MORE FROM KARI LAKE’S LAWSUIT: 25,000 Ballots Added To Maricopa County’s Vote Totals AFTER Election Day

Tell Me how this acceptable in your world?
Negroes used to do all the menial labor work here in Mexifornia….then you slave owners started importing wetbacks by the millions…now you have negroes stuck to their couches and spending their days running baby factories, smoking weed, drinking 40’s and killing eachother…..good job Tard.
Negroes used to do all the menial labor work here in Mexifornia….then you slave owners started importing wetbacks by the millions…now you have negroes stuck to their couches and spending their days running baby factories, smoking weed, drinking 40’s and killing eachother…..good job Tard.
Can you translate this ^^^^ in actual English?
Are you defending KL?

Debate starts now.

What does she need to be defended about / from?

There is a process for challenging an election. She is exercising her right to use that existing process. Why does that threaten the Left so?

I think its a complete waste of time, but she is not doing anything illegal. She is filing a challenge / working a process to challenge election results.

Before we get into more childish name calling - 'election denier', let's remember that it was KL who.handed an idiot reporter a list of over 100 DEMOCRAT election deniers, which includrd Hillary Clinton, tbe Chairman of the J6 Committee, and several other members of the J6 committee.

Again, KL does not need defending for exercising an existing process created to challenge election results.

Again, I think its a waste of time. I do mot support her - I don't live in her state so I 'have no dog in this fight'.

Maricopa County is notorious for f*ing up elections. At a time when the majority of Americans do not trust election integrity they needed to get it right without any screw-up, just a smooth election.

They could not do it. They f*ed it up again. Their election f*-up just added fuel to the fire, making more people question the integrity of elections.

All of them should be fired and replaced before 2024.

Finally, again, KL does not need anyone to defend her - I am a dis-interested party becausr I don't live in her state.

'The debate starts now'?

You just admitted (it seems) you have not read any of the articles and thus aren't even sure of any of the facts / details.

The debate can start after you do so.
Negroes used to do all the menial labor work here in Mexifornia….then you slave owners started importing wetbacks by the millions…now you have negroes stuck to their couches and spending their days running baby factories, smoking weed, drinking 40’s and killing eachother…..good job Tard.
Well, there has never been a POS like Gutfeld, Unless you want to include the CLUELESS pos trump. NEGROES...yup......You fucking racists.
So. Quick recap. The court can’t really dump this case on the “standing” issue. It appears to have been filed in a timely manner. On its face, it appears to comply with the statutory pleading requirements. It contains information from verified and named sources.

And pertinently, despite the protests of the libtarded media and our liberals and the Dims, the allegations in the complaint would (if true and established) warrant the relief sought.

It is silly to make predictions in this current age of an overly politicized judicial system, but all other things being equal, THIS CASE MAY GET HEARD ON THE MERITS.
So. Quick recap. The court can’t really dump this case on the “standing” issue. It appears to have been filed in a timely manner. On its face, it appears to comply with the statutory pleading requirements. It contains information from verified and named sources.

And pertinently, despite the protests of the libtarded media and our liberals and the Dims, the allegations in the complaint would (if true and established) warrant the relief sought.

It is silly to make predictions in this current age of an overly politicized judicial system, but all other things being equal, THIS CASE MAY GET HEARD ON THE MERITS.

...and the existing process runs its course.
Well, there has never been a POS like Gutfeld, Unless you want to include the CLUELESS pos trump. NEGROES...yup......You fucking racists.
Hahaha….you don’t have the balls to address the premise of my post do you pussy?
Why the hell was this moved to Conspiracy Theories? This is part of a lawsuit in the Arizona. My first thread about Lakes 70 page lawsuit was moved to Conspiracy Theories day before yesterday by a biased mod but after complaints was moved back to the right forum in Politics earlier this evening. The same should be done here.
This ought to be entertaining to watch how and how far it goes in the courts. :auiqs.jpg:
Of course ballots were received after election day, Arizona law allows ballots post marked by election day, several days to get to the election officials....I believe the law allows until the Friday following the long as it is post marked by election day?
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I will say this, she was a badass during the campaign, putting reporters in their place and causing her opponent to flee the building she was in...

Hobbs should be perp-walked throughout the Republican districts of Maricopa County when this is over.

They'll just say this is a nothingburger over some ballots mailed in or dropped off they didn't get around to counting until after the election! They are not going to recount anything because the GOP and media are all worthless, bought and sold. By allowing this mail-in/drop off ballot scheme, you've opened a pandoras box where democrats can say or do anything!

The best excuse is that "we've been doing it this way for years! And it has worked just fine!"

Of course it has---- for the democrat party.

Instead, they will tell you it is all perfectly predictable and acceptable that the most perfect GOP candidate in a century touting the ideals of every republican in a heavily red state who had a double digit lead the day before the election lost to the AG of the state who ran no campaign or debate for a party largely responsible at a time of high inflation who got to count her own votes!

Notice that every narrow victory for the democrats happens in a swing state after many days of torturous counting that allows mail in and drop off ballots? There were just all these democrat voters who just could never vote before because they can get to the mail box or drop off box but they JUST CAN'T make it to the polling station on election day!!!
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