More teenage mothers emerge in Texas polygamy probe

If an adult impregnates her? Toss the book at him. Abortion clinic is just a stupid argument.

You're absurd if you think it' a Christian thing. No adultshould touch a kid. And defending raping girls in the name of religion is sick.

Your turn...

You think it's ok for old men to rape young girls in the name of Christ?

You think it's okay to wade into a person's home, and take into custody hundreds of children on the off chance that they MAY have been conceived when the mother was underage.

But you think the concept of wading into an abortion clinic and doing the same thing is "silly".

That's the most egregious example of hypocrisy I've seen here in a while.

I don't know why you keep carping on "old" men. As if it makes any difference if the man is 40 or 22. It doesn't. The girls in abortion clinics are every bit as likely (and actually more likely) to be victims as the girls in the sect. But you just aren't interested in them. I made the same point months and months ago...that girls in abortion clinics are underage and there should be investigations into who is getting them pregnant.

You claimed then, as you are now, that somehow that situation is "different", and above such scrutiny.
You think it's okay to wade into a person's home, and take into custody hundreds of children on the off chance that they MAY have been conceived when the mother was underage.

But you think the concept of wading into an abortion clinic and doing the same thing is "silly".

That's the most egregious example of hypocrisy I've seen here in a while.

I don't know why you keep carping on "old" men. As if it makes any difference if the man is 40 or 22. It doesn't. The girls in abortion clinics are every bit as likely (and actually more likely) to be victims as the girls in the sect. But you just aren't interested in them.

I CERTAINLY would not insist the 16 year old have the incestuous child of a relative or step father....but I would want the child to report such to the clinic, and have the baby's papa dragged away in handcuffs....

Of course, if it was an atheist sect no one would care. Certainly not the state of Texas.


yup.. cause you see all those atheist communes sporting dogma which allows the fucking of young kids all over the place.

Nobody said anything about incest except you and Ravir. Believe me, most abortions are not performed to save a girl from having the child of her daddy.

So you are okay with girls in abortion clinics being interviewed and having DNA testing to find out who the father of their child is?

If we're going to do that, then I have no problem with surprise raids on religious compounds to do the same.
yup.. cause you see all those atheist communes sporting dogma which allows the fucking of young kids all over the place.


Yeah, the insistence that girls have the "right" to have sex and abortions willy-nilly without the authorities butting in. You can kill babies without fear of interference,but by golly, if you actually get married and HAVE a child, then you're obviously brain washed and need to be lodged, tested, and interrogated!
You think it's okay to wade into a person's home, and take into custody hundreds of children on the off chance that they MAY have been conceived when the mother was underage.

you are NOT looking at the whole picture....this group is, and had been BREAKING THE LAW by NOT having state birth certificates issued for their children.

If they had followed the law in the first place, they would not have to run DNA on all of these people trying to determine their ages and who their parents really are....this could have been settled in a nanosecond IF THEY HAD FOLLOWED the law in the FIRST PLACE....they didn't, thus the COSTLY to tax payers and long procedure of doing the identification through DNA.

That is not an offense which justifies taking children at gunpoint.

Nor is that what the INITIAL claims were.

The kids were taken because they didn't like the fact they were living an alternate lifestyle.

And, once again, I have no problem with strong-arm enforcement of law...provided it is enforced equally across the board.
Nobody said anything about incest except you and Ravir. Believe me, most abortions are not performed to save a girl from having the child of her daddy.

So you are okay with girls in abortion clinics being interviewed and having DNA testing to find out who the father of their child is?

If we're going to do that, then I have no problem with surprise raids on religious compounds to do the same.

so what are you saying then? Who do most girls at 16 have sex 30/40/50/60 year old fogies?

I would surmise if a 16 year old was pregnant with an elder adult's child, that this adult is usually, not always, a relative or relative through marriage.

I think most 16 year olds that are having sex, are having sex with other teenage boys...which is not considered statutory rape if within a few years of eachother's age.

States do vary on their laws regarding this issue though...
That is not an offense which justifies taking children at gunpoint.

Nor is that what the INITIAL claims were.

