More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

What you consider to be or not be appropriate for a 12-year-old is a matter of opinion. I believe the horrors of the Holocaust should be taught only when students have reached a level of maturity to process the degree of evil involved.
I think you’re underestimating 12 year olds if you think they don’t already have a pretty good idea. I know I and all my classmates knew about death camps by the time we were in 8th grade.

To be blunt, any 12 year old who doesn’t know the basics of the holocaust is spectacularly ignorant, overly sheltered, or both.
From what I was taught in the school, the democratic form of governance includes three main 'branches': constitutional monarchy, presidential republic, and parliamentary republic. Did I miss something?
No ... Just missed everything.As if our Founding was
joshing about how Kings or Monarchy rule.
That is why each state has 2 and only 2 senators.
No matter the size of that state.
There is virtually no such thing as a
Constitutional Monarchy.The two words are polar
opposites.Constitutional meaning by written acceptance
of provisions,as voted upon and in majority.
Monarchy ... by sole power of Monarch.
Yes,our Potus are heads of state.Like other countries.
But he controls mostly the Executive Branch.
Not Congress or the Legislative branch.
A Potus may posess Plenary Powers.But that isn't
set in stone.
A Potus was never intended nor presumed to be
a Ruler.Our Founders took great strides in implementing
a system of checks and balances.
I think you’re underestimating 12 year olds if you think they don’t already have a pretty good idea. I know I and all my classmates knew about death camps by the time we were in 8th grade.

To be blunt, any 12 year old who doesn’t know the basics of the holocaust is spectacularly ignorant, overly sheltered, or both.
I didn’t say that are ignorant of the Holocaust. We just don’t have to get into all the gory details at the young age. Should we tell them exactly what Mengele did, with specific examples?
I didn’t say that are ignorant of the Holocaust. We just don’t have to get into all the gory details at the young age. Should we tell them exactly what Mengele did, with specific examples?
Probably not.

But Maus doesn’t portray anything remotely like that.

I think your judging this book sight unseen based on the judgement of a bunch of school board biddies. It’s a tasteful book.

Sorry ... But I live in a Democratically Elected Representative Republic where every citizen has a say-so ...
Not just the mob you are trying to create in the "middle".

Look at what you suggested was the problem with that ... And you are simply dissatisfied with the two mobs you see.
Let your Principles guide you ... Not who can create the largest mob, and even if it is in the middle.

People like you who need to look to the Federal Government for guidance ... Are the problem ... :thup:

Just for the record ... did that theorem of yourn apply
when Congress was ruled by the GOP under a Dem
Potus.Like in 2015.The huge daily bugagboo over
giving Merrick Garland a Scotus Nomination.
Or anything Trump did when in total control of
the Government.Starting in 2017 and ending in 2018.
Just for record.
And engaging like you do here ?? Scary stuff.

It's entirely possible; they need seat warmers and grade inflation since the the 1960's has been producing Ph.D's with 5th grade educations and a lot of inane pop psychology fads marketed to gullible hippies by marxist shills and sociopaths.
There are exceptions - and jusr because you have a Master’s in Education means nothing, other than you were indoctrinated with leftist thinking.

Generally speaking, those who major in education bring up the rear in terms of intelligence. And where I live, these mediocre people reach close to $100,000 by their late 30s - and with summers off. Pretty good for people whose IQ falls within the average range.

I found math and physics teachers to be among the exceptions; not all of them but more than the average. Most college students in freshman and sophomore classes these days are lucky if they get a grad student 'assistant professor' who can speak clear English.
Well, what can I say about that? I think that American society is too polarized. More and more influence is being gotten by those who are on the left and right sides of political spectrum. That is not a good thing, since 'the middle' should have an upper hand.

The two-party system that had served for years as a tool for stability and balance of power becomes in its current form a problem now, causing disbalances.

You should repair the foundation first and after that get to the walls.
In a way I agree, but in another way I get on the vehemently disagree side.

Yes, we are too "polarized" but in essence on almost every issue there is a "RIGHT" OR JUST FUCKING WRONG.

