More Proof that lockdowns are political not based on science

Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Deaths bad too. Have to research economic impact.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 12,370. Denmark followed with 2,269 deaths, Finland with 708, and Norway with 592.
Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Deaths bad too. Have to research economic impact.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 12,370. Denmark followed with 2,269 deaths, Finland with 708, and Norway with 592.
That is very yes, Sweden did it poorly in terms of life/death.
Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Deaths bad too. Have to research economic impact.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 12,370. Denmark followed with 2,269 deaths, Finland with 708, and Norway with 592.
That is very yes, Sweden did it poorly in terms of life/death.
Economics is hard to say. Reading over this link it seems they are all hurt about the same. Other countries being locked down may have slowed Sweden . Less exports and trouble getting imports and all that.

Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Deaths bad too. Have to research economic impact.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 12,370. Denmark followed with 2,269 deaths, Finland with 708, and Norway with 592.
That is very yes, Sweden did it poorly in terms of life/death.
Economics is hard to say. Reading over this link it seems they are all hurt about the same. Other countries being locked down may have slowed Sweden . Less exports and trouble getting imports and all that.

What we know now is so much more than we did at this time last year that we should open the country IMO and allow adults to be adults. My parents already got the first vaccine dose. Those who feel unsafe stay home but the rest should be able to take the risk of going out if we so choose without the Gov't telling us what to do.

Biden’s senior coronavirus response adviser, could not explain why California and Florida have similar coronavirus numbers despite taking very different approaches to dealing with the pandemic, stating that “there’s so much of this virus that we think we understand that we think we can predict, that’s just beyond, a little bit beyond our explanation.”

Harris conceded the damage inflicted on children missing out on their formative years in the classroom, but stayed vague on how the administration would ensure mitigation.

Savannah Guthrie is far from a GOP supporter. Science says schools may safely reopen. Teachers Unions want them closed and they are a huge donor to the party so the Democratic Party places money and votes over kids lives.

Lovely.....And we the voters just gave them control of the WH and Congress. Shame on all of us.

So if we both have similar numbers and they have approximately 20 million more residents it is not equal.
Scandinavia is interesting to look at. They all locked down except for Sweden. Sweden has way more cases.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 604,577. Denmark followed with 203,365 cases, and Norway with 65,547 cases.
I believe they have more cases but how about deaths and economic impact? In MA we are locked down to a point. Restaurants at 40% capacity, same with gyms. Kids remote schooling, which sucks! Cannot attend sporting events.
Deaths bad too. Have to research economic impact.

The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of February 10, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 12,370. Denmark followed with 2,269 deaths, Finland with 708, and Norway with 592.
That is very yes, Sweden did it poorly in terms of life/death.
Economics is hard to say. Reading over this link it seems they are all hurt about the same. Other countries being locked down may have slowed Sweden . Less exports and trouble getting imports and all that.

What we know now is so much more than we did at this time last year that we should open the country IMO and allow adults to be adults. My parents already got the first vaccine dose. Those who feel unsafe stay home but the rest should be able to take the risk of going out if we so choose without the Gov't telling us what to do.
I can’t disagree with you. I’m gonna choose to lay low for a bit still, but can’t say that should be official policy. One would hope many of those who really need a vaccine now have it or already had covid.

Biden’s senior coronavirus response adviser, could not explain why California and Florida have similar coronavirus numbers despite taking very different approaches to dealing with the pandemic, stating that “there’s so much of this virus that we think we understand that we think we can predict, that’s just beyond, a little bit beyond our explanation.”

Harris conceded the damage inflicted on children missing out on their formative years in the classroom, but stayed vague on how the administration would ensure mitigation.

Savannah Guthrie is far from a GOP supporter. Science says schools may safely reopen. Teachers Unions want them closed and they are a huge donor to the party so the Democratic Party places money and votes over kids lives.

Lovely.....And we the voters just gave them control of the WH and Congress. Shame on all of us.
There seem to be many factors to take a into account. If you don’t want to catch a virus you avoid people whom may have it. Please share the FL and CA numbers. There are more people and bigger cities in CA. I’m undecided and what the best course of action is btw.
California’s total number of COVID-19 cases as a percentage of the population is about 8.8%, while Florida’s is about 8.3%. Out of all of the people in California who have gotten COVID-19, about 1.35% have died, while in Florida, it’s about 1.57%, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Over the past seven days, Florida has recorded 322 cases and 7.4 deaths per million people, while California has recorded 231 cases and 10.5 deaths per million people. In terms of hospitalizations, Florida has 218 per million people, while California has 244.

