more proof Obama is a racist

on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Race based political organizations are racist
Race based employee organizations are racist
Race based student organizations are racist
And Liberals are racist because that is the kind of crap that they do

You do understand that historically white colleges exist? You do know that white TV/Radio and newspapers exist. You do understand that the American government was has been the National Association for the Advancement of white people. You do realize that Congress has been the white congressional caucus don't you? That the American medical association was the white doctors association. The Chamber of Commerce, the white businessmen's association? You do understand that fraternities and sororities are the white student union. And that white fraternities and sororities exist.

You do understand that the associations you are crying about were formed and exist because of white refusal to allow people of color in such organizations don't you? I mean, are you that stupid? If you admit that you are, I will understand that and take that into consideration when I am scrolling down the pages.
How does that statement make him racist?
He is blaming white people for the black communities high covid numbers.

He did no such thing. But he did point out out racial disparities in health care delivery that is a fact in black communities.


You know there are a lot of things you guys know nothing about that of you did, you'd shut the fuck up with this shit.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
Why should he quit now, the man who came from a dead beat dad and a white mother and grandmother who did everything for him rode the racebaiting horse all the way to the White House. From getting into elite schools, to his jobs, to getting elected Senator. Bashing Whites is what got Hussein Obama to where he is now.
Who is Hussein Obama? Too bad that's not how Obama made it. But had it been, if whites had nothing to bash then Obama would have had nothing to bash whites about.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
That's not true.
This is not racist in any way.
No it isn't but in the world of white supremacy any mention of white transgression gets the racism accusation from them. And this place is of full of stormfront troopers.

Don't be a chickenshit just hitting dislike buttons. If you don't like what I say bring a rebuttal bitch.

on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

Don't be a chickenshit just hitting dislike buttons. If you don't like what I say bring a rebuttal bitch.

View attachment 337154
TRIGGERED! Hilarious!
Not. I just think if you disapprove if something so strongly, that you should be able to offer a decent intelligent rebuttal. But I can understand that you don't have the capacity to do so.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.

Don't be a chickenshit just hitting dislike buttons. If you don't like what I say bring a rebuttal bitch.

View attachment 337154
TRIGGERED! Hilarious!
Not. I just think if you disapprove if something so strongly, that you should be able to offer a decent intelligent rebuttal. But I can understand that you don't have the capacity to do so.
I don't DO rebuttals to SHIT posts. Outside of threads on baseball, ALL of your posts are shit. Thank you.

Don't be a chickenshit just hitting dislike buttons. If you don't like what I say bring a rebuttal bitch.

View attachment 337154
TRIGGERED! Hilarious!
Not. I just think if you disapprove if something so strongly, that you should be able to offer a decent intelligent rebuttal. But I can understand that you don't have the capacity to do so.
I don't DO rebuttals to SHIT posts. Outside of threads on baseball, ALL of your posts are shit. Thank you.
You have nothing to rebut. You cannot argue against what I present. That's why you don't.

You want me to tell you what you want to hear about blacks, but I am black and what you want to hear is a lie. You can't handle the truth. It's a common problem here among conservative whites. Thank you.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because the yare more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black
Very true. Cue in the liberal lunatics that post on here in 3, 2, 1.................It SHOULD be hilarious to see their responses!

High blood pressure is caused by stress. Racism causes stress. Seems like everything is about race to you and your ilk because this was not all Obama said but you want to point this out in order to make up racism in a black person. Obama was right and numerous studies support his words. But those like you and harmonica don't read studies you just run your mouths.'s PERCEIVED racism--not blacks are stressing themselves
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
As a white and from experience and even in these very forums the so called liberals and blacks are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I don't even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
.blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
issa i lived in S.Cal for 50 years and worked 33 years in the postal service with LOTS of liberals.....they are just as racist and hateful as any righty...yea i know when they are around you they tell you how much they love you....its when you aint around that their true nature comes out...

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