The Worse It Gets in France, the Less American Corporate Media Is Covering It and We Know Why

It's the price of both France's former N. African empire and virtue signaling. The Brits will experience the same thing.
It is the fault of the French who for 30 years have listened to the leftist bobos live on TV who tell them not to see the reality and to vote for the social and to welcome immigrants with open arms and that what they have done.
No. Its extreme right wing gun nuts in the main. It far outshadows a bit of localised trouble in France. the U.S. it isn't Right wing "gun nuts," doing 99% of the gun crime......... it is the victims of democrat party education and social policies who have joined criminal gangs in the democrat party cities.....they are doing 99% of all the gun violence in the United States.....

You don't understand that, because you don't actually think or research these topics....

Magic dirt

"Term for the theory that where a person lives determines the person's psychological characteristics. It is a variant of the "blank slate" theory.

Such views are often applied to migrants, both between countries and within countries, with an assumption being that migrants (or their descendants) from poorly functioning areas/populations will assume the characteristics of well-functioning areas/populations by migrating."
Most US cities don't even have cops.

They're too busy kneeling for the goddamn communists, and when kids get in trouble they stand around doing nothing.
Most US cities have cops but their ignormic liberal leadership prohibits them from doing their job.
Should they shoot to kill a few groups of them at the front lines? Give a final warning tonight. Tomorrow you could be shot.
Leaflets? Bullhorn? Whatever. The message is, ENOUGH. we made a mistake to let you think this is OK.

Scattering the rest like cockroaches. They may come out try again even if shot so you may have to say 30 day lockdown after 8PM but for workers.

How much do Civilized people have to endure? This is like allowing wild dogs to roam thru your Childrens home. Demoncrats in US let Portland riots go on every night in 2020. The GOVT set them up a tent city to camp nearby.

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