More Proof Of How Disgusting & Racist Michelle Obama Is


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras says an upsetting part of her previous job was not being able to protect Michelle Obama from racist slurs or signs while on duty. Poumpouras served on the presidential protective division for the first lady and President Barack Obama during their time at the White House. She also protected George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush during her 12 years in the Secret Service.

"As the first Black First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Obama had to withstand certain kinds of disparagement that none of her predecessors ever faced," Poumpouras wrote."

Boo-hoo, cry me a think Obama is the only first lady to be racially attacked?? Do you folks not remember how Melania was attacked for her race, her accent was even attacked...and don't get me started on how Woodrow's second wife, Edith Wilson was racially attacked for being part-Injun....and there are plenty of stories where Michelle even pressured the Secret Service to arrest people for their free speech...arrest people who did not bow down to her when she was out in public........ridiculous...

To make matters worse, Michelle orders this former secret service broad to push lies about her being racially attacked....there is no proof this even happened...but what is true is that Michelle racially attacked whites everyday of her life......and she has passed the torch to her drug addicted slut whore daughters too....they are even more racist than she can tell by looking at them.
If Mrs. Obama doesn't want to see or hear language from the hoi polloi that she sees as offensive, she doesn't have to go in public. The people have a right to Free Speech here in America, and speaking truth to power is what we are allowed to do.

Although its sort of ironic that a couple of years ago, Mrs. Obama bitched about not being recognized and just ignored in public. Someone asked her to reach a top shelf at Target and she complained of "racism", but I personally wasn't offended when an elderly black broad asked me to reach for a high item at Walmart.
So what?

She is the president's wife. You'd think she would be made of sterner stuff and could withstand some language, and that she would be used to it. Words are just words, they can't actually hurt you unless you let them hurt you. I would have thought she would be intelligent enough and collected enough to just ignore it. She is the president's wife, she isn't some emotional and irrational ghetto hoodrat.

Just because she has a pussy doesn't mean she has to be one.

"The former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras says an upsetting part of her previous job was not being able to protect Michelle Obama from racist slurs or signs while on duty. Poumpouras served on the presidential protective division for the first lady and President Barack Obama during their time at the White House. She also protected George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush during her 12 years in the Secret Service.

"As the first Black First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Obama had to withstand certain kinds of disparagement that none of her predecessors ever faced," Poumpouras wrote."

Boo-hoo, cry me a think Obama is the only first lady to be racially attacked?? Do you folks not remember how Melania was attacked for her race, her accent was even attacked...and don't get me started on how Woodrow's second wife, Edith Wilson was racially attacked for being part-Injun....and there are plenty of stories where Michelle even pressured the Secret Service to arrest people for their free speech...arrest people who did not bow down to her when she was out in public........ridiculous...

To make matters worse, Michelle orders this former secret service broad to push lies about her being racially attacked....there is no proof this even happened...but what is true is that Michelle racially attacked whites everyday of her life......and she has passed the torch to her drug addicted slut whore daughters too....they are even more racist than she can tell by looking at them.

Is Michelle Obama important to you or are you criminally bored?

"The former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras says an upsetting part of her previous job was not being able to protect Michelle Obama from racist slurs or signs while on duty. Poumpouras served on the presidential protective division for the first lady and President Barack Obama during their time at the White House. She also protected George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush during her 12 years in the Secret Service.

"As the first Black First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Obama had to withstand certain kinds of disparagement that none of her predecessors ever faced," Poumpouras wrote."

Boo-hoo, cry me a think Obama is the only first lady to be racially attacked?? Do you folks not remember how Melania was attacked for her race, her accent was even attacked...and don't get me started on how Woodrow's second wife, Edith Wilson was racially attacked for being part-Injun....and there are plenty of stories where Michelle even pressured the Secret Service to arrest people for their free speech...arrest people who did not bow down to her when she was out in public........ridiculous...

To make matters worse, Michelle orders this former secret service broad to push lies about her being racially attacked....there is no proof this even happened...but what is true is that Michelle racially attacked whites everyday of her life......and she has passed the torch to her drug addicted slut whore daughters too....they are even more racist than she can tell by looking at them.

Michelle is a tough guy, she can take it
Michelle Obama is an overly-sensitive Black Liberation Theologist who interprets everything as being "racist.

Like they say, "When your as dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail..."
Or if the hood fits, wear it.

Nice try son, but you haven't achieved Godwin's Law status yet. The word is "Hitler."
Sun is in the sky, save your money boys the South is going to rise again.
Michelle Obama is an overly-sensitive Black Liberation Theologist who interprets everything as being "racist.

Like they say, "When your as dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail..."
Or if the hood fits, wear it.

Nice try son, but you haven't achieved Godwin's Law status yet. The word is "Hitler."
Sun is in the sky, save your money boys the South is going to rise again.

What the south does is of no concern to me, hillbilly.

I live about as far north as you can get.
Michelle Obama is an overly-sensitive Black Liberation Theologist who interprets everything as being "racist.

Like they say, "When your as dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail..."
Or if the hood fits, wear it.
Does that stupid looking thing ever fit? Those ugly things haven't fit since cerca 1300 Spanish Catholics wore them.

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