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Florida unemployment rate = 6.5%
California unemployment rate = 9.3%

Floridians are also older....21% 65+ while Cali is 15% of 65+ and virus attacks the older at a stronger rate/pace.
So the numbers are fairly close. CA has more big cities which I think would make us expect them to be worse. Will be interesting what the “experts” say when this is all over.
Numbers are close...yes....but one state is allowing business owners to operate and the other is not.
THAT is the issue.
Any numbers on how closed one is vs the other? FL did lockdown at one point.
Florida locked down for about 5 weeks last Spring. It's returning to "normal" now even though you see masks everywhere. The lockdown didn't work, Kiddies! I'm sorry but it didn't. The only viable reason I ever saw for doing it was to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and that didn't take place.
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
So you think a one size fits all approach would be sensible? The people in smaller rural State beg to disagree with you, Lastamender! To be quite blunt it would be idiotic.
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
That is the point of the thread. Leftist run states don't base lockdowns on science. Thank you for making my point.
because the virus doesnt obey state boundaries.

and 33,000 lives would have been saved if 95 percent of people wore masks

So...Cuomo had nobody wearing masks, thats your point? Masks do nothing except turn you into a mushmelon breathing your own CO2
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
Trump was blamed because he acted like it was an inconvenience for him to have to deal with a pandemic and he acted like a spoiled brat and threw fits all while trying to campaign and brag about being number one on Facebook. Then he really threw himself a left hook when he blurted out:
There seem to be many factors to take a into account. If you don’t want to catch a virus you avoid people whom may have it. Please share the FL and CA numbers. There are more people and bigger cities in CA. I’m undecided and what the best course of action is btw.

I came across this yesterday

You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
So you think a one size fits all approach would be sensible? The people in smaller rural State beg to disagree with you, Lastamender! To be quite blunt it would be idiotic.
I did not say that. I said Trump was blamed when he gave the responsibility to the governors to handle the Covid response in their states. Reread the post and get back to me.
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
Trump was blamed because he acted like it was an inconvenience for him to have to deal with a pandemic and he acted like a spoiled brat and threw fits all while trying to campaign and brag about being number one on Facebook. Then he really threw himself a left hook when he blurted out:
I do not see it that way. Cuomo should be prosecuted for what he did.
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
So you think a one size fits all approach would be sensible? The people in smaller rural State beg to disagree with you, Lastamender! To be quite blunt it would be idiotic.
I did not say that. I said Trump was blamed when he gave the responsibility to the governors to handle the Covid response in their states. Reread the post and get back to me.
I do apologize. Thought you were blaming Trump! :(
You don't understand that each state has it's own ability to respond how they see fit?
You don't understand why Trump should have not have been blamed? You just explained it.
Trump was blamed because he acted like it was an inconvenience for him to have to deal with a pandemic and he acted like a spoiled brat and threw fits all while trying to campaign and brag about being number one on Facebook. Then he really threw himself a left hook when he blurted out:
Did you want to put the rest of his quote out there...or are you going to just take things out of context like you usually do?
There seem to be many factors to take a into account. If you don’t want to catch a virus you avoid people whom may have it. Please share the FL and CA numbers. There are more people and bigger cities in CA. I’m undecided and what the best course of action is btw.

I came across this yesterday

In the US every state has its own way of responding or not to the Corona virus. South Dakota who'd governor forbid virtually ant measures had the highest death rate in the world per head of population. Florida too had very high death rates at the time just before the Nov 3 Election. The fact that Florida's rates may have fallen just points to the fact that Covid has taken ita victims and run out of vulnerable people to infect. Those people if properly protected would not have needed to die in the first place.

If you look at one country that has had Complete lockdowns - the UK.
The anti- lockdown deciples seem to ignore the evidence that both the vaccine and lockdown have taken death rates in the UK from Covid down from over 2000 a day to 200 last Sunday. That's in a few weeks.

The first lockdown in the UK went on for 3 months and brought death rates down from around 1200 a day to a couple of dozen and that was without a vaccine.

It stands to reason the virus spreads by jumping from person to person in close proximity. If you keep people apart it can't spread and will die out.


Reading your lies is depressing especially when you lied DEEPLY.

South Dakota was never close to being a leader in per capita deaths.

Currently the top three highest death rate in the WORLD are these 3 states, all run by democrats:

New Jersey

New York




The UK has a HIGHER death rate than America, the UK is 5th highest in the world!

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