More than 30 states have a serious secession movement

A sane leader, that is one that wasn't an egotistical meglomanianc would look at this and come to his senses that maybe that mandate he saw wasn't really a mandate at all. He can be a president, or he can be a dictator. The nation has become ungovernable. Probably by anyone since the liberals would undoubtably be doing the same thing if Romney had won. The nation is now composed of people who don't want to live in the same country with one another. obama isn't going to change that.

hell obama caused it he's wage four years, of class war, economic war, and race war, some folks are tired of it.

One can only imagine how many Democrats hope this gains steam.


Wouldn't it be an interesting experiment if we divided the country in half. How long before the Blue side would come looking to take what the Red side built?
Explain Obama defenders why are 675,000 and growing is there such dissatisfaction?
Just sour grapes? Sore losers?
Explain why a growing number of employers are cutting workers hours to 30 hrs/week?

I think you answered your own question.
A sane leader, that is one that wasn't an egotistical meglomanianc would look at this and come to his senses that maybe that mandate he saw wasn't really a mandate at all. He can be a president, or he can be a dictator. The nation has become ungovernable. Probably by anyone since the liberals would undoubtably be doing the same thing if Romney had won. The nation is now composed of people who don't want to live in the same country with one another. obama isn't going to change that.

In the famous words of Steve Martin on SNL... with Martin as Obama.....

"Perhaps I could lead the way to a new age, an age of rebirth, a Renaissance!...Naaaaaahhh!"

One can only imagine how many Democrats hope this gains steam.


Wouldn't it be an interesting experiment if we divided the country in half. How long before the Blue side would come looking to take what the Red side built?

We would become another Korea with the North Korean-like blue states looking over the border to the place that had the lights on.

Nevertheless, it really should happen. Both sides are equally sick of one another. The divisions in this country are worse than they were during he civil war. Then it was an identifiable set of issues. Now it's that the people have grown so far apart, they don't even like each other anymore. This is very much evident in the citizen boycott. The people don't even want to shop at stores of the other side. They don't want neighbors that think differently than they do. No nation can survive this.

One can only imagine how many Democrats hope this gains steam.


Wouldn't it be an interesting experiment if we divided the country in half. How long before the Blue side would come looking to take what the Red side built?

We would become another Korea with the North Korean-like blue states looking over the border to the place that had the lights on.

Nevertheless, it really should happen. Both sides are equally sick of one another. The divisions in this country are worse than they were during he civil war. Then it was an identifiable set of issues. Now it's that the people have grown so far apart, they don't even like each other anymore. This is very much evident in the citizen boycott. The people don't even want to shop at stores of the other side. They don't want neighbors that think differently than they do. No nation can survive this.

It should be divided between "MAKERS" and "TAKERS".

"Maker states" like OIL producers ND,TX,LA,etc... excluding CA which would be a net taker!

Manufacturing states: TX, (makes cars..) drug makers..
Ocean access: TX, LA,FL,
Probably easier to call "TAKER" states: NY, ????
Truth is Makers pay the way takers ????
counter petition to deport everyone who signed petitions to withdraw from the union :D

and rick perry says texas is staying put :p

Rick Perry dismisses Texas secession talk - CBS News

More than 60,000 people have now signed an online petition calling for President Obama to "peacefully grant" Texas to secede from the United States of America, but the state's governor, Rick Perry, suggests he's not about to give the online movement any more traction than it's already ginned up.

Perry, who launched an unsuccessful presidential bid last year, has in the past appeared to issue some vague support for the idea of secession in the past, but his spokesperson Catherine Frazier tells CBS News today that even while Perry "shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government," the popular politician "believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it."
counter petition to deport everyone who signed petitions to withdraw from the union :D

and rick perry says texas is staying put :p

Rick Perry dismisses Texas secession talk - CBS News

More than 60,000 people have now signed an online petition calling for President Obama to "peacefully grant" Texas to secede from the United States of America, but the state's governor, Rick Perry, suggests he's not about to give the online movement any more traction than it's already ginned up.

Perry, who launched an unsuccessful presidential bid last year, has in the past appeared to issue some vague support for the idea of secession in the past, but his spokesperson Catherine Frazier tells CBS News today that even while Perry "shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government," the popular politician "believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it."

Liberals are SO STUPID, so unutterably devoid of intelligence they don't even realize that no one can be deported back to another country unless they came from that country to begin with.

