More Jihad News


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Muslim stabs wheelchair bound Brit to death @ Muslim stabs wheelchair bound Brit to death | Creeping Sharia

Pennsylvania: Muslim Threatens to Kill Mom, Boyfriend over Pork @ Pennsylvania: Muslim Threatens to Kill Mom, Boyfriend over Pork | Creeping Sharia

Spain uncovers al Qaeda network for Syrian jihadists
@ Spain uncovers al Qaeda network for Syrian jihadists - The Long War Journal

Suicide assault team strikes inside Shia mosque in Peshawar @
Suicide assault team strikes inside Shia mosque in Peshawar - The Long War Journal

Some say that Islam is a plague on the world and the more I read the more I am prone to agree with them.
It seems like there are stories in the news every week about incidents like those. How sad.
Muslim violence isn't nearly as troublesome as the acceptance of muslim violence that we're expected to have.
For the record, there are peaceful Muslims in the world. It's just when you add mental illness to the mix you wind up with this.

$muslim with butcher knife.jpg
They've become even more emboldened now that they have a friend in the White House.
Muslim violence isn't nearly as troublesome as the acceptance of muslim violence that we're expected to have.

Who is asking you to accept violence?

A better question is why aren't "peaceful" muslims going after the jihadists with bats and kitchen knives? I'll tell you why...because there are no "peaceful" muslims....only those on the sidelines waiting to see how forceful we'll be in return. The koran spells out what they believe....if the jihadists are getting it wrong, why aren't the mosques setting them straight? Don't bother with your worthless dodges either...I won't bother replying to them.
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A better question is why aren't "peaceful" muslims going after the jihadists with bats and kitchen knives?

Islamic countries go after terrorists all of the time.

The koran spells out what they believe....if the jihadists are getting it wrong, why aren't the mosques setting them straight?

Most Salafis don't follow mainstream Islamic jurisprudential rule sets, it's one reason why they tend to rely so heavily on individual ideologues such as Osama bin Laden for direction and unity. If you need to trace them back to a single modern root, the teachings of Sayyid Qutb and his work "Milestones" would be a good place to start. It isn't a distinct school of jurisprudential thought, the cloest sympathies they get are from another split group (relative to formal Islamic jurisprudential history) the Wahhabis. Other than that you have radical neo-deobandi schools of though in central Asia (see the Taliban). but most mosques and formal Islamic training institutes don't preach such stuff.

In that sense, Saudi Arabia is the most concerning given the large amounts of wealth that can be funneled into sponsoring spreading the conservative ideological beliefs through more formalized religious institutions internationally.
Syrian child tied up in chains and forced to watch the murder of her parents by Obama-backed jihadists
from Syrian child tied up in chains and forced to watch the murder of her parents by Obama-backed jihadists - Atlas Shrugs

And they kill each other - Egypt mob attack kills four Shia Muslims near Cairo @ BBC News - Egypt mob attack kills four Shia Muslims near Cairo

What happens when a woman shows her face in Pakistan
from Actress in critical condition after acid attack in Pakistan | Bring the heat, Bring the Stupid

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