More Common Core garbage


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.

If that isn't bad enough consider THIS.

Teaching for Indoctrination

Teaching for Indoctrination | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Common Core is a tool being used to infect and propagandize America's kids, if I read the article correctly.
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.

More likely the woman who was responsible for it would throw you on the ground and dance the tantarella on you.

Now to seriousness. Common Core is accepted by the great majority of citizens. It will be amended and reformed as needed.

Now you go to the corner with your dunce cap.
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.

More likely the woman who was responsible for it would throw you on the ground and dance the tantarella on you.

Now to seriousness. Common Core is accepted by the great majority of citizens. It will be amended and reformed as needed.

Now you go to the corner with your dunce cap.

Why is it that liberal programs need to be reformed? Can't you get them right the first time?
Oh, check out her posts:
Mercedes Schneider

Public school teacher, education activist, PhD

Gates Money and Common Core -- Part VI
Posted: 10/07/2013 2:28 pm

This post is the sixth (and final) post in a series I have written detailing Bill Gates' mammoth purchasing of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). (Here are links to the previous five posts in the series.)

In the fifth post, I mentioned that this final post would be Gates' CCSS funding of education businesses. Then, I realized I needed to account for the nonprofits not yet discussed. So, they, too, are represented here.

In this series, I wanted to present complete information from the Gates grants website. Therefore, the organizations listed in this final post of the series include all recipients of Gates CCSS funding not included in previous posts.

In short, the organizations included in Parts One thru Six are a comprehensive listing of the $173.5 million in Gates funding designated for CCSS as of October 4, 2013.

All organizations receiving Gates CCSS funding can be found here, with the exception of one grant to the Fordham Foundation, which can be found here.

Gates Money and Common Core -- Part VI | Mercedes Schneider
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.

More likely the woman who was responsible for it would throw you on the ground and dance the tantarella on you.

Now to seriousness. Common Core is accepted by the great majority of citizens. It will be amended and reformed as needed.

Now you go to the corner with your dunce cap.

Why is it that liberal programs need to be reformed? Can't you get them right the first time?

Actually, the concept is needed and all the governors were on board. It was a huge lack of transparency and the fact that many of the areas were not developed well. And well, that corporate crap. Then the whole let's locate 135 teachers real quick so that it looks good. Don't look at the liberals. Most of us are pissed.
This new curriculum is about to wear out it's welcome faster than an ineffective baseball relief pitcher
Second grader's brilliant revenge against Common Core math | The Daily Caller
All this appears to be is a way to take simple math and create something it is not.
It's designed to knock down the smart kids.
In other words, there are students who can with little effort solve math calculations and equations while others struggle.
Common Core takes the math out of math. it also seeks to artificially level the intelligence playing field.
I'd like to get my hands around the throats of the geniuses who invented this reincarnate of "Outcome based education"....A gargantuan FAIL.

More likely the woman who was responsible for it would throw you on the ground and dance the tantarella on you.

Now to seriousness. Common Core is accepted by the great majority of citizens. It will be amended and reformed as needed.

Now you go to the corner with your dunce cap.

A great majority of WHICH citizens?
And you support it why?
And as far as dancing, you'd better take care in your tone, sir..
Communicating acts of violence toward another poster is a violation of forum rules..

In other words, don't go getting all keyboard brave, asshole. Don't fuck with me. That's a warning.
Here's a word of advice. Anyone can be gotten to.
Now back the fuck off.
Don't make this personal.
Common core is SHIT....And it will not last..
"Majority of the citizens".....My ass.
BH-BL parents banding together to oppose Common Core standards
Common Core emerges as potent election issue for fed-up parents | Fox News
Opinion: Why so many parents hate Common Core -
I am an advocate of high standards. This type of new age nonsense is not the way to draw achievement out of the typical public school student.
So where are your kumbahayah whoopty doo common core is great pompon waving cheerleaders?
How about a link?..
Or do you want to lash out at me?
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More likely the woman who was responsible for it would throw you on the ground and dance the tantarella on you.

Now to seriousness. Common Core is accepted by the great majority of citizens. It will be amended and reformed as needed.

Now you go to the corner with your dunce cap.

Why is it that liberal programs need to be reformed? Can't you get them right the first time?

Actually, the concept is needed and all the governors were on board. It was a huge lack of transparency and the fact that many of the areas were not developed well. And well, that corporate crap. Then the whole let's locate 135 teachers real quick so that it looks good. Don't look at the liberals. Most of us are pissed.

Common core appears to be just another program which will result in even MORE multiple choice testing...
Testing has ruined public education. Instead of teachers teaching. They now are forced to feedd kids information for the express purpose of having them regurgitate it later over a piece of paper coloring in these oval shaped areas marked A thru E...
American public education is all about conformity and control.
There is not critical thinking. There is no creativity. There is no thinking outside the box. There is absolutely NO questioning or challenging the status quo...
The four basics have but all been relegated to 'back page" status..
When my son was in the 9th grade I happened to see him doing some homework. He was working on US History first half of the 20th century. I asked him if he'd ever studied US Geography. He said he remembered spending a little time on it in 8th grade....WHAT?!!!
I swear to God he could barely read a map of the US....Find Montana, I'd say....Couldn't do it....That is a disgrace. So I went and trained him myself. He did not have a clue the 5 time zones where the 50 states lie....No idea.
Why is it that liberal programs need to be reformed? Can't you get them right the first time?

Actually, the concept is needed and all the governors were on board. It was a huge lack of transparency and the fact that many of the areas were not developed well. And well, that corporate crap. Then the whole let's locate 135 teachers real quick so that it looks good. Don't look at the liberals. Most of us are pissed.

Common core appears to be just another program which will result in even MORE multiple choice testing...
Testing has ruined public education. Instead of teachers teaching. They now are forced to feedd kids information for the express purpose of having them regurgitate it later over a piece of paper coloring in these oval shaped areas marked A thru E...
American public education is all about conformity and control.
There is not critical thinking. There is no creativity. There is no thinking outside the box. There is absolutely NO questioning or challenging the status quo...
The four basics have but all been relegated to 'back page" status..
When my son was in the 9th grade I happened to see him doing some homework. He was working on US History first half of the 20th century. I asked him if he'd ever studied US Geography. He said he remembered spending a little time on it in 8th grade....WHAT?!!!
I swear to God he could barely read a map of the US....Find Montana, I'd say....Couldn't do it....That is a disgrace. So I went and trained him myself. He did not have a clue the 5 time zones where the 50 states lie....No idea.

Yep. Geography here doesn't get it's own class and hasn't for a good 10 years or more. It is incorporated into whatever your state standards are. But, kids are already taking between 12 and 24 standardized tests a year. These are national standards. The state standards are far better than the national ones. I agree with you. This is insane. Teachers are unhappy, parents are unhappy, the kids are unhappy. The corporations are pleased as punch.

I hear you though. I have to do double time with my kid because it's a regurgitation of facts. I maintain a required nonfiction reading list.

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