This is a commentary on the state of american education.
Wouldn't it be an interesting experiment if we divided the country in half. How long before the Blue side would come looking to take what the Red side built?

We would become another Korea with the North Korean-like blue states looking over the border to the place that had the lights on.

Nevertheless, it really should happen. Both sides are equally sick of one another. The divisions in this country are worse than they were during he civil war. Then it was an identifiable set of issues. Now it's that the people have grown so far apart, they don't even like each other anymore. This is very much evident in the citizen boycott. The people don't even want to shop at stores of the other side. They don't want neighbors that think differently than they do. No nation can survive this.

It should be divided between "MAKERS" and "TAKERS".

"Maker states" like OIL producers ND,TX,LA,etc... excluding CA which would be a net taker!

Manufacturing states: TX, (makes cars..) drug makers..
Ocean access: TX, LA,FL,
Probably easier to call "TAKER" states: NY, ????
Truth is Makers pay the way takers ????

Just like my recently born godson, the Republicans have been "making" a lot lately. :D
So... What can the president do..

He can't make a state secede the union, these people need to go after their heads of state to get on the train. Not to mention, Texas has over 26,000,000 citizens, so 95,000 is about 0.4% of the total population of Texas.

Ain't gonna happen, even if the president gives it his "blessing".

The proverbial Neocon pipe dream. :lol:
justice scalia disagrees with ron paul

The lawyer, Eric Turkewitz, says his brother Dan, a screenwriter, put just such a question to all of the Supreme Court justices in 2006 -- he was working on an idea about Maine leaving the U.S.and a big showdown at the Supreme Court -- and Scalia responded. His answer was no:

"I am afraid I cannot be of much help with your problem, principally because I cannot imagine that such a question could ever reach the Supreme Court. To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, "one Nation, indivisible.") Secondly, I find it difficult to envision who the parties to this lawsuit might be. Is the State suing the United States for a declaratory judgment? But the United States cannot be sued without its consent, and it has not consented to this sort of suit.

44 - Antonin Scalia: No right to secede

that was in 2010...
It should be divided between "MAKERS" and "TAKERS".

"Maker states" like OIL producers ND,TX,LA,etc... excluding CA which would be a net taker!

Manufacturing states: TX, (makes cars..) drug makers..
Ocean access: TX, LA,FL,
Probably easier to call "TAKER" states: NY, ????
Truth is Makers pay the way takers ????

Last edited:
In addition.

These "675,000" people trying to force secession equate to less than 0.25% of the nation.

They are just ideological asshats that deserve nothing more than a good laugh.

We would become another Korea with the North Korean-like blue states looking over the border to the place that had the lights on.

Nevertheless, it really should happen. Both sides are equally sick of one another. The divisions in this country are worse than they were during he civil war. Then it was an identifiable set of issues. Now it's that the people have grown so far apart, they don't even like each other anymore. This is very much evident in the citizen boycott. The people don't even want to shop at stores of the other side. They don't want neighbors that think differently than they do. No nation can survive this.

It should be divided between "MAKERS" and "TAKERS".

"Maker states" like OIL producers ND,TX,LA,etc... excluding CA which would be a net taker!

Manufacturing states: TX, (makes cars..) drug makers..
Ocean access: TX, LA,FL,
Probably easier to call "TAKER" states: NY, ????
Truth is Makers pay the way takers ????


There will be no Federal dollars. Everyone is on their own in this fantasy scenario.
counter petition to deport everyone who signed petitions to withdraw from the union :D

and rick perry says texas is staying put :p

Rick Perry dismisses Texas secession talk - CBS News

More than 60,000 people have now signed an online petition calling for President Obama to "peacefully grant" Texas to secede from the United States of America, but the state's governor, Rick Perry, suggests he's not about to give the online movement any more traction than it's already ginned up.

Perry, who launched an unsuccessful presidential bid last year, has in the past appeared to issue some vague support for the idea of secession in the past, but his spokesperson Catherine Frazier tells CBS News today that even while Perry "shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government," the popular politician "believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it."

Liberals are SO STUPID, so unutterably devoid of intelligence they don't even realize that no one can be deported back to another country unless they came from that country to begin with.

This is a commentary on the state of american education.

you missed the sarcasm...i think for that petition..i doubt it was meant to be taken seriously..but if i have to explain sarcasm to you perhaps you should rethink who is SO FUCKING

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