The "grey areas" are almost universally tilted towards the "right" and by that I mean those those of us who reject collectivism, despotic authority, immorality and shit that's just obviously disgusting and evil.

Yet shit as fuckin evil and abhorrent as 3rd world children being sold into sex slavery is emboldened by the agenda of leftist politics and every effort to combat it is demonized as "racist". So yeah... "the middle" needs to get "woke" but then get a big fuckin cup of coffee and finally put a massive stake in the heart of the left because there is no "grey", it's all just pure black evil.


Sorry ... But I live in a Democratically Elected Representative Republic where every citizen has a say-so ...
Not just the mob you are trying to create in the "middle".

Look at what you suggested was the problem with that ... And you are simply dissatisfied with the two mobs you see.
Let your Principles guide you ... Not who can create the largest mob, and even if it is in the middle.

People like you who need to look to the Federal Government for guidance ... Are the problem ... :thup:

Principles of one person can guide the society. To put this in motion, this person needs enough of their like-minded fellows to choose enough representatives who will pursue needed policy on a 'federal' level.
I found math and physics teachers to be among the exceptions; not all of them but more than the average. Most college students in freshman and sophomore classes these days are lucky if they get a grad student 'assistant professor' who can speak clear English.
Agree, or course. If you look at the IQ rankings, math/physics/engineering majors top the list, and if you are going to teach those subjects at the college level, you have had to take those courses yourself.

And true re the freshmen and sophomore classes. One often doesn’t get a full-fledged professor until junior and senior years, particularly in the large state universities.
Principles of one person can guide the society. To put this in motion, this person needs enough of their like-minded fellows to choose enough representatives who will pursue needed policy on a 'federal' level.

That's what I meant when I posted that people who need guidance from The Federal Government are the problem.
Even the Founders were willing to understand where the power really resides when they wrote the 10th Amendment.

The last three words in the 10th Amendment are ... "or the People" ... :thup:

That indicates that in certain circumstances, the People are better served governing themselves ...
And the idea that foolishly granting the government the power to reign over you can be a mistake.

Just for the record ... did that theorem of yourn apply
when Congress was ruled by the GOP under a Dem
Potus.Like in 2015.The huge daily bugagboo over
giving Merrick Garland a Scotus Nomination.
Or anything Trump did when in total control of
the Government.Starting in 2017 and ending in 2018.
Just for record.

Technically if you are going to ask for specifics ...
I have had little confidence in the Federal Government since before I was old enough to vote.

I still vote, every time there is something to vote for.
I am just not interested in playing the stupid Left-Right game, that leads to nothing more than perpetual failure.

My views and Principles have not changed and will not change.
I will vote for whomever comes closest to them,
and with the understanding that practically no one will ever mirror or dovetail my views perfectly.

I simply take comfort in the idea that none of it is worth me getting to the point that ...
"Burn It All to the Ground", is an acceptable option.

You can put that on the record ... :thup:

I never got depressed or "pissed off" by History. It was one of my favorite subjects.
It seems to be going the way of the dinosaur. There is NO history that is not offensive to someone and that seems to be the deciding factor for what remains as history and what is forgotten. If it is offensive to someone, tear it down. Sad.

That's what I meant when I posted that people who need guidance from The Federal Government are the problem.
Even the Founders were willing to understand where the power really resides when they wrote the 10th Amendment.

The last three words in the 10th Amendment are ... "or the People" ... :thup:

That indicates that in certain circumstances, the People are better served governing themselves ...
And the idea that foolishly granting the government the power to reign over you can be a mistake.

Well, saying that 'the People' have a right on direct actions is somewhat vague statement. In what cases? How should it be realized? What 'algorithm' of these actions should be? It raises more questions, than gives answers.

Some group of people can't just declare inability of local assembly to resolve some issue and do what they see as appropriate.
......and I am the former finance minister for the recently deposed prime minister of Nigeria, and have a wonderful business opportunity to present to you.
I am also a member of a group of people who started an alternative school.

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