More Jobs Created.

The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Here's some numbers for ya concerning Obama....

"When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.

When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either."

Don't Be Fooled, The Obama Unemployment Rate Is 11%

Neat trick eh?
You stupid fuck.

The participation rate has to do with all people & includes those who do not want to work.

Say my wife is a stay at home mom. The economy tanks and she needs to find work to help ends meet. The participation rate goes up & you claim that is good.

The economy improves and my wig[fe no longer needs to work & goes back to being a stay at home mom. The participation rate goes down & you have a fit.

You know damned well that the participation rate during Obama didn't go down because times were just so great that moms didn't have to work any longer...Are you kidding here...?
The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.

Yep because when Trump took office "now hiring" signs started popping up everywhere to the point of where there are over 1 million more jobs now than people available to fill them.

Again, at what point during 8 years of Obummer did we reach that level of unemployment?
The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:

Actually the rate started falling in 2001.

The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Here's some numbers for ya concerning Obama....

"When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.

When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either."

Don't Be Fooled, The Obama Unemployment Rate Is 11%

Neat trick eh?
You stupid fuck.

Oh and fuck you internet tough guy....

The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:

That includes people retiring.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.

Yep because when Trump took office "now hiring" signs started popping up everywhere to the point of where there are over 1 million more jobs now than people available to fill them.

Again, at what point during 8 years of Obummer did we reach that level of unemployment?

:abgg2q.jpg:Trump Humper logic.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.
The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
The hidden gem is the rate remains at 3.5%, with almost 500k jobs in 60 days. That means those near 500k jobs were filled mostly by new hires and people who landed a good job.

Sorry liberals you aren't enjoying your 50% gains in the market, better jobs,higher wages. But I bet you looooovvve spending that dough...Orange man bad.

Everything is crumbling around you and all you have is a bucket of quick-dry cement to fix
At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them or because blacks will vote for blacks, not because they did anything wonderful, but because they are black.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Last edited:
At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.
Lol look up the definition of racism 2. Will shock you haha
What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts
Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Oh that's how Trump got elected.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary.

Yep because if it had been anyone else he wouldn't be president.

The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

So why didn't Trump run that year?

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

So that explains how Trump got elected.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

Another one of those right wing talking points that is a lie.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.

Trump is riding off of the man he hates and the reason the impeachment is a sham is the simple fact that Republicans and the Senate are spineless cowards who put their party and private interests ahead of the country.
Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Oh that's how Trump got elected.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary.

Yep because if it had been anyone else he wouldn't be president.

The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

So why didn't Trump run that year?

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

So that explains how Trump got elected.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

Another one of those right wing talking points that is a lie.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.

Trump is riding off of the man he hates and the reason the impeachment is a sham is the simple fact that Republicans and the Senate are spineless cowards who put their party and private interests ahead of the country.

I don't know why Trump didn't run that year ask Trump.
Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.

Whose wages are growing, provide proof of that claim.
Great news....At this rate Trump will post somewhere near Reagan's historic numbers....Certainly good news for millions of American's.
You realize that Obama created more jobs in 2014 to 2016 than Trump did 2017 to 2019.
To be honest, there is not one word or stats that emerge from this white house, I would believe. Nothing that is attached to Trump should be believed. As I type, his cronies are putting a spin on the Iran events....this man is a liar, a con and a disgrace and its a shame in less that 4 fuckin years, thanks to Mitch and GOP supporters, this country has gone to hell
Yea a lot of people stopped looking for work. It was really sad.

Labor force participation rate under Obama:


Oh that's what it was, but all of a sudden they started looking again when Trump took office. Unbelievable Smfh.
View attachment 299498

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Deficits, and Fed bailouts didn't seem to be a problem to you until Trump was elected....Peddle that BS elsewhere....Thanks.

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