MORE FROM KARI LAKE’S LAWSUIT: 25,000 Ballots Added To Maricopa County’s Vote Totals AFTER Election Day

Actually, I think this is a slam dunk and you are going to win this one BackAgain.

Rudy Giuliani and Christina Bobb, former attorneys for Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, got together on Sunday to reminisce about Kari Lake's battle to overturn the 2022 election in Arizona.

"It's a phony vote," Giuliani explained.

"And they have almost 300,000 of those," Bobb said. "It's like 298,000. Something like that. And they have eyewitnesses depicting this. Like, this case is so solid the judge is going to have a very hard time throwing it out."

"I think I've heard you say that before, Christine," Giuliani said with sarcasm. "And I think you've heard me say that before, haven't you? Man, we can't lose this one, right?"

"Right," Bobb laughed.

They're laughing at you BackAgain. Dumb fucker.
Thanks for signing your idiotic post, SillyBozo. But, really, we already know what you are.
Or — and you might want to see if you have the capacity to open you little mind here —

Kari is simply filing a lawsuit about an election in which she has legitimate evidence to point to suggesting that the “irregularities” amounted to depriving her of the justified win.

Protesting an election which might have been conducted so poorly that the wrong person is declared the “winner” isn’t being a bad sport. 🙄 And it doesn’t “ruin” our “democracy.” (We aren’t a democracy, in the first place. And filing such a suit doesn’t ruin our republic, either.)

Now it’s up to the legal system. If they take the case (instead of misusing some procedural ground to evade the responsibility), the burden will be in the plaintiff/contestant. It is the evidence presented which will tell the story. Not your prejudgment.

might have been conducted so poorly?

Or was?

Big diff
No you are right. This is a slam dunk case.

"It's a phony vote," Giuliani explained.

"And they have almost 300,000 of those," Bobb said. "It's like 298,000. Something like that. And they have eyewitnesses depicting this. Like, this case is so solid the judge is going to have a very hard time throwing it out."

"I think I've heard you say that before, Christine," Giuliani said with sarcasm. "And I think you've heard me say that before, haven't you? Man, we can't lose this one, right?"

"Right," Bobb laughed.

Sealybobo laughing too.
If you think the fraud did not happen you have given no reason other than saying it did not happen. Why is that?
Thanks for signing your idiotic post, SillyBozo. But, really, we already know what you are.
I love how you said might have been conducted so poorly.

Now you have us chasing your conspiracy theories. Now we have to entertain your conspiracy theory. So we need to "look in" to your claim that the election "might have" been conducted so poorly

If you think the fraud did not happen you have given no reason other than saying it did not happen. Why is that?
Show us. You guys always love to say "prove it". Well, prove it. Extraordinary claims require evidence.

Bet the courts throw it all out. Doesn't really matter what I think but show me what you have or what Kari has.

She was claiming rigged election before the election. She's an election denier. Liar. Or nut.
If you think the fraud did not happen you have given no reason other than saying it did not happen. Why is that?
Wait a second. Why should I "think" fraud did not happen. Why do you "think" it did? Maybe you're thinking too much.

Funny you admit all politicians are liars but you believe the most blatant of them all.
This is another thread that belongs in politics. Lake is saying this happened and is attempting to prove it. That is not a conspiracy it is someone challenging an election.

What makes this conspiracy? How about a fucking answer?
Well as far as 2022

Kari Lake files lawsuit riddled with falsehoods seeking to overturn Arizona election​

False. You simply inserted a libtard media fake news headline.
So again, Boy Who Cried Wolf. You election deniers are a fringe radical group who can't be swayed. So talk about it amongst yourselves. I'm out.

Your claim is false. Relying on a stolen news headline (without attribution by the way) doesn’t even begin to support your dishonest contention.

But you can return to your libtard circle jerk and pretend all you want.

In the meanwhile, I’ll just sit back and wait and see how the court handles this suit.

Maybe (no guarantees of course) just maybe THIS TIME a court of law will do its fucking job: Accept the case and hear the evidence. Make proper and honest rulings about whether or not the evidence meets the plaintiff’s burden of proof. And then, if so, order the proper legal remedy.
might have been conducted so poorly?

Or was?

Big diff
Plaintiff says it was. Respondent says otherwise.

The Court is the one who will decide assuming it doesn’t hide from its duty.

I couched it properly. But my opinion is that the complaint is well drafted and states a valid claim upon which relief may be granted if the evidence ends up supporting the complaint. I believe the evidence is there.
Wait a second. Why should I "think" fraud did not happen. Why do you "think" it did? Maybe you're thinking too much.

Funny you admit all politicians are liars but you believe the most blatant of them all.
I believe the most most blatant? You have to be kidding.
No Fraud Sweetie.

But your NEXT 3-4 weeks should be ExploSIVE.
You cannot prove there was no fraud and when that charge is made the challenged have to prove it did not happen. The government has been redressed and they must answer.
You cannot prove there was no fraud and when that charge is made the challenged have to prove it did not happen. The government has been redressed and they must answer.
And Why would I need to?
You cry Fraud, you need to prove fraud.
I don't need to prove there was no fraud.

You are VERY bad a this game.
Maybe in 3-4 weeks you will smarten up........Doubtful.
You cannot prove there was no fraud and when that charge is made the challenged have to prove it did not happen. The government has been redressed and they must answer.
I disagree. When the party making the claim says “fraud” occurred, they have the burden of proof. The party against whom the claim is made has no burden at all.

In the pending case of Lake v. Hobbs, Hobbs may wish to introduce any available evidence to refute the Lake claims. But Hobbs doe want have to lift a finger.

And that assumes the case is even heard.
I disagree. When the party making the claim says “fraud” occurred, they have the burden of proof. The party against whom the claim is made has no burden at all.

In the pending case of Lake v. Hobbs, Hobbs may wish to introduce any available evidence to refute the Lake claims. But Hobbs doe want have to lift a finger.

And that assumes the case is even heard.
I think you are wrong. According to our Constitution the government is responsible to the people. Proving they are honest is their responsibility. They should answer any and all questions.
Why the hell was this moved to Conspiracy Theories? This is part of a lawsuit in the Arizona. My first thread about Lakes 70 page lawsuit was moved to Conspiracy Theories day before yesterday by a biased mod but after complaints was moved back to the right forum in Politics earlier this evening. The same should be done here.

I agree.

When the name Kari Lake appears on a thread it automatically goes to Conspiracy.

It's becoming ridiculous and very difficult to understand why this is so.

Not good.
I agree.

When the name Kari Lake appears on a thread it automatically goes to Conspiracy.

It's becoming ridiculous and very difficult to understand why this is so.

Not good.
What Lake is doing is legal. What she says she is prepared to prove. The real conspiracy is moving these threads to Conspiracy. That is becoming quite obvious.

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