More people emigrated out of Canada than entered Canada last year...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This isn't a surprise to me. We are going to fail miserably in the global economy which is based on innovation, ambition and liberty. We aren't built for that. We have a creepy East German system that ensures the same failing kakistocracy and their low performing offspring get plush government jobs, paid for with debt on the backs of future generations. They are a National Security risk and primarily traitors if truth be told.

Our best, most ambitious talent leave the country, or, are simply stifled with a grin by the creepy, covert Stasi, I mean, police. Ontario in particular is finished. As I've said on here, the best talent I have known from High School and in University, save for one; are all in the U.S.

Once the economy gets rolling again, we will continue to lose our best. It's why we are trying to keep citizens here based on the pandemic, even telling us "even if you get the vaccine, we may still have to live in a bubble" (I'm not lying about this). They know our most ambitious head to America or even China and help those nations beat our businesses and they are desperately looking for a way to keep them, even as they keep funding the covert police apparatus. These same sloths and their families rise to the top and feed their faces at the trough, all at our nations expense.

Hey, I'm just the Messenger, with a first hand perspective while I blow the whistle. Not to worry, the same self serving lying apologists from Canada will come on and mock me for being wrong about everything, as they and theirs contribute to our demise...

Canadian Population Growth Hits Lowest On Record As Ontario, B.C. Shrink

Canada’s population all but stopped growing this summer, and six provinces saw a historic decline in residents, as border shutdowns amid the COVID-19 pandemic kept new landed immigrants from arriving.

Canada’s population increase of 2,767 people in the third quarter of this year is the smallest increase in records going back to 1946, Statistics Canada said in a report released Thursday. It’s so small the statistical agency reported it as 0.0 per cent growth.

In a truly unusual reversal, more permanent residents left Canada than moved to it during this period, with some 27,000 more people emigrating out of the country than immigrating here between July 1 and October 1. It’s only the second time since 1971 that Canada has had more migrants leave than arrive, StatCan said.
We have a creepy East German system that ensures the same failing kakistocracy and their low performing offspring get plush government jobs, paid for with debt on the backs of future generations. They are a National Security risk and primarily traitors if truth be told.
There's been an Underground Railroad since the U.S. Civil War. Canada has more immigrants than they can count. As usual, small business franchise owners prefer to hire illegals off the books and at lower wages.
This isn't a surprise to me. We are going to fail miserably in the global economy which is based on innovation, ambition and liberty. We aren't built for that. We have a creepy East German system that ensures the same failing kakistocracy and their low performing offspring get plush government jobs, paid for with debt on the backs of future generations. They are a National Security risk and primarily traitors if truth be told.

Our best, most ambitious talent leave the country, or, are simply stifled with a grin by the creepy, covert Stasi, I mean, police. Ontario in particular is finished. As I've said on here, the best talent I have known from High School and in University, save for one; are all in the U.S.

Once the economy gets rolling again, we will continue to lose our best. It's why we are trying to keep citizens here based on the pandemic, even telling us "even if you get the vaccine, we may still have to live in a bubble" (I'm not lying about this). They know our most ambitious head to America or even China and help those nations beat our businesses and they are desperately looking for a way to keep them, even as they keep funding the covert police apparatus. These same sloths and their families rise to the top and feed their faces at the trough, all at our nations expense.

Hey, I'm just the Messenger, with a first hand perspective while I blow the whistle. Not to worry, the same self serving lying apologists from Canada will come on and mock me for being wrong about everything, as they and theirs contribute to our demise...

Canadian Population Growth Hits Lowest On Record As Ontario, B.C. Shrink

Canada’s population all but stopped growing this summer, and six provinces saw a historic decline in residents, as border shutdowns amid the COVID-19 pandemic kept new landed immigrants from arriving.

Canada’s population increase of 2,767 people in the third quarter of this year is the smallest increase in records going back to 1946, Statistics Canada said in a report released Thursday. It’s so small the statistical agency reported it as 0.0 per cent growth.

