More than 1,033 of the rioters have been arrested, with approximately 485 federal defendants receiving sentences.

Stewart Rhodes: 18 years​

Peter Schwartz: 14 years​

Thomas Webster: 10 years​

Jessica Watkins: 8.5 years​

Patrick McCaughey: 7.5 years​

Kyle Young: More than 7 years​

Albuquerque Cosper Head: 7.5 years​

Guy Reffitt: More than 7 years​

they are just some that went to prison for that man, remember when he saId "I got indicted so you don't have to"
Yes, we already know the left abuse their power to go after Trump supporters while BLM rioters have free reign and don't have to worry about repercussions for it. Do you have any actual news to post?

Stewart Rhodes: 18 years​

Peter Schwartz: 14 years​

Thomas Webster: 10 years​

Jessica Watkins: 8.5 years​

Patrick McCaughey: 7.5 years​

Kyle Young: More than 7 years​

Albuquerque Cosper Head: 7.5 years​

Guy Reffitt: More than 7 years​

they are just some that went to prison for that man, remember when he saId "I got indicted so you don't have to"

Imprisoned for demonstrating.

And Democrats crowing.

This country is in DEEP trouble.
Yes, we already know the left abuse their power to go after Trump supporters while BLM rioters have free reign and don't have to worry about repercussions for it. Do you have any actual news to post?
I doubt if you knew this.
There were democrats everywhere

And they were all looking the other way or making excuses during the riots and looting
Biden let that Floyd rioting go on for 4 MONTHS before he said something. Kamala encouraged the rioters and provided a "bail fund" telling them they were right and to keep fighting. Both of these idiots need to be impeached.

Stewart Rhodes: 18 years​

Peter Schwartz: 14 years​

Thomas Webster: 10 years​

Jessica Watkins: 8.5 years​

Patrick McCaughey: 7.5 years​

Kyle Young: More than 7 years​

Albuquerque Cosper Head: 7.5 years​

Guy Reffitt: More than 7 years​

they are just some that went to prison for that man, remember when he saId "I got indicted so you don't have to"
You proud of that?
It's you republicans that don't want abortions. It interferes on a health decisions for the Mom. You call that democracy! I don't. In interferes on a who can a sex with partner with a married partner.
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