more proof Obama is a racist

I heard the Brown Clown of Renown made an ass out of itself again. Too bad I was rearranging my sock drawer at the time. What do you expect from a community agitator. Trump has been schooling that feckless monkey for 3 years now. The only thing left of that legacy will be 0bamaGate.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.

The conservative right feel they have something worth protecting...their country, whereas the Left is too ignorant, too weird, and too degenerate to think the same way. Conservatives have behavioral standards, they like data and statistics related to behavior....You dark folks are far more likely to behave like uncivilized savages...the data says a whiter America is a safer more productive America. You dark folks should change the data....don't you think?
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks murder whites at a much higher rate than vice versa
..the facts PROVE you are wrong
Race baiting has always been Obama's strong suit. He establishes the woe is me attitude in Blacks, and that everything bad that happens to Blacks is Whitey's fault, much like the other huckster, Sharpton. Once he gets Blacks pissed off he knows exactly what to say to incite hatred. I was really glad to be rid of him and all his race riots but now here he comes again. I wish they could muzzle that racist. But I'm sure he will keep attacking Trump's administration as long as his crimes are still in jeopardy of being prosecuted.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
you don't care about Left or Right but the Right is more hateful and racist? You are exactly the typical ignorant, useful idiot that the Left exploits.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.

The conservative right feel they have something worth protecting...their country, whereas the Left is too ignorant, too weird, and too degenerate to think the same way. Conservatives have behavioral standards, they like data and statistics related to behavior....You dark folks are far more likely to behave like uncivilized savages...the data says a whiter America is a safer more productive America. You dark folks should change the data....don't you think?
Whiter america is safer? Lol
Whites have been killing each other since day one in old Europe and here in the US. For example the Civil war and even before that.

If you went to the right school you wouldn't be racist. The color of the skin has nothing to do with intelligence. Before America existed there were many non white civilizations that were very advanced in their era for centuries (the pharaohs, the Moors, the Persians, Babylon, ....) to name a few.
Also the Deadliest mass shooters are white, organized crime statted by whites ( irish Mafia, italian Mafia,.....)
They just changed their criminal activities and became corrupt politicians and corporate scammers like trump and the Kushners.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.

The conservative right feel they have something worth protecting...their country, whereas the Left is too ignorant, too weird, and too degenerate to think the same way. Conservatives have behavioral standards, they like data and statistics related to behavior....You dark folks are far more likely to behave like uncivilized savages...the data says a whiter America is a safer more productive America. You dark folks should change the data....don't you think?
Whiter america is safer? Lol
Whites have been killing each other since day one in old Europe and here in the US. For example the Civil war and even before that.

If you went to the right school you wouldn't be racist. The color of the skin has nothing to do with intelligence. Before America existed there were many non white civilizations that were very advanced in their era for centuries (the pharaohs, the Moors, the Persians, Babylon, ....) to name a few.
Also the Deadliest mass shooters are white, organized crime statted by whites ( irish Mafia, italian Mafia,.....)
They just changed their criminal activities and became corrupt politicians and corporate scammers like trump and the Kushners.
..blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites can take all the white mass shooter deaths for the last 20 years, and it doesn't add up to black murders for one year
..blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..blacks graduate at lower rates
--FACTS--not hate
Race baiting has always been Obama's strong suit. He establishes the woe is me attitude in Blacks, and that everything bad that happens to Blacks is Whitey's fault, much like the other huckster, Sharpton. Once he gets Blacks pissed off he knows exactly what to say to incite hatred. I was really glad to be rid of him and all his race riots but now here he comes again. I wish they could muzzle that racist. But I'm sure he will keep attacking Trump's administration as long as his crimes are still in jeopardy of being prosecuted.
You know, your argument would have merit if not for the shitload of racist court decisions and polices made. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. It's really undisputable.
Race baiting has always been Obama's strong suit. He establishes the woe is me attitude in Blacks, and that everything bad that happens to Blacks is Whitey's fault, much like the other huckster, Sharpton. Once he gets Blacks pissed off he knows exactly what to say to incite hatred. I was really glad to be rid of him and all his race riots but now here he comes again. I wish they could muzzle that racist. But I'm sure he will keep attacking Trump's administration as long as his crimes are still in jeopardy of being prosecuted.
You know, your argument would have merit if not for the shitload of racist court decisions and polices made. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. It's really undisputable.
...blacks were far behind the whites before racism/slavery/etc how do you explain that? far behind in technology/education/farming/etc
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
I am wide awake and know that you have been gaslighted and fell for it.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
I am wide awake and know that you have been gaslighted and fell for it.
No actually you're a coolaid drinking brainwashed drone that never really questioned all these Leftist talking points you've repeated
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
I am wide awake and know that you have been gaslighted and fell for it.
No actually you're a coolaid drinking brainwashed drone that never really questioned all these Leftist talking points you've repeated
I've done plenty of questioning and that's why I say you have fallen for gaslighting.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
I am wide awake and know that you have been gaslighted and fell for it.
No actually you're a coolaid drinking brainwashed drone that never really questioned all these Leftist talking points you've repeated
I've done plenty of questioning and that's why I say you have fallen for gaslighting.
65 million voted for the opposing side in 2016 that led to an electoral landslide, including many that were minorities, record number of women, independents, Latinos, Sanders voters etc. and it wasn't because they were gaslighted.

