More Criminal Acts by Obama


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
The corrupt Obama administration is at it again. The Chicago Gangster is using the Federal government to threaten and intimidate business relations in an attempt to outlaw ammunition surreptitiously.

Eric Holder, the most corrupt Attorney General in American history, is engaging in "operation choke point," which uses discovery clauses to intimidate and harass banks and financial institutions.

The criminal Obama administration is a veritable cesspool of corruption, as the use of the IRS to attack political enemies has shown. The willingness of Obama to use dirty tricks involving federal agencies is well known and documented.

Criminal thug, Eric Holder, the shock collar of the Obama criminal enterprise, is using the ability of the ironically named "Justice" department to demand records from banks who do business with industries that the criminal Obama administration seeks to destroy. Among the targets, are manufacturer's of ammunition. Essentially, Holder and his gang issue demands to produce frivolous records to banks and other lending institutions that do business with ammunition makers, in an effort to make business impossible and thus put the ammo makers out of business.

This is a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by Holder and the federal government.

Obama and Holder belong in prison - TODAY.

?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill

NRA-ILA | Operation Choke Point Raises Alarms

Operation Choke Point: The battle over financial data between the government and banks
And? Name one reason that there is anything wrong with this.

Protip, "muh gunz" isn't an actual reason.

Manufacturing ammunition is criminal?

Obama is the criminal - using the federal government to harass American business.

Tell me, if Bush used the DOJ to demand the bank records of every business that sold to planned parenthood, every bank that cashed a check for planned parenthood, every supply company who sold to PP, etc - would you see that as an illegal abuse of power?

Because that is exactly what Obama is doing.

You may be stupid - I mean, you're a leftist, obviously you're stupid, but the concept SHOULD creep in.... :dunno:
And? Name one reason that there is anything wrong with this.

Protip, "muh gunz" isn't an actual reason.

Manufacturing ammunition is criminal?

Obama is the criminal - using the federal government to harass American business.

Tell me, if Bush used the DOJ to demand the bank records of every business that sold to planned parenthood, every bank that cashed a check for planned parenthood, every supply company who sold to PP, etc - would you see that as an illegal abuse of power?

Because that is exactly what Obama is doing.

You may be stupid - I mean, you're a leftist, obviously you're stupid, but the concept SHOULD creep in.... :dunno:

What are you going to do about this? Are you going to join American Spring?
What are you going to do about this? Are you going to join American Spring?

Have you been huffing spray paint again.

I'll ask you what I asked that moron in the last post;

If Bush had used the DOJ to harass banks dealing with the NAACP - demanding all transactions in an effort to put the NAACP out of business, would you have a problem with it?

Are we a nation of laws, where no one has the authority to abuse federal agencies to harass legal and legitimate business in pursuit of a political agenda?

Seriously, what Obama and Holder are doing is thousands of times worse than anything Nixon ever did. Obama is a crook - period. He belongs in prison for this.
What are you going to do about this? Are you going to join American Spring?

Have you been huffing spray paint again.

I'll ask you what I asked that moron in the last post;

If Bush had used the DOJ to harass banks dealing with the NAACP - demanding all transactions in an effort to put the NAACP out of business, would you have a problem with it?

Are we a nation of laws, where no one has the authority to abuse federal agencies to harass legal and legitimate business in pursuit of a political agenda?

Seriously, what Obama and Holder are doing is thousands of times worse than anything Nixon ever did. Obama is a crook - period. He belongs in prison for this.

Depends on what he was doing it for. Bush is the one that paved the way for this with the Patriot Act. Dont cry now. Sounds like they are going after Payday loan companies and other scum of the earth companies. Whats wrong with that?
Depends on what he was doing it for.

Because he opposed abortion.

But that's not relevant; Planned Parenthood is a legal business - his like or dislike of abortion mills doesn't alter the facts.

Bush is the one that paved the way for this with the Patriot Act.

Nope, it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act.

What Holder is doing is using DOJ subpoenas on every bank or lending institution doing business with ammunition makers in an attempt to make business impossible. The Obama criminal organization is using the federal government to openly harass businesses marked as political enemies - AND businesses that deal with political enemies.

This is Mafia level shit.

Dont cry now. Sounds like they are going after Payday loan companies and other scum of the earth companies. Whats wrong with that?

They are going after a host of businesses - but they have no legal authority to do so. These are criminal acts by a criminal enterprise - the Obama Administration. Eric Holder is Shock Collar, not a legitimate LEO.

Do you REALLY support an openly corrupt government?
Depends on what he was doing it for.

Because he opposed abortion.

But that's not relevant; Planned Parenthood is a legal business - his like or dislike of abortion mills doesn't alter the facts.

Bush is the one that paved the way for this with the Patriot Act.

Nope, it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act.

What Holder is doing is using DOJ subpoenas on every bank or lending institution doing business with ammunition makers in an attempt to make business impossible. The Obama criminal organization is using the federal government to openly harass businesses marked as political enemies - AND businesses that deal with political enemies.

This is Mafia level shit.

Dont cry now. Sounds like they are going after Payday loan companies and other scum of the earth companies. Whats wrong with that?

They are going after a host of businesses - but they have no legal authority to do so. These are criminal acts by a criminal enterprise - the Obama Administration. Eric Holder is Shock Collar, not a legitimate LEO.

