRA Races (With Army Sponsored race cars): OK.
Military in uniform at Gay Pride parades: Not OK.

Uh, what? :confused:

Oh and by the way, Romney isn't gonna' change anything. He gonna' do what he's told by his Masters just like Obama is doing now. Suckers! :D
Ollie is obviously a raging Homophobe.

What he conveniently forgets is, that he served to protect the rights of ALL AMERICANS, not just those he agrees with.

Military in Uniform at NASCAR races: OK.
Military in uniform at NHRA Races (With Army Sponsored race cars): OK.
Military in uniform at Gay Pride parades: Not OK.

Uh, what? :confused:

Oh and by the way, Romney isn't gonna' change anything. He gonna' do what he's told by his Masters just like Obama is doing now. Suckers! :D

What he and other homophobes also conveniently forget is that gays served to protect the rights of all Americans too.

Mittens will make a lot of noise but you're right - There's not much he will actually DO unless Norquist tells him to. As much as morms hate gays, blacks, etc (read morm's own statements), he's more interested in money than in human beings.
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

Just curious..

What does posting anti-Obama rants on Facebook have to do with marching in a parade in uniform?
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

Just curious..

What does posting anti-Obama rants on Facebook have to do with marching in a parade in uniform?

Military members in uniform are expected to be apolitical. No participation in political activities or events, because it could signal a political stance by the Armed Forces.

So, Ollie is pointing out that a Marine got the boot for posting anti-Obama speech online but then they okay marching by service members in uniform in support of a position in a political issue. It's contradictory, and indicates a favoritism for those who are aligned with Obama policies and the opposite for those who oppose them.
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

Just curious..

What does posting anti-Obama rants on Facebook have to do with marching in a parade in uniform?

Military members in uniform are expected to be apolitical. No participation in political activities or events, because it could signal a political stance by the Armed Forces.

So, Ollie is pointing out that a Marine got the boot for posting anti-Obama speech online but then they okay marching by service members in uniform in support of a position in a political issue. It's contradictory, and indicates a favoritism for those who are aligned with Obama policies and the opposite for those who oppose them.

You are exactly correct. Also, it is against regulations for a member of the military, dressed in military uniform, to endorse any product for sale to the public.
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

Just curious..

What does posting anti-Obama rants on Facebook have to do with marching in a parade in uniform?

Military members in uniform are expected to be apolitical. No participation in political activities or events, because it could signal a political stance by the Armed Forces.

So, Ollie is pointing out that a Marine got the boot for posting anti-Obama speech online but then they okay marching by service members in uniform in support of a position in a political issue. It's contradictory, and indicates a favoritism for those who are aligned with Obama policies and the opposite for those who oppose them.

Is being gay political or just who you are? There is no gay party.

If it were a Columbus Day or St Patricks Day parade could you march in uniform?
Ollie, notice that when a liberal disagrees with you, you instantly become a "homophobe." That is because in the liberal mindset, there is no ability to disagree with the approved talking points or positions. You should understand that you should gladly become a nameless, faceless person in the crowd, moving to the approved marching orders WITHOUT the ability to disagree with those positions that have been 'approved.' If you should vary in the approved opinions, then you are labeled. A racist or homophobe or some other appropriate label.

It is the way things are happening these days. I also wonder why a facebook rant is met with an immediate discharge while marching in an 'approved' gay pride parade is allowed. But under this administration, many things that would have been unthinkable are now becoming common place.

I agree Ollie... now I'm a homophobe too.
This is just wrong.........

This decision goes against all military regs. In fact a US Combat Marine was just discharged for breaking the same reg in the UCMJ, (in particular DOD Directive 1344.10), recently by posting on facebook.........

The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history. In a memorandum sent to all its branches, the department said it was making the allowance for San Diego's gay pride parade on Saturday even though its policy generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades.
The Defense Department said it did so because organizers had encouraged military personnel to march in their uniform and the event was getting national attention.

So all we have to do is get National attention and we can throw the rulebook away?????

Fuck I'm so glad I'm retired............

wow. so they boot a guy with a general discharge becasue it appeared that he was speaking for his branch on line and disparaging the c in c, but they now allow this?

PC rules bro..same with the Hasan gig, no muslim islam terrorist verbiage allowed.

I assume these dolts now realize that they have opened up a Pandora box. no one else who wishes to march in a parade should be refused permission.

