More half truths and lies

I can almost hear the intelligence agencies of other nations laughing their collective asses off at us.
Intelligence chief: Russia’s election interference went far beyond hacks Not one new bit of actual proof just the comment that Russian TV was working to "influence" people. Correct me if I am wrong but is not that what all Channels do? More none info. No proof and no actual evidence just sound bites meant to "influence" us to believe an unproven charge.

How many here were influenced by WikiLeaks? Would anyone here have voted for Hillary if there had been no leaked emails from the DNC?

It seems like people were already decided before those emails came out. We had one side saying they weren't surprised and the other side defending her. I don't think they made much of a difference other than to confirm what some already thought.

For decades, it was the left who liked Russia and all things communist. They loved Castro and other dictators. For them to now claim that the right loves commie Russia is so ridiculous. The libs spouting that crap are too ignorant to know the different between honestly saying that Putin has more balls than Obama and actual love for a person. The right hates communism. Putin is a communist so the right will never embrace his political ideology, just as we will never embrace the left's ideology here in the states.

Are we to believe that suddenly the left hates communists? Sorry, not buying that. I think they are well aware that the right and many independents can't stomach communists and they are making an extremely lame attempt at turning some Republicans against Trump by insinuating that he is somehow favored by Russia. The last thing any enemy of the U.S. wants is a president who won't roll over and lead from behind.

The left always kissed commie ass until they made the decision to blame Russia for the leaks. This is the first time ever I have heard libs bash any commie.

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