More evidence on failing UK gun control

Five deaths is like nearly 2 a month.

The figures underline what you guys tell me.

Guns make you safer.

We can only look on in envy that we dont have a "God given right" to shoot each other up everyday.
Five deaths is like nearly 2 a month.

The figures underline what you guys tell me.

Guns make you safer.

We can only look on in envy that we dont have a "God given right" to shoot each other up everyday.

Here's the problem Tommy. The U.S. is not England, we were created in a much different way and we are not so far removed from the days of the frontier when British dignitaries and such came out to shoot buffalo en mass...... eh well, and the thing is, as nice as it would be that no one had guns to shoot each other with, you can take the guns out of the hands of every law abiding US citizen, and the gangs that run rampant throughout our big cities will still have their guns.
When we figure out how to put criminals away, and how to seal off drugs and other contraband from easily falling into the hands of gangs.... then maybe we can start to have that conversation.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies.

There is a thing here where the Northern US and Canada have similar gun murder rates or something like that.

Also if knives or grenades have become the weapon of choice it isn't fair not to include them. This site claims something like 13 murders this year in London alone. London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

It still looks like a good number from over here.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies. the U.S. Americans with their legal guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and Britain, you just kind of stiffen your lip and endure.....since there is nothing to stop your criminals from victimizing anyone they want.....when they get going, and really understand are so F****d.
Five deaths is like nearly 2 a month.

The figures underline what you guys tell me.

Guns make you safer.

We can only look on in envy that we dont have a "God given right" to shoot each other up everyday.

Since British police have stated to the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....what is stopping your criminals from doing this already? The answer is...nothing. Gun control laws do not prevent criminals from getting guns, they don't stop them from using those illegal the only thing that is actually stopping criminals from using illegal guns to murder people? The criminals have chosen not to murder people with their illegal guns...when that changes...when they decide to murder because it is easy and the police can't stop better hope you change your gun laws...
Five deaths is like nearly 2 a month.

The figures underline what you guys tell me.

Guns make you safer.

We can only look on in envy that we dont have a "God given right" to shoot each other up everyday.

Here's the problem Tommy. The U.S. is not England, we were created in a much different way and we are not so far removed from the days of the frontier when British dignitaries and such came out to shoot buffalo en mass...... eh well, and the thing is, as nice as it would be that no one had guns to shoot each other with, you can take the guns out of the hands of every law abiding US citizen, and the gangs that run rampant throughout our big cities will still have their guns.
When we figure out how to put criminals away, and how to seal off drugs and other contraband from easily falling into the hands of gangs.... then maybe we can start to have that conversation.

Our problem is drug gangs, and democrats...the drug gangs do the shooting and the democrat politicians, judges and prosecutors keep letting them out of jail over and over again...

Dems want $50 million for biased research to attack gun ownership

But in their focus to control guns, they are missing what causes the violence. Over 50 percent of murders occur in just two percent of the counties and even in those counties, it is mainly in very small areas of about 10 blocks.

The problem causing a great deal of violence is drug gangs. If you are going to solve the problem you have to reduce the profits those gangs get from selling drugs.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies.

There is a thing here where the Northern US and Canada have similar gun murder rates or something like that.

Also if knives or grenades have become the weapon of choice it isn't fair not to include them. This site claims something like 13 murders this year in London alone. London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

It still looks like a good number from over here.
Knife crime is worse in the US as well.

I am sure that if these kids had access to guns then they would be shooting and not stabbing.
Put in perspective there were 26 confirmed kills in the US on thursday alone.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies. the U.S. Americans with their legal guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and Britain, you just kind of stiffen your lip and endure.....since there is nothing to stop your criminals from victimizing anyone they want.....when they get going, and really understand are so F****d.
The thing is these figures have been debunked on here many times. If guns make you safer why is the UK so much safer than the US ?
Its a question that you cant answer.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies. the U.S. Americans with their legal guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and Britain, you just kind of stiffen your lip and endure.....since there is nothing to stop your criminals from victimizing anyone they want.....when they get going, and really understand are so F****d.
The thing is these figures have been debunked on here many times. If guns make you safer why is the UK so much safer than the US ?
Its a question that you cant answer.

