More of Trump is Right


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
10 Horribly Violent Crimes That Were Committed By Illegal Immigrants

Beyond San Francisco:

#2 An illegal immigrant has just been arrested for abducting a 13-year-old Florida girl and repeatedly raping her…

#3 Earlier this year, an illegal immigrant in Alabama was arrested and charged with sodomizing a 10-year-old girl…

#4 While taking refuge in the “sanctuary city” of Philadelphia, one illegal alien decided that it would be a good idea to attack and rape a 26-year-old doctor as she walked home from work…

#5 In Arizona, an illegal immigrant that had been deported six times has just been charged with a hit-and-run. It turns out that the vehicle that he hit contained a young mother and her two very young children…

#6 In Porterville, California a drunk illegal immigrant plowed through a fence and killed a 3-year-old girl that was standing in line for ice cream…

#7 Down in Laredo, Texas an illegal immigrant that had been deported four times confessed to murdering his wife with a hammer…

#8 In DeLand, Florida a 27-year-old Mexican immigrant that is here illegally has been charged with raping a woman that cannot hear or speak

#9 Earlier this year, a 29-year-old illegal immigrant killed a convenience store clerk in Phoenix over two packs of cigarettes…

#10 Not too long ago, three members of the MS-13 street gang forced a 16-year-old New York girl into the woods and took turns brutally raping her…

I'm certain there are a hell of a lot more! Read this with extensive links @ Prison 10 Horribly Violent Crimes That Were Committed By Illegal Immigrants
The number being tossed around here is 12 million people. So I would think just the law of averages would have to make it a lot more. If it was just that list then illegal immigrants would have to be the most peaceful people in the country.
Lefties, did Trump say all immigrants are rapists and murderers or did he say that the Mexican government is sending us all their criminals? Big difference since they do seem to be getting rid of their unwanted citizens and sanctuary cities clearly have no concern for the safety of it's citizens as they welcome anyone and everyone. They also encourage their poor to take full advantage of the American tax payers by coming here, working, getting welfare and sending billions back to Mexico each year. Good for everyone except Americans


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