More fraud and corruption in Obamacare


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
Rampant fraud on a New York City contract last year didn’t stop a major nonprofit from landing a slew of federal contracts to sign people up for ObamaCare.
Seedco, a New York-based community-development organization, was sued by the federal government for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2 million federally funded contract with the city.
Eighteen months later, the feds and Seedco are teaming up again, this time to help medical-insurance seekers maneuver through the maze that is the Affordable Health Care Act.
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Yea, how come dey don't have to participate in it???
When Are Obamas, Sebelius, Roberts, and IRS Chief Signing Up For Obamacare?
October 4, 2013 - – When asked about the 10,535 pages of final regulations that have been published in the Federal Register for implementing Obamacare, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Americans want to see those responsible for Obamacare to sign up for it, including President Barack Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Chief Justice John Roberts, and Daniel Werfel, the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.
“What I want to know is when are we going to see the photo -- President and Michelle Obama signing up for Obamacare?” Bachmann told on Friday on Capitol Hill. “When are we going to see the photo of [Chief Justice] John Roberts and Mrs. Roberts sign up for Obamacare?” said Bachman. “When are going to see Kathleen Sebelius and her husband signing up for Obamacare?”

“When are we going to see the head of the IRS signing up for Obamacare?” Bachmann asked. “That’s what the nation wants to see,” Bachmann said. “But the dirty little secret is they have no intention of signing up for Obamacare.”

Since March 2010, when President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and its companion Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA), various federal agencies have published in the Federal Register 110 final regulations governing how Obamacare will be implemented. These regulations add up to 10,535 pages in the Federal Register, or more than eight times as many pages as there are in the Gutenberg Bible, which has 642 two-sided leaves or 1,286 pages.

Bachmann: When Are Obamas, Sebelius, Roberts, and IRS Chief Signing Up For Obamacare? | CNS News
Rampant fraud on a New York City contract last year didn’t stop a major nonprofit from landing a slew of federal contracts to sign people up for ObamaCare.
Seedco, a New York-based community-development organization, was sued by the federal government for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2 million federally funded contract with the city.
Eighteen months later, the feds and Seedco are teaming up again, this time to help medical-insurance seekers maneuver through the maze that is the Affordable Health Care Act.

Fraud firm gets OK to sign people up for ObamaCare | New York Post

This is to be expected. ObamaCare always was a Shakedown Scheme for the Rent Seeking Organizer Class to redistribute wealth.
Do you expect this adminsitration to do due diligence on who pushes their program?

They only thing they care about is "Is it a Liberal group?" If that answer is yes, then it's "Did they donate to Obama's campaign?" If that answer is yes, they get the green.
obamacare is going to be a disaster on all of us citizens regardless of what party you belong too. I am an independent voter and i did not vote for obama in the first place, since he is a Muslim and his associations were all hate america people. I go along with not funding Obamacare and I hope congress sticks to it. People will not be able to afford it and if you don't buy into it the IRS will take it from your Bank acct if you have one. Obamacare is a forcement on all of us. It will be hard on many people.
And that's not the only fraudulent company:

Obamacare contractor faces overbilling claims | The Daily Caller
A British multinational being paid $1.2 billion to implement Obamacare’s federal insurance exchanges is under investigation after allegedly overcharging the British government by tens of millions of dollars.

Reuters reports that Britain’s Serious Fraud Office is now looking into Serco, a massive service and security firm employing 120,000 worldwide, after the company reportedly overbilled its government client as much as $80 million for criminal electronic monitoring devices.

Around one in six of the criminals listed were already in prison, had left the country, were not required to wear a device, or were even dead.

The alleged fraud prompted an audit from the U.K.’s Ministry of Justice earlier this summer. Late last week, the ministry sent information from that audit to the Serious Fraud Office, asking that it consider a criminal case against the company.

In early July, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granted Serco a $1.25 billion contract to review and process paper insurance applications for Obamacare’s 34 federally-operated state exchanges. News of the investigation broke days later, and the Obama administration rushed to defend its corporate partner.5
And then let's look Obamacare outsourcing what should be American jobs to India and Canada:

Implementing ObamaCare by Outsourcing Illinois Jobs to India | Adam Andrzejewski
CHICAGO- While everyone debates the policy points of ObamaCare, few understand that billions of dollars in IT contracts are wrapped inside the law. To meet federal mandates, states must upgrade their legacy Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS). These IT contracts are some of the largest awards in state history.