The U.K. isn't safer......violent crime is higher there than here. We have tiny areas of the country that are not safe, controlled by our left wing politica party, the democrats. As to murder, your criminals don't commit murder, that is a choice that has nothing to do with access to guns, since British criminals have access to illegal guns.
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies. the U.S. Americans with their legal guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and Britain, you just kind of stiffen your lip and endure.....since there is nothing to stop your criminals from victimizing anyone they want.....when they get going, and really understand are so F****d.
The thing is these figures have been debunked on here many times. If guns make you safer why is the UK so much safer than the US ?
Its a question that you cant answer.

Those numbers haven't been debunked, you not liking those numbers isn't debunking them....
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies.

There is a thing here where the Northern US and Canada have similar gun murder rates or something like that.

Also if knives or grenades have become the weapon of choice it isn't fair not to include them. This site claims something like 13 murders this year in London alone. London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

It still looks like a good number from over here.
Knife crime is worse in the US as well.

I am sure that if these kids had access to guns then they would be shooting and not stabbing.
Put in perspective there were 26 confirmed kills in the US on thursday alone.

Illegal guns are flooding into Britain....we were told, when gun control became a movement, that if you banned guns then murder would be reduced...because stabbing someone with a knife required you to get close, get messy and people just wouldn't want to do that.....Britain is showing us with the rampant knife murder, especially among teenagers, that this isn't true, just like everything else the anti gunners tell us. In the 1950s, our increase in violent crime also started out with knife crime.....and escalated to guns through the 1960s and as drug gangs developed gun murder became more and more are fooling yourself if you think you aren't now on that same are at the knife crime stage....soon to be in the gun crime stage.....
5 people have already been shot and killed this year. (FIVE)

Killed in 2019: The UK's first 100 victims

If only we had guns we could breathe the sweet air of freedom like our friends in the colonies. the U.S. Americans with their legal guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and Britain, you just kind of stiffen your lip and endure.....since there is nothing to stop your criminals from victimizing anyone they want.....when they get going, and really understand are so F****d.
The thing is these figures have been debunked on here many times. If guns make you safer why is the UK so much safer than the US ?
Its a question that you cant answer.

Tommy.....what you are seeing in Britain today is what America went through in the 1960s......I would say the main problem is the breakdown of the family, the rise of single teenage girls trying to raise young males without husbands and fathers in the home, and the rise of left wing criminal justice philosophies that see violent criminals as victims of society, and thus constantly released even with repeated violent criminal activity...

we went through this and violent crime increased from the 1960s through the 1990s....until we stated to crack down on violent criminals, as Rudy Guiliani did in New York, and then had more Americans protect themselves with guns....

Everything posted below is now taking place in Britain...

Decivilization in the 1960s

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades. The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland


Still, attitudes and popular culture surely reinforce each other, and at the margins, where susceptible individuals and subcultures can be buffeted one way or another, there are plausible causal arrows from the decivilizing mindset to the facilitation of actual violence.

One of them was a self-handicapping of the criminal justice Leviathan. Though rock musicians seldom influence public policy directly, writers and intellectuals do, and they got caught up in the zeitgeist and began to rationalize the new licentiousness.

Troublemakers were increasingly seen as rebels and nonconformists, or as victims of racism, poverty, and bad parenting. Graffiti vandals were now ‘artists,’ thieves were ‘class warriors,’ and neighborhood hooligans were ‘community leaders.’ Many smart people, intoxicated by radical chic, did incredibly stupid things. Graduates of elite universities built bombs to be set off at army social functions, or drove getaway cars while ‘radicals’ shot guards during armed robberies. New York intellectuals were conned by Marxobabble-spouting psychopaths into lobbying for their release from prison (Pinker 2002: 261–262).

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]

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Five deaths is like nearly 2 a month.

The figures underline what you guys tell me.

Guns make you safer.

We can only look on in envy that we dont have a "God given right" to shoot each other up everyday.

Yup, we love our right to bear arms. All thanks to you British assholes.
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