More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

There are exceptions - and jusr because you have a Master’s in Education means nothing, other than you were indoctrinated with leftist thinking.

Generally speaking, those who major in education bring up the rear in terms of intelligence. And where I live, these mediocre people reach close to $100,000 by their late 30s - and with summers off. Pretty good for people whose IQ falls within the average range.
Mine does not. And teachers need the summer off. Anyone who understands education would realise that.
Attempts by conservative activists to regulate how schools discuss race, sexuality and gender have contributed to an ongoing effort to remove books seen as controversial from school curricula and libraries.
Isnt there a similar push from the left for subject matter that they happen to like?

who died and made sexual deviants the emperor's of education?
I am also a member of a group of people who started an alternative school.
Well, saying that 'the People' have a right on direct actions is somewhat vague statement. In what cases? How should it be realized? What 'algorithm' of these actions should be? It raises more questions, than gives answers.

Some group of people can't just declare inability of local assembly to resolve some issue and do what they see as appropriate.

The algorithm is Life.

More specifically ... We all govern ourselves every damn day.
It's not vague ... You do it every minute you are awake.

You don't need the government to tell you what to do ... :thup:
Well ... Maybe you do.

I am also a member of a group of people who started an alternative school.
And....................what does THAT TEACH.......America Sucks subjects.........How to properly burn the flag..........

Berkley style Brain Washing.........hmmm
Well, what can I say about that? I think that American society is too polarized. More and more influence is being gotten by those who are on the left and right sides of political spectrum. That is not a good thing, since 'the middle' should have an upper hand.

The two-party system that had served for years as a tool for stability and balance of power becomes in its current form a problem now, causing disbalances.

You should repair the foundation first and after that get to the walls.
Problem is excepting the fact that there is a deep state working to undermine the foundation in hopes to collapse the walls in which it can no longer stand to see standing. Now where all this is leading is yet to be known, but to give in isn't an option.

Sorry ... But I live in a Democratically Elected Representative Republic where every citizen has a say-so ...
Not just the mob you are trying to create in the "middle".

Look at what you suggested was the problem with that ... And you are simply dissatisfied with the two mobs you see.
Let your Principles guide you ... Not who can create the largest mob, and even if it is in the middle.

People like you who need to look to the Federal Government for guidance ... Are the problem ... :thup:

I think you two are basically on the same team, uhhh with maybe just a little issues here and there to work through.
I think you’re underestimating 12 year olds if you think they don’t already have a pretty good idea. I know I and all my classmates knew about death camps by the time we were in 8th grade.

To be blunt, any 12 year old who doesn’t know the basics of the holocaust is spectacularly ignorant, overly sheltered, or both.
But why put that on their shoulder's at such a young age ? If the parents do so then fine, but the public education system shouldn't be foisting upon or fostering burden's that are then put into the minds of student's at least until a proper age is reached, otherwise for that burdensome information to be given or taught to them. Maybe 12 ain't so young, but it sure seems young when it comes to learning what should be 11th grade history.

Hell are we to justify ageless learning next ?? How young should we go ???? Next the parent's of these new world child global citizen's will try to be justified in their bull crap of teaching bad thing's at way to young an age to their new world global children. Oh wait, that's already been happening. My bad.
Ya, like they wouldn’t have figured it out without the banned book about Rosa Parks :rolleyes:
Here we go... Gotta get that race card in there.... If they banned Rosa Parks back in the day, then that has since been corrected. Certain material is great, and it should be presented and told in a balanced way, not in a highly volatile and racist way. We see what that has caused now. We got people thinking that slavery happened 3 days ago, and they are going to do something about it. LOL.
Funny how conservatives complain about companies like Amazon,Facebook,Twitter and such censoring their viewpoints.

But they see no problem with making a schoolboard censor books that have viewpoints they don't agree with.
Funny how conservatives complain about companies like Amazon,Facebook,Twitter and such censoring their viewpoints.

But they see no problem with making a schoolboard censor books that have viewpoints they don't agree with.
If their kids are there and you pushing CRT saying WHITES are ALL RASCIST............then.................YOUR DAMN SKIPPY.

Not your damned business to teach it.
Funny how conservatives complain about companies like Amazon,Facebook,Twitter and such censoring their viewpoints.

But they see no problem with making a schoolboard censor books that have viewpoints they don't agree with.
Not view points, but to push the narrative that it's ok for indecent content to be easily available for the eye's of school children, uhhhhhh NOPE.
It seems to be going the way of the dinosaur. There is NO history that is not offensive to someone and that seems to be the deciding factor for what remains as history and what is forgotten. If it is offensive to someone, tear it down. Sad.
That’s where my train of thought goes, the bigger picture underlying the guise of protecting the innocence of 8th graders. Eighth graders are 13 to 14 to 15 years old (failed a grade or held back) by that age. Eighth grade 12 years old in my state would have to be smart enough to skip a grade level. I’ll have to check out other states’ public school age requirements to be better informed.

Erasing history that’s uncomfortable, like removing statues that cause discomfort by reminding people of a past event. It’s a very different thing to select current public artifacts to represent current times, as opposed to removing (attempting to erase?) historical monuments of national yesteryear. Not much difference in what’s being attempted by banning this book.

By the way, some might not realize that “13 is the new 16” for most students of that formerly tender age relative to reading, hearing, and all things internet unless sheltered from reality.
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ban “The Bluest Eye,” a novel by the Nobel laureate Toni Morrison, which depicts the struggles of a young Black girl dealing with racism.
A black woman writes a book atbout black struggles and they ban it. women are not to speak of the horrors they faced because it might upset someone? Tough shit. We ALL need to, white, asian, hispanic, etc. And the younger the better (like 14 years old) so maybe THEIR generation can learn from the previous generations. But, just sweep it under the rug instead.
I think you two are basically on the same team, uhhh with maybe just a little issues here and there to work through.

Maybe ... If "team", and "working through" means I either don't worry about it ...
Or they don't ask me twice.

There isn't an "I" in team ... But there is an "M" and an "E".
That's what I can do for the team.

They don't have to agree with me ... :auiqs.jpg:

First they remove books from schools, then they will burn the books and after that they will burn human beings.

That's the natural progression of the Leftist Fascism/Nazism .

The more History changes the more it remains the same, sadly.

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