Last week, Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn became national news for circumventing a three year procurement process on up to $190 million in no-bid IT contracts. Now we find that one of the largest bid-contract MMIS awards will outsource state jobs to India.

In June, Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn's administration awarded a ten year $71.4 million staffing contract to Cognizant Technology Solutions. Cognizant ranks in the national top 10 for procuring H-1B visa workers. Evidence shows that the company is staffing operational headquarters in Chennai and Bangalore, India for the Illinois work.

Our research at highlights an issue that will be hotly debated in the contested Democratic primary for governor. How will Governor Quinn justify the outsourcing of state jobs to India at a time when Illinois has the second highest unemployment in the country?

State employees and managers willing to blow the whistle point out that these are not IT experts on H-1B visas coming in to save Illinois, but that "recent college graduates from India are very unlikely to be experts in Illinois-Medicaid."

Canadian firm hired to build troubled Obamacare exchanges |
A Canadian tech firm that has provided service to that country's single-payer health care system is behind the glitch-ridden United States national health care exchange site

CGI Federal is a subsidiary of Montreal-based CGI Group. With offices in Fairfax, Va., the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts, according to

The "CGI" in the parent company's name stands for "Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique" in French, which roughly translates to "Information Systems and Management Consultants." However, the firm offers another translation: "Consultants to Government and Industry."


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded CGI $55.7 million to launch, its central Obamacare health exchange website. Over the full five years of the contract, CGI could receive as much as $93.7 million.


HHS is by far the single largest federal contractor of CGI, showering it with $645 million in contracts. The Defense Department pays the Canadian company $254 million, the EPA $58 million and the Justice Department $36 million.

The General Services Administration, which oversees many government buildings, has contracts with CGI valued at $35 million, according to

In comparison, in 2008, under President George W. Bush, CGI contracts totaled only $16.5 million for all federal departments and agencies.

When Obama says he wants to put Americans to work -- he's lying.
Rampant fraud on a New York City contract last year didn’t stop a major nonprofit from landing a slew of federal contracts to sign people up for ObamaCare.
Seedco, a New York-based community-development organization, was sued by the federal government for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2 million federally funded contract with the city.
Eighteen months later, the feds and Seedco are teaming up again, this time to help medical-insurance seekers maneuver through the maze that is the Affordable Health Care Act.

Fraud firm gets OK to sign people up for ObamaCare | New York Post

This is to be expected. ObamaCare always was a Shakedown Scheme for the Rent Seeking Organizer Class to redistribute wealth.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.
I wonder just how long it will take for all the Democrats that are in love with Obama Care to start running
for the hills and then claim they never supported it...
Let's scrap ACA and go back to the wonderful system we had. Let's watch the costs for medical services become completely out of control and spiral up faster than the inflation rate. Let's cheer for people as their life savings are wiped out and they are forced to move to the streets. Let's tout our terrific medical system that most can no longer afford. And as for those 30 million who were planning on getting coverage under Obamacare, SCREW UM. They're poor and deserve to die. Who knows, maybe increasing bankrupcy's due to disease and illness will be good for the country. Oh, I know, let's go back to the republican plan for healthcare. And who knows, being a third world country might have its advantages. I have never heard a Somolian or someone from the Sudan complain. Yeah, that's the ticket!! The republican plan!
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Let's scrap ACA and go back to the wonderful system we had. Let's watch the costs for medical services become completely out of control and spiral up faster than the inflation rate. Let's cheer for people as their life savings are wiped out and they are forced to move to the streets. Let's tout our terrific medical system that most can no longer afford. And as for those 30 million who were planning on getting coverage under Obamacare, SCREW UM. They're poor and deserve to die. Who knows, maybe increasing bankrupcy's due to disease and illness will be good for the country. Oh, I know, let's go back to the republican plan for healthcare. And who knows, being a third world country might have its advantages. I have never heard a Somolian or someone from the Sudan complain. Yeah, that's the ticket!! The republican plan!

That's nice. Run along now.

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