More evidence that the South is finally admitting defeat

If the south is officially defeated then why do blacks insist on maintaining the legacy of the southern dialect and southern culture all across the country?

I have known blacks who have southern accents (compared to my own non southern
accent) and blacks who like southern style food (ie the food of their childhood)---
but never met a black who was an advocate for the SOUTHERN CULTURE
PRESERVATION ---they just tend to do the stuff their mother's did-------
just like eastern European jews eat "kasha" ----<<<that's boiled buck wheat groats----------great grandma cooked it and Italian americans eat spaghetti with "gravy" ----
for some mysterious reason on WEDNESDAY. Your contention suggests that you
never did sociology 101
Black English is southern English. Derived from European and African influences. Gullah inflected. Both whites and blacks of the region spoke the same dialect. Some terminology was unique to blacks because of their circumstance much the way Yiddish came about. But the dialect is the same.
The cultural influences are derived from the same confluence of cultures.
Blacks insist on maintaining that southern heritage In spite of region and do it in the name of hypocritical though institutional self-segregation. They call it black but it's southern.

ok so??? all sorts of ethnic groups in the US----no matter how they
became ethnic groups in the USA -----do that------that's why ITALIANS celebrate
COLUMBUS DAY-------its' a mystery to me-------but somehow he was supposed to
have been Italian
USA regional cultures are not ethnic. They are uniquely American and regional.
Italian culture and Spanish culture and Irish culture, etc. are ethnic and all have contributed to the American cultural quilt. Out of that mix, regional American cultures evolved. Blacks self-segregate and want to claim what is largely southern American culture as black.
Stupidest war of all time.
America practically killed itself by damn near murdering over 600,000 men. The union should have been charged with treason for not allowing states to secede and decide their own future.
The union was essentially saying that the citizens of a territory could vote for statehood, but once in they lost any rights to choose their destiny. That is un-American.
Stupidest war of all time.
America practically killed itself by damn near murdering over 600,000 men. The union should have been charged with treason for not allowing states to secede and decide their own future.
The union was essentially saying that the citizens of a territory could vote for statehood, but once in they lost any rights to choose their destiny. That is un-American.
Nope, your rant is unAmerican in spirit.

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