More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

Yet the teaching of slavery in schools, and about those who engaged in it is causing grave effects upon the mind's of our youth today, otherwise who are then going forth to battle in the streets over something that no one is guilty of today.

Tell me how this is a good thing ?

Of course if we can ensure that history is being taught in a balanced way, otherwise showing the bad, and then showing the great progress from it, then that is and should be the goal, but here we have these leftist engaging in one sided teaching for the purpose of stirring up emotional strife in order to separate and then dominate the new environment.
Well, what can I say about that? I think that American society is too polarized. More and more influence is being gotten by those who are on the left and right sides of political spectrum. That is not a good thing, since 'the middle' should have an upper hand.

The two-party system that had served for years as a tool for stability and balance of power becomes in its current form a problem now, causing disbalances.

You should repair the foundation first and after that get to the walls.
" Democratically elected " is now a proven Loaded term.
These Democrat elected Democrat leaders want to make
legislation via corrupting how our Republic is to govern.
Making way for Packing the Supreme court.Deciding
D.C. be given statehood.And Puerto Rico.
Just wisking away things like the Filibuster.
Or who controls and manages our Elections.
It's each State legislature.PERIOD.
What is the Rule of Law.A Potus takes an Oath to
Preserve,Protect and Defend the Constitution.
Biden has already broken those numerous times.
He is Criminally negligent in ignoring are open
southern borders and accompanying ICE Policy's
that Trump enforced and made strong.

If you are trying to suggest that Democrats are attempting to replace our Representative Republic with Mob Rule ...
Then I wouldn't argue with that.
(Not to exclude any of the other Asshats on Capitol Hill)

Although there are many subdivisions of organized government there are basically only two true forms.
Some would argue that Anarchy would make three, but it is really just acceptance of the absence of organized government.

Otherwise ... There is an Oligarchy or a Republic.

You could argue that there is a Monarchy, Theocracy or whatever ...
But those are both basically an Oligarchy where the leaders are selected from a chosen group, and by a chosen group.

Then you have a Republic, which is not a Democracy.
Democracy in its truest form cannot exist outside of the immediate mob ...
And to enforce its will as an organized government outside of the immediate mob, it has to become a Republic.

I am willing to agree that whatever damage has been done to our Republic, has been intentional ... :thup:

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What are you trippin' on? You silly-ass twit of toe-jam-smellin' baboon. You call yourself talking smack to me? You mealy-mouthed simpleton. :auiqs.jpg: I'll slap the taste out of your mama's mouth. You answer my questions.

Now drop and give me twenty!
No, it was you who smacked yourself with own immaturity and foolishness. And now run to the playground, son.
I read it in 8th grade at the recommendation of my english teacher. There is NOTHING even remotely "graphic" that a 12 year old needs to be "protected" from.

In fact I think it should be required reading.
Just as the Forgotten Basketball Great " Pistol Pete "
Maravich.Who still holds by far the NCAA Division 1
Record for *Season average.He was a true Basketball
gym rat.A veritable wizard with a basketball.
Skinny to an almost sickly degree with spindly arms
and legs he was tough once on a basketball court.
There will never be another like him.
I used to practice basketball with much the same
dedication.I got a J.V. Letter in Basketball in 8th grade
at a Private All Boys Military Prep school outside Philly.
Many years later working as a McDonals Manager I
fielded a city Basketball league team.I paid all the
entrance fees for all but two of the players.All the
players were from the Black poor section of that city.
I was one of the few whites allowed to drive my car
hassle free thru the still small Neighborthood that
withstood slavery.
Our all black team was comprised of Kids who thought
they were the next Darrell Griffith { Dr.Dunkenstein }
We finished the year like number 3 out of around
16 teams.We were short of players.Had the fewest of all
the teams.I coulda used a Pete Maravich.
Such is Life.

* All time leading NCAA Division 1 scorer.
With 3,667 pts and averaging 44.2 pts. per game.
Before there was a 3-point line and shot clock.
The " Pistol " also was not allowed to play varsity
as a Freshman under then NCAA rules.
awwww…..more self-righteous arrogance from the left. The parents objecting in Loudoun County are educated, as well - many more so than the teachers (who, btw, tend to have the lowest IQs of all college majors).
I don't believe that for a second.
No, it was you who smacked yourself with own immaturity and foolishness. And now run to the playground, son.
You're not qualified to teach me dick about education vis-à-vis natural and constitutional law.
Most of the state

Our government is that of a democratic republic, not a democracy.
From what I was taught in the school, the democratic form of governance includes three main 'branches': constitutional monarchy, presidential republic, and parliamentary republic. Did I miss something?
Most of the state

Our government is that of a democratic republic, not a democracy.
How can that be when One Party {Them Democrats }
To This Day refuse to respect and honor Trump as
a President.Who within *seconds of being sworn-in
as Potus had the newspaper of record post a Headline :
- The Campaign to Impeach President Trump
has begun - Jan.20th 2017 by Matea Gold
You're not qualified to teach me dick about education vis-à-vis natural and constitutional law.
Didn't even try to do that. I am here to express my views and get to know something new for me.
From what I was taught in the school, the democratic form of governance includes three main 'branches': constitutional monarchy, presidential republic, and parliamentary republic. Did I miss something?
Actually, there are essentially three types of democratic republics.
There are exceptions - and jusr because you have a Master’s in Education means nothing, other than you were indoctrinated with leftist thinking.

Generally speaking, those who major in education bring up the rear in terms of intelligence. And where I live, these mediocre people reach close to $100,000 by their late 30s - and with summers off. Pretty good for people whose IQ falls within the average range.
We used to have a saying in the military shooter competition world, and as instructors we reminded each other a lot.

Those who can, DO....

Those who can't, TEACH....

Now there wasn't an individual one of us SGT's there who couldn't punch clovers on paper all day long. Some dudes were former SFG's, SWAT guys, or competition guys. I was at the lower end of the instructors as far as talent went to be honest. I never did rank the lowest in any match, but I never scored enough points to win major trophies or patches.

I did once beat the SGM of our training Academy in a steel match though, and that's why I got to be an instructor. Plus I could holler like a Drill Sergeant and run a range in full voice without a PA system.

Real operators however run until they're done. The guys you see on the internet and opening "tactical schools" usually aren't the Tier One Delta Team 6 guy who killed osama they claim to be.

That is the basis of my point. A REAL "litigator", CPA, or other serious professional does it for a living, gets paid well, and retires. Unless they're a rare breed and has a PASSION for teaching, they might teach classes on their own because they want that next generation of tradesmen or professionals to be highly qualified and succeed.

That said exactly what is a "professional educator"? Then consider how many asinine subjects "educators" get "masters" in, like "gender studies". Some of the dumbest fucks I've ever met could wall paper a stadium with "certificates" yet not comprehend a concept as simple as the fact that climate changes on it's own, criminals don't obey MURDER LAWS or gun laws, and that collectivism has been failing every attempt by humans to make it work thousands of years before marx was born.
Not just prayer and faith works for you, because you have attributes that allow you to know what everyone else don't know eh ??
It's actually the opposite, but I don't expect you to know any better. You think your 'beliefs' are superior because a majority holds them. That's really all you have.
Consensus requires unanimous approval. That is definitely not what I was talking about.

Sorry ... But I live in a Democratically Elected Representative Republic where every citizen has a say-so ...
Not just the mob you are trying to create in the "middle".

Look at what you suggested was the problem with that ... And you are simply dissatisfied with the two mobs you see.
Let your Principles guide you ... Not who can create the largest mob, and even if it is in the middle.

People like you who need to look to the Federal Government for guidance ... Are the problem ... :thup:

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