More Of The Usual Nonsense From The Democrat Candidates


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
We know what they really want, and we're not going that way. Couching it in "for the children" language is as hypocritical as it gets.

They want their kids to have futures. Too bad Republicans don’t feel that way. But we’re going to need ditch diggers from somewhere.
They're as two faced as they come.

Did you see CNN airing Golden Corral steak commercials while at the same time promoting the strict regulation of beef consumption during the FAILED Climate debate?
They want their kids to have futures.

Right. Dragging their kids from the womb by the millions and selling the parts isn't much of a future.
Democrats celebrate black genocide by masquerading it as "healthcare"
Republicans celebrate black genocide by running campaigns saying they would go to a public hanging.

Please provide documentation that she was referring to a member of the black community.
They want their kids to have futures.

Right. Dragging their kids from the womb by the millions and selling the parts isn't much of a future.
Democrats celebrate black genocide by masquerading it as "healthcare"
Republicans celebrate black genocide by running campaigns saying they would go to a public hanging.

I'm all for public hangings, or having a guillotine in the public square, firing squads at the largest stadium in the area.

and skin color has nothing to do with it.
They want their kids to have futures. Too bad Republicans don’t feel that way. But we’re going to need ditch diggers from somewhere.
The kids being turned out by public schools will be perfect ditch diggers!
They want their kids to have futures. Too bad Republicans don’t feel that way. But we’re going to need ditch diggers from somewhere.
Democrats use foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will to do these jobs under the table to avoid taxes and laws they pass on hiring Americans.

In this day and age, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.
They want their kids to have futures.

Right. Dragging their kids from the womb by the millions and selling the parts isn't much of a future.
Democrats celebrate black genocide by masquerading it as "healthcare"
Republicans celebrate black genocide by running campaigns saying they would go to a public hanging.

Democrats are so racist, they hear the words "public hanging " and automatically assume it's a black guy being hung. Democrats think hanging is a black people only thing.
It looks more and more like this election is going to be a "choice" between socialism and fascism.

Which means we're pretty much done.
They want their kids to have futures. Too bad Republicans don’t feel that way. But we’re going to need ditch diggers from somewhere.
then why aren't you asking them to fix, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, LA? kids are doing horribly in these democRat cities. You don't care. You ignore them like they have the plague. So your shame game back at you!!!
They want their kids to have futures. Too bad Republicans don’t feel that way. But we’re going to need ditch diggers from somewhere.
The Libnutts are dying off because they are aborting their children and epic cooterphobia
School Choice, vouchers to send kids to quality schools. DemocRats are against educating the kids. one can't be free until one uses his/her own mind.
Beto is running on I hate America so should you, and claiming he's ashamed to be white. wow, truly fruit loop land with these kooks.
We know what they really want, and we're not going that way. Couching it in "for the children" language is as hypocritical as it gets.

The really smart people don't put their children in public schools, not only are they dangerous due to the gangs and drugs the teachers are expected to be everything from mother to Social worker. School should be a place for learning, students teachers, and activities that interfere with that process should be removed from the environment. Disruptive, or violent students, teachers who promote any particular ideology over another, Sports( Intramurals are okay they build healthy competition within the school. Security is not the only concern, The left portrays it as children all over America hiding under their desks and learning emergency drills. We did that in the 60's too, only the fear was Nuclear Armageddon we got over it ! And we never had to take anyone else's nukes away!!!!!!!!:50:

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