More or less expenditure on military?

I would support a return to more traditional uniforms...

The days of gigantic naval warfare at sea are long gone. A couple of teenage terrorists in a speedboat loaded with explosives can take out a Navy ship these days if Sailors are ordered not to fire. The last I heard the U.S. and Russia were in partnership in a space station adventure. The days of creating gigantic fortresses at sea to be named for prominent politicians should be over but I bet there are Carriers under construction as we speak.
Less spending.

Close the scores of do-nothing bases in countries where the wars have been over for more than 50 years, cancel all military hardware projects that nobody asked for, and wring out all the current waste and fraud inherent in any other gubmint bureaucracy.

The Pentagon will still be flush with loot.
The days of gigantic naval warfare at sea are long gone. A couple of teenage terrorists in a speedboat loaded with explosives can take out a Navy ship these days if Sailors are ordered not to fire. The last I heard the U.S. and Russia were in partnership in a space station adventure. The days of creating gigantic fortresses at sea to be named for prominent politicians should be over but I bet there are Carriers under construction as we speak.
At least two, last I checked.
Look people, it's not cheap being #1 world power. Have to train people from the ground up, and make military service appealing.
More investigations into why what we buy doesnt work. We cant build anything right anymore it seems. Ford Class nothing but trouble...LCS total crap.....Zumwalts...crap....F-35 Tankers cant tank anything,,,,,,,,,NASA spent 20 billion over 20 yrs engineering a new space capsule and still have nothing
The days of gigantic naval warfare at sea are long gone. A couple of teenage terrorists in a speedboat loaded with explosives can take out a Navy ship these days if Sailors are ordered not to fire. The last I heard the U.S. and Russia were in partnership in a space station adventure. The days of creating gigantic fortresses at sea to be named for prominent politicians should be over but I bet there are Carriers under construction as we speak.

And China now has anti-ship missles that they plan on launching from shore. Some new thinking has to happen and I hope we land on the right side of it.
More investigations into why what we buy doesnt work. We cant build anything right anymore it seems. Ford Class nothing but trouble...LCS total crap.....Zumwalts...crap....F-35 Tankers cant tank anything,,,,,,,,,NASA spent 20 billion over 20 yrs engineering a new space capsule and still have nothing

I imagine you will find chinese money behind the crap......too many or our politicians are on the chinese pay roll.
A scant half a century ago the tactics for protecting carriers included destroyer escorts and a gaggle of other ships. The world has changed since Bill Clinton authorized the sale of ICBM technology to China and the U.S. has partnered with Russia in space. Gigantic fortresses at sea might be powered by nuclear technology but the planes still use billions of gallons of good old dirty jet fuel to impress allies and anger our enemies while the crazy left blames my Ford F-150 for global warming.

USA military spending should be slashed in half or more .
We don’t need a big navy or army
Seems most of $$$ goes to feed the “ Military Industrial Complex “
Q44 I've read reports that up to 30% of the military budget is wasted on the following subjects; World Cop program, rebuilding foreign infrastructure, maintaining bases in 80 or so foreign countries(not sure on that 80# but If memory serves me right 80 SHOULD be close), so called "Black Projects(I have no idea what Black Projects are or refer to) then finally graft/corruption(kick backs?). If the 30% wasted revenue is true(how can one verify the 30% let alone non listed Black Projects?) then I would propose legislation that would reduce military funding by 7% yearly for a total of four years(28% over a span of 48 months).

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