More Muslim Terrorism in France...and I Dont Care

The Islamic terrorists in France are showing newbie Macron the finger ....right away!

There is more to come ..... poor France .....
I also don't care anymore.

People have to pay for their stupidity ....of voting Macaroni.

It is what it is.
I also don't care anymore.

People have to pay for their stupidity ....of voting Macaroni.

It is what it is.

The French need to learn to be more skeptical about the Establishment sources of information.

Perhaps the next few years will educate them.
The French people voted for more of this shit when they voted for the corporate shill Macron and rejected Le Pen.

You get what you vote for.

Own it France.

Gare du Nord EVACUATED as armed police storm Europe's busiest station

this what they voted for

fck em

Agree.Fuck them.

Pardon my French.

No pun...ok...

cant really help a peoples

that do not want to help themselves

they will have to figure it out on their own

or end up with a country that wins the Darwin awards

'I'll defend Europe!' Macron snubs French national anthem & walks out to EU song after win

In the past French politicians have announced their victory to the sound of La Marseillaise, which has stood as their anthem for hundreds of years.

But Mr Macron, who has gained support from major European figures including Jean-Claude Juncker and Angela Merkel, instead blasted the anthem of Europe ‘Ode to Joy’ from the speakers as he waved to adoring crowds of voters outside the Louvre museum.

The show of allegiance with the faltering European project was condemned by the losing Front National, who have fought to remove France from the crumbling European bloc.

Speaking to the public he said: "I'll defend France, I'll defend Europe, and will strengthen links between Europe and its people."
'I'll defend Europe!' Macron snubs French national anthem & walks out to EU song after win

In the past French politicians have announced their victory to the sound of La Marseillaise, which has stood as their anthem for hundreds of years.

But Mr Macron, who has gained support from major European figures including Jean-Claude Juncker and Angela Merkel, instead blasted the anthem of Europe ‘Ode to Joy’ from the speakers as he waved to adoring crowds of voters outside the Louvre museum.

The show of allegiance with the faltering European project was condemned by the losing Front National, who have fought to remove France from the crumbling European bloc.

Speaking to the public he said: "I'll defend France, I'll defend Europe, and will strengthen links between Europe and its people."

in the beginning

obama tried to distance himself from

Hail to the Chief

and replaced it with

Stings desert rose


It went over like a lead balloon

Yet you made a thread about it.

So he can show just how moronic they are, it has to be kept fresh. After all scientific studies say most people today have the memory of a gold fish.

Maybe too some of t his going on will sink into the dumbasses heads we have here before it happens here as well, doubtful though. Either way we're facing the same bs.

They just haven't gotten to us yet.
Yet you made a thread about it.

So he can show just how moronic they are, it has to be kept fresh. After all scientific studies say most people today have the memory of a gold fish.

Maybe too some of t his going on will sink into the dumbasses heads we have here before it happens here as well, doubtful though. Either way we're facing the same bs.

They just haven't gotten to us yet.

What were we talking about?:rolleyes-41:
Yet you made a thread about it.

So he can show just how moronic they are, it has to be kept fresh. After all scientific studies say most people today have the memory of a gold fish.

Maybe too some of t his going on will sink into the dumbasses heads we have here before it happens here as well, doubtful though. Either way we're facing the same bs.

They just haven't gotten to us yet.

What were we talking about?:rolleyes-41:

I dunno I forgot lmao
The French people voted for more of this shit when they voted for the corporate shill Macron and rejected Le Pen.

You get what you vote for.

Own it France.

Gare du Nord EVACUATED as armed police storm Europe's busiest station

Migrants Celebrate Results Of French Election

Obvious satire: In President-elect Macron’s acceptance speech, he congratulates the winners of the election – and it’s not the natives of France.

MORE: Macron Walks Out To EU National Anthem

Insanity is when French people keep making the same decisions over and over, expecting different results each time.
Insanity is when French people keep making the same decisions over and over, expecting different results each time.

Cowards fear change, then again maybe they really did have their shit rigged. I don't put anything past that Macron he's like a White Obama.

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