In a truly unusual reversal, more permanent residents left Canada than moved to it during this period, with some 27,000 more people emigrating out of the country than immigrating here between July 1 and October 1. It’s only the second time since 1971 that Canada has had more migrants leave than arrive, StatCan said.
If Canda wants or needs people to migrate there they should stop making the rules so stringent.
If Canda wants or needs people to migrate there they should stop making the rules so stringent.
The letter of the law is stringent, but the rules are relaxed for franchise business owners who sponsor illegals on a work visa.
Consider one fact from the United States: California has been a profoundly effective attraction for GENERATIONS, for basically one reason: The weather. The perception is that it's sunny all the time. There is other stuff, but it's basically the weather.

If you are a citizen of the world, looking for a country where you can live the best life possible, the Canadian weather is definitely a negative factor. As for an oppressive bureaucracy, probably no worse than most of Europe.
Consider one fact from the United States: California has been a profoundly effective attraction for GENERATIONS, for basically one reason: The weather. The perception is that it's sunny all the time. There is other stuff, but it's basically the weather.

If you are a citizen of the world, looking for a country where you can live the best life possible, the Canadian weather is definitely a negative factor. As for an oppressive bureaucracy, probably no worse than most of Europe.
Sounds about right.
Consider one fact from the United States: California has been a profoundly effective attraction for GENERATIONS, for basically one reason: The weather. The perception is that it's sunny all the time. There is other stuff, but it's basically the weather.

If you are a citizen of the world, looking for a country where you can live the best life possible, the Canadian weather is definitely a negative factor. As for an oppressive bureaucracy, probably no worse than most of Europe.

Far too simplistic an excuse. We aren't all living in the NWT, most immigrants come to Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. I'd suggest the weather in NY and Chicago is worse than these three cities. Certainly Vancouver, which used to have many from Japan move here, now China, the weather is generally moderate and balmy most of the year.

The reason is, in a nutshell, what I suggested. Lack of opportunity and liberty is huge. The RCMP OPP and TPS are serial violators of civil liberties. Creepy is just one word of many. I've had a few conversations with some of them, and I know how cowardly and full of shyte the covert officers are. Give them a stick and a teen and they are right at home though...

At one time I was willing to risk my life in our military. I was a high performer in school and work, a patriotic Canadian, yet, I am destroyed while the least impressive and least loyal are given carte blanche to ride our nation into the ground. And ride us into the ground they have. For many decades now, sort of like the treatment I've experienced over this time.

Just recently the Canadian and provincial governments were telling Canadians "you can't go to the U.S, even if you have property there, due to covid-19". These people told the government to F themselves and went anyways. Florida is a big draw of course, but so are cross border RV's and the like. As one guy stated: "There's no way I am staying here," she said. "Even if I had to get on the plane buck-naked, I'd be on it."

Does that sound like people who love their own nation, citizens and how they are treated, or some who have grown much fonder of the more free and happy Americans? Weather might be one factor for those who bought property there, but not the many Canadians who move to New York or other areas for pursuit of happiness.

Listen to many world leaders and businesses movers of the world. They espouse a couple of key factors for Americas success, as long as a few knobs don't throw it out the window: your constitution and innovation.

People head to California for opportunity. Elon Musk and others have stated, even if China makes inroads into A.I, Americas biggest strength is it's drive for innovation. it's non-stop and you attract the best, because of your belief in capitalism based on ambition and talent, along with liberty that goes hand in hand with it.

The fallacy of Canada has sadly resonated here for 150 years. It's why when we had a massive free trade deal with Europe (CETA), Europe exported more to us, but actually bought LESS of our goods. As our good European friends denied us PPE and other items, Canadians and government run media, on their usual impulse, complained about Trump and America for doing the same. "Huh?"
.....not smart to have 4 or 6 kids anymore....cost a lot of $$$$$..
....America is getting a lot of educated people--but also uneducated
.....not smart to have 4 or 6 kids anymore....cost a lot of $$$$$..
....America is getting a lot of educated people--but also uneducated
Most new USA immigrants are uneducated peasants from Latin America - who only come due to the welfare
We have a creepy East German system that ensures the same failing kakistocracy and their low performing offspring get plush government jobs, paid for with debt on the backs of future generations. They are a National Security risk and primarily traitors if truth be told.
There's been an Underground Railroad since the U.S. Civil War. Canada has more immigrants than they can count. As usual, small business franchise owners prefer to hire illegals off the books and at lower wages.
So your comments goes against the actual statistics in the article! Astonishing lol

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