More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

Bonus points for Unintentional Pun.
Again ... Not a complete sentence.There is no subject.
No noun or even Pronoun.
About as clarifying as the Jessie Jackson bumper sticker :
- Get Out the Bush -.
Who gets out the bush.? Um ... Bush people ?!
Key words "when they come of age"... In the mean time teach them decency and respect, and then let's see how they receive the indecent books after they come of age.

Mentally ill deviants don't grasp such concepts; they all want their sexual fetishes front and center in all things, and grooming children into their favorite sexual perversions is Number One in their goals.
I would ordinarily say an equal mix of the Board of Education,
Maybe pre-1960's that would be fine, but most 'professional educators' coming out of colleges since then up to today aren't to be trusted at all.
Letting mentally ill drag queens and deviants decide is most certainly a bad idea.
Not if one is a member in good standing of the
control group known as Them Democrats.
Therefore Drag Queen story time always makes
available a nice chair be present when telling a story.
One big enough to hold however towering said
drag queen.

If this is the “nudity” that the school board felt they had to protect their children from, then those must be some seriously sissy and over-sheltered middle schoolers who are going to be eaten alive in high school.
Maybe pre-1960's that would be fine, but most 'professional educators' coming out of colleges since then up to today aren't to be trusted at all.
The History books are gonna have a real hoot of a time
writing about this Unamerican display that appears now
showcasing itself even in Grade school.
Helping explain the The diabolical Evil of a Nancy Pelosi.
When she can't for a second wipe that Luciferian smirk off
her overly painted face when blurbing-out with delight
What she stands for.
For the children ... says this Female Luciferian.
A real-life Cruella de Vil in our midst.
Where's Salvadore Dali when History calls.
Here is your nasty book

For all you pretend to be Christian out there:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
You are an idiot..Sorry.. There is neither male or female means that there is no discrimination between the two, otherwise the same applies to either male or female being knowledgeable of the word, and it applying to them, now crawl back into your hole from whenst thou came.
You are an idiot..Sorry.. There is neither male or female means that there is no discrimination between the two, otherwise the same applies to either male or female being knowledgeable of the word, and it applying to them, now crawl back into your hole from whenst thou came.
I short there are and still remain ONLY 2 sexes.
Male and Female.The Left is so desperate and near
diabolical as to use a constant drumbeat of Cross-Gender
Identity Politcs to take over the Electorate.Transforming
into depths previously known as diabolical.
Where Dante wrote as if in jest is now going
mainstream ...
" Come follow me and let the World
Babble -
" For where the instrument of intelligence is
added to brute power and evil will,mankind
is powerless in it's own defense. "
- The Inferno { 1307-1320 }
Let their parents buy it for them, same with all the faggot commie garbage deviants keep cramming grade school bookshelves with.
Good point about the responsibility issue. If the parents want to raise their children to believe in the certain contents found in book's, then let them be responsible for it, not the government.... The government shouldn't be tricked or dragged into the sponsoring or advocating on behalf of group's that make up a minority section of society, otherwise when the majority counters, and agrees on what constitutes freedom and decency in society. Same goes for abortion's etc.

Government shouldn't be using it's power to enforce or influence anything upon society other than those things in which constitutes decency and a moral standard that is agreed upon by the majority. The only place to find the decency and moral codes is in the book of life, and that book to us is the Holy Bible in this United States of America.
Behold why the only thing the mindless thugs of the political left will ever understand about the inalienable rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
Ha. Answer a question, jerk. If parents in some school district vote that their kids should be taught that Earth is flat. Should it be included in the school curriculum?
Mentally ill deviants don't grasp such concepts; they all want their sexual fetishes front and center in all things, and grooming children into their favorite sexual perversions is Number One in their goals.
The proof is becoming undeniable. Sad stuff that the nation has entered into a generational calamity such as these things now being opened up in defiance of the majority that doesn't want such things for their children or society at large. The devil is having his way with a nation that has since allowed or has been duped into allowing the good book to be shelved in America, instead of shelving those book's that are working to deunite this nation.

Anytime one see's the minority controlling a majority, the outcomes usually aren't good. The only exception for the rule was when the black's were needing to be transformed from the stigma laid upon them from slavery into modern day society. That was being accomplished with great results until the deuniter and chief Obama and his racism for political gains took center stage. Now we have his race baiter and senile chief Biden trying to finish the job.

People just want to be free in their choice's in life, and not be forced by a hijacked government to capitulate what they see as their Christian values that are being trampled upon in life. There is room in the world for many things, and in the freedom of choices, but people need to know how to stay in their lane's. If a majority agrees, and there is room for that agreement, then let the agreements be honored always as long as they are decent and in order. Most of the times when the majority agrees, it is based in decency and in order, but sometimes they get it wrong if not using the Bible as a guide.

Not knowing such things has become a huge problem it seems these days.
Educators are to the left because they are educated. Heaven forbid educated people should be involved.
Your worship of the educator's without the content of what or how those educator's are conducting themselves is telling. The devil was one of the Angels who was a chief musician among other things, yet would you follow him into the pit because of these things ???

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