They will vote for Trump in even greater numbers this time, because he has fulfilled his promises and exposed the Left for what they truly are. Trump's reelection will be the final nail in the coffin of your Democratic Party and the false ideology it stands for.
on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
As a Muslim, arab and immigrant and from experience and even in these very forums the so called conservatives are more likely to be bigots and racists and take pride in doing so. I domt even understand why they act at times that they are not racists nor bigots. Their motivation is fear and hate.
Actually it's quite the opposite, it's the Left that attacks conservatives for things they are more guilty of. They're very good at deception and PRETENDING that they care about minorities, women's rights, etc.
Again I speak as a minority. I dont care left or right. But the right is more hateful and racist. And not only in the US but all over the world. Their fuel is hate and fear.
I speak as a minority too. You are being fooled and used as a convenient idiot. They don't care for you or any minorities, women, immigrants, gays, etc. never did never will, they are just good making these groups think they care in order to garner their votes. Once they are in power, they make you dependent on them for everything in exchange for your vote, then they throw you in the trash. They are power hungry fascistic communists. You will realize this one day.

If you are a minority then you have been gaslighted.
Not really, I just woke up to the stupid, meaningless lip service that the Left feeds drones like you that they take for granted, and do absolutely nothing for. Let me know when you get tired of paying high taxes, your business being regulated out of existence, injected race and income divisiveness into any issue, and being ostracized as ignorant or uneducated if you live in a liberal city or state and not happen to be one of the Democrat sheep that believes in socialist fascism, hates the national anthem, freedom of religion, and 20 gender pronouns.
I am wide awake and know that you have been gaslighted and fell for it.
No actually you're a coolaid drinking brainwashed drone that never really questioned all these Leftist talking points you've repeated
I've done plenty of questioning and that's why I say you have fallen for gaslighting.
65 million voted for the opposing side in 2016 that led to an electoral landslide, including many that were minorities, record number of women, independents, Latinos, Sanders voters etc. and it wasn't because they were gaslighted.

They will vote for Trump in even greater numbers this time, because he has fulfilled his promises and exposed the Left for what they truly are. Trump's reelection will be the final nail in the coffin of your Democratic Party and the false ideology it stands for.
65 million voted for Hillary Clinton and 62 million voted for trump. There was no electoral landslide. trump is gone in November and hopefully that shuts up the dumb asses like you. Yes people were gaslighted into voting for trump as they voted against Clinton based on a consistent republican smear campaign that lasted almost 30 years. The you had voter suppression whereby several hundred thousand voters were purged from voter rolls mostly minorities and not put back on the rolls in time for election. trump is about to get his ass handed to him this fall because he's a liar and what your party stands for is fake news. Your party is the party of projection. What you say about democrats is what's happening to your party. That's why you have republican groups working to get rid of trump.

on top of what I've linked before, we have this from the Racist in Chief:
Obama told HBCU graduates on Saturday that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed a disproportionately large number of African American victims, 'just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country.'
the fatal shooting of an unarmed black jogger in Georgia shows America is still unequal.
EVERYTHING is about RACE to them
....they are dying more because they are more obese/high blood pressure/etc--not because their skin color is black--I've linked this before
More proof you need to get a life, sorry bastard!!

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