I can see it now, some morons in uniform will march in a neo nazi parade , or for Polygamy Rights, but you bet they won't allow that, and fi they don't or punish those that do, I expect the ACLU to come down on them with both feet.
Ollie is obviously a raging Homophobe.

What he conveniently forgets is, that he served to protect the rights of ALL AMERICANS, not just those he agrees with.

Military in Uniform at NASCAR races: OK.
Military in uniform at NHRA Races (With Army Sponsored race cars): OK.
Military in uniform at Gay Pride parades: Not OK.

Uh, what? :confused:

Oh and by the way, Romney isn't gonna' change anything. He gonna' do what he's told by his Masters just like Obama is doing now. Suckers! :D

attending an event in uniform is not equal to marching in a parade with an avowed platform.....hello.
Just curious..

What does posting anti-Obama rants on Facebook have to do with marching in a parade in uniform?

Military members in uniform are expected to be apolitical. No participation in political activities or events, because it could signal a political stance by the Armed Forces.

So, Ollie is pointing out that a Marine got the boot for posting anti-Obama speech online but then they okay marching by service members in uniform in support of a position in a political issue. It's contradictory, and indicates a favoritism for those who are aligned with Obama policies and the opposite for those who oppose them.

Is being gay political or just who you are? There is no gay party.


If it were a Columbus Day or St Patricks Day parade could you march in uniform?

I hope not.
Military members in uniform are expected to be apolitical. No participation in political activities or events, because it could signal a political stance by the Armed Forces.

So, Ollie is pointing out that a Marine got the boot for posting anti-Obama speech online but then they okay marching by service members in uniform in support of a position in a political issue. It's contradictory, and indicates a favoritism for those who are aligned with Obama policies and the opposite for those who oppose them.


If it were a Columbus Day or St Patricks Day parade could you march in uniform?

I hope not.

If that's the case, then you shouldn't be allowed to march in a gay parade either

But if you are a veteran who's Irish or Itallian and are allowed to march in a St Patricks Day or Columbus Day parade to show you are proud....then so should gays

Posting something against Obama is obviously political. Marching in uniform at an Obama parade would be political.
I don't see being gay as political
Ollie, notice that when a liberal disagrees with you, you instantly become a "homophobe." That is because in the liberal mindset, there is no ability to disagree with the approved talking points or positions. You should understand that you should gladly become a nameless, faceless person in the crowd, moving to the approved marching orders WITHOUT the ability to disagree with those positions that have been 'approved.' If you should vary in the approved opinions, then you are labeled. A racist or homophobe or some other appropriate label.

It is the way things are happening these days. I also wonder why a facebook rant is met with an immediate discharge while marching in an 'approved' gay pride parade is allowed. But under this administration, many things that would have been unthinkable are now becoming common place.

I agree Ollie... now I'm a homophobe too.

I think what you, Ollie and others need to hold on to in your own lives is that choosing the military as your career does not mean you are gay. Relax. No one believes you are gay. Really.

In fact, normal people really don't care who is gay and who is not. What NORMAL people care about is that there are some really courageous people who choose to serve their country and we should honor that commitment.

Get it?

Feel better?
Ollie is obviously a raging Homophobe.

What he conveniently forgets is, that he served to protect the rights of ALL AMERICANS, not just those he agrees with.

Military in Uniform at NASCAR races: OK.
Military in uniform at NHRA Races (With Army Sponsored race cars): OK.
Military in uniform at Gay Pride parades: Not OK.

Uh, what? :confused:

Oh and by the way, Romney isn't gonna' change anything. He gonna' do what he's told by his Masters just like Obama is doing now. Suckers! :D
attending an event in uniform is not equal to marching in a parade with an avowed platform.....hello.

You mean like as a spectator? How about the other events and teams the Army sponsors? What would you call this?

The Army sponsors cars that race at events that probably have gays attending, and that's ok.

The Military just got rid of it's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy so they can serve openly, and that's ok.

But it's not ok for gays to attend events that showcase it? The DOD gives a waiver for this one event, but no others in the future?

Uh, that kinda' doesn't compute.
US Marines marching in uniform in a St Patricks Day Parade


Now if Marines can march in an event celebrating Irish pride, why can't they march in an event celebrating Gay pride?
US Marines marching in uniform in a St Patricks Day Parade. Now if Marines can march in an event celebrating Irish pride, why can't they march in an event celebrating Gay pride?
Gay Marines watching: OK
Gay Marines marching: Verbotten!


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