More Democrat Voter Fraud, This Time in Philadelphia


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is getting just plain stupid.

Virginia, Ohio, now Pennsylvania too, where do these bastards STOP TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION?

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half — 40 — even voted in at least one recent election, according to a legal group that sued to get voter registration records.

Joseph Vanderhulst, an attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, noted Philadelphia knows about those 86 illegal voters only because officials received specific requests — in almost every case from the voters themselves — to remove the names from the rolls. He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off.”
They like to pretend there's fraud on both sides, but EVERY TIME it comes up, its Democrat fraud.
They like to pretend there's fraud on both sides, but EVERY TIME it comes up, its Democrat fraud.
Yep, just like they like to pretend that little white old gray haired ladies might be terrorists, or that Katelyn Jenner is a woman, or that Obama is a black man or that get the idea.

Reality and the Democratic party do not mix.

Yep stay home guys. We've already won the election.
No, we will go and vote for just for the chance of defeating the Hildebeast, while more Democrats will stay home, not wanting to vote for a known connected criminal which is what they have with Hillary.

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