Do you REALLY support an openly corrupt government?

Yes I do support the government. Your definition of corrupt is flimsy at best.

From your link.

The “chokepoint” in this operation is the nation’s payments infrastructure, the means by which merchants process nearly $5 trillion in consumer purchases in the U.S. each year. Federal law enforcers are targeting merchant categories like payday lenders, ammunition and tobacco sales, and telemarketers – but not merely by pursuing those merchants directly. Rather, Operation Chokepoint is flooding payments companies that provide processing service to those industries with subpoenas, civil investigative demands, and other burdensome and costly legal demands.

Read more: ?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

This is a result of the passing of the Patriot Act. I know you know this.
Yes I do support the government. Your definition of corrupt is flimsy at best.

The criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration is using the federal government to attack legitimate business - that is about the most clear definition of corruption that exists.

From your link.

The “chokepoint” in this operation is the nation’s payments infrastructure, the means by which merchants process nearly $5 trillion in consumer purchases in the U.S. each year. Federal law enforcers are targeting merchant categories like payday lenders, ammunition and tobacco sales, and telemarketers – but not merely by pursuing those merchants directly. Rather, Operation Chokepoint is flooding payments companies that provide processing service to those industries with subpoenas, civil investigative demands, and other burdensome and costly legal demands.

Read more: ?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Yep - they are using Mafia tactics on legal business.

Criminal activity by Holder and his gang of thugs.

This is a result of the passing of the Patriot Act. I know you know this.

Nope, it isn't related.

Oh, and I've opposed the Patriot act since the Day Biden introduced in in 1996, to the renewal by Obama a few years back.
Yes I do support the government. Your definition of corrupt is flimsy at best.

The criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration is using the federal government to attack legitimate business - that is about the most clear definition of corruption that exists.

From your link.

The “chokepoint” in this operation is the nation’s payments infrastructure, the means by which merchants process nearly $5 trillion in consumer purchases in the U.S. each year. Federal law enforcers are targeting merchant categories like payday lenders, ammunition and tobacco sales, and telemarketers – but not merely by pursuing those merchants directly. Rather, Operation Chokepoint is flooding payments companies that provide processing service to those industries with subpoenas, civil investigative demands, and other burdensome and costly legal demands.

Read more: ?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Yep - they are using Mafia tactics on legal business.

Criminal activity by Holder and his gang of thugs.

This is a result of the passing of the Patriot Act. I know you know this.

Nope, it isn't related.

Oh, and I've opposed the Patriot act since the Day Biden introduced in in 1996, to the renewal by Obama a few years back.

So what are you going to do to stop him?
Yes I do support the government. Your definition of corrupt is flimsy at best.

The criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration is using the federal government to attack legitimate business - that is about the most clear definition of corruption that exists.

From your link.

Yep - they are using Mafia tactics on legal business.

Criminal activity by Holder and his gang of thugs.

This is a result of the passing of the Patriot Act. I know you know this.

Nope, it isn't related.

Oh, and I've opposed the Patriot act since the Day Biden introduced in in 1996, to the renewal by Obama a few years back.

So what are you going to do to stop him?

He'll do what any good conservatard would--whine about it online, join stupid groups like Operating American Spring (which he eventually wimps out of actually participating in), and blame everything bad in the world on people he doesn't like.
Just because you don't like Obama, doesn't mean its criminal or corrupt.

Just because you love Obama doesn't mean criminal acts are acceptable.

IF Bush did this against abortion clinics, what would your reaction be? Why should it be any different when Obama does it against ammo manufacturers?

Obama is a criminal - that is a fact.
So what are you going to do to stop him?

Are you huffing spray paint?

When our leaders abuse power we can write our congress critters and protest in the press - which is what I'm doing here.

The key is to expose the criminal acts and not let them be ignored by partisans.

You KNOW you would hold a very different position if Bush did this against the NAACP.

Just because you support Obama, it doesn't make criminal acts acceptable.
The corrupt Obama administration is at it again. The Chicago Gangster is using the Federal government to threaten and intimidate business relations in an attempt to outlaw ammunition surreptitiously.

Eric Holder, the most corrupt Attorney General in American history, is engaging in "operation choke point," which uses discovery clauses to intimidate and harass banks and financial institutions.

The criminal Obama administration is a veritable cesspool of corruption, as the use of the IRS to attack political enemies has shown. The willingness of Obama to use dirty tricks involving federal agencies is well known and documented.

Criminal thug, Eric Holder, the shock collar of the Obama criminal enterprise, is using the ability of the ironically named "Justice" department to demand records from banks who do business with industries that the criminal Obama administration seeks to destroy. Among the targets, are manufacturer's of ammunition. Essentially, Holder and his gang issue demands to produce frivolous records to banks and other lending institutions that do business with ammunition makers, in an effort to make business impossible and thus put the ammo makers out of business.

This is a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by Holder and the federal government.

Obama and Holder belong in prison - TODAY.

?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill

NRA-ILA | Operation Choke Point Raises Alarms

Operation Choke Point: The battle over financial data between the government and banks

It takes a special kind of tard to correlate a bill curbing predatory online lenders with THEY'RE TAKING MY GUNS!

Congressmen Go To Bat For Abusive Payday Lending Industry, Attack Justice Department Investigation | ThinkProgress

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