The kids were taken because they didn't like the fact they were living an alternate lifestyle.

And, once again, I have no problem with strong-arm enforcement of law...provided it is enforced equally across the board.

Who is NOT being strong armed that you think should be in the usa?
Yeah, the insistence that girls have the "right" to have sex and abortions willy-nilly without the authorities butting in. You can kill babies without fear of interference,but by golly, if you actually get married and HAVE a child, then you're obviously brain washed and need to be lodged, tested, and interrogated!


thats quite a leap, baba. you do realize how silly your logic is, I hope. I mean, I have fun baiting people too so hopefully you are dong the same here.
That just shows how ignorant most people are of the laws and the actual statistics regarding abortion.

If a 16 year old has sex with ANYONE it's illegal. The degree of illegality depends upon whether or not she's having sex with someone her own age or not...and in some states, even then it doesn't matter.

And if a 14-year-old is impregnanted by a 16 year old, you think that's okay and doesn't need to be checked out? You don't think somebody needs to break into the home of those kids and prosecute the sick bastards who raised them and gave their "permission" or "allowed" such a thing to happen?

Most of the girls who end up in abortion clinics are not pregnant by their classmates and same-aged boyfriends, btw. That came to light here last time we had the same discussion. I'm not sure how to unearth it, I'll think on it. It was a valid stat that showed most girls who were getting abortions were pregnant by much older men.

I find it amazing that people like Jillian will claim that a 14 year old girl who gets pregnant has the right to an abortion without parental notification or any kind of investigation into the circumstances...but at the same time thinks children should be taken from their parents at gun point if it turns out their parents were married when their mother was underaged.
That just shows how ignorant most people are of the laws and the actual statistics regarding abortion.

If a 16 year old has sex with ANYONE it's illegal. The degree of illegality depends upon whether or not she's having sex with someone her own age or not...and in some states, even then it doesn't matter.

And if a 14-year-old is impregnanted by a 16 year old, you think that's okay and doesn't need to be checked out? You don't think somebody needs to break into the home of those kids and prosecute the sick bastards who raised them and gave their "permission" or "allowed" such a thing to happen?

Most of the girls who end up in abortion clinics are not pregnant by their classmates and same-aged boyfriends, btw. That came to light here last time we had the same discussion. I'm not sure how to unearth it, I'll think on it. It was a valid stat that showed most girls who were getting abortions were pregnant by much older men.

I find it amazing that people like Jillian will claim that a 14 year old girl who gets pregnant has the right to an abortion without parental notification or any kind of investigation into the circumstances...but at the same time thinks children should be taken from their parents at gun point if it turns out their parents were married when their mother was underaged.

Since 78% of all those that have abortions are Christian, we let it slide.

Are you really this dumb? I mean seriously, you come off as a total moron.
blather on, baba. rationalizing the horny old men just so you can bring up abortion is pretty fucking sick. And still you wonder why christians gather contempt.
If you're going to put them in jail, you need to start raiding abortion clinics as well.

And I said you should start raiding abortion clinics for the EXACT SAME REASON months ago, and you laughed and laughed...

You're hypocrites.
Here's what you're busy justifying, AB. You and RGS. Amazing.

Jessup escaped from the FLDS 22 years ago and is now a CBS News consultant. She says marriages are arranged by their leader, whom they call a prophet.

"All the girls' names are added into this book called the 'Joy Book,' and the prophet goes through and gets revelation from God," explained Jessup.

What would Jesus think?
Texas: Marriage: The age is 18 without permission from a parent or your legal guardian. If under the age of 16, the law requires that the couple receives a court order before being allowed to marry.

There's texas law on marriage...
If you're going to put them in jail, you need to start raiding abortion clinics as well.

And I said you should start raiding abortion clinics for the EXACT SAME REASON months ago, and you laughed and laughed...

You're hypocrites.

so, the autonomous choice to have an abortion is JUST LIKE having to put your name in the "JOY BOOK" for the PLEASURE of some dirty old man, eh?

No. Having sex with teenaged girls who then get abortions is JUST as illegal as having sex with teenaged girls under the auspices of religion.

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