More Than 50 Butt-Hurt Subversive Snowflakes To Skip Inauguration

Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
Just answer the question: Should the Dems be forced to attend?
It never ceases to amaze just how little you jerks understand what "freedom" really means. But Trump is going to give you a MUCH keener understanding of what it is to lose it once he bans the press and stops having press conferences altogether.
Is anyone threatening them with death for attending??
I wonder how many death threats they are getting via social media. That's the Thing this year.
They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.
good thing the media asked trump if he was big enough to accept the outcome of the election.

what a bunch of pssie losers.
there is such a loss of integrity with the libturd nation. I honestly didn't think they were that corrupt. wow was I wrong. I'm selling this message from now until i fking die. They have the moral equivalence of a squid.
"selling this message" you are a paid shill?
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"

Oh look it's another alt-right troll using their double-secret code "snowflake"…

Oink-oink piggy.
More like Pepe the Frog.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor.
You obviously missed the news reports and the separate thread about how it is being reported that the butt-hurt snowflake 'All-In' news media has been CAUGHT manipulating the Poll numbers - the same ones you are so arrogantly and misguidedly reciting - to present what they want to show.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

'Fake News', 'Rigging Primaries and Polls', 'All-In Media' strikes again! :p
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
Yabut - you lost.
Over 3000 counties to Trump.
57 to the skank.
But your polls said the skank had a 93% chance of being the next president.
Polls don't matter.
And neither does your spewage.
I'm glad they're doing it. It's ammunition that can be used against them later.
Ah...explain how it is "ammunition" when it's something that is totally ok for them to do? Hinting to a totalitarian state, are you?
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
Yabut - you lost.
Over 3000 counties to Trump.
57 to the skank.
But your polls said the skank had a 93% chance of being the next president.
Polls don't matter.
And neither does your spewage.
Counties vote now? I thought it was people.
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"
Letter I sent to my Congressman and Senators:

As a veteran who served with the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, I was shocked that Donald Trump said, and I quote, "I like people that weren't captured" referring to American soldiers who were captured during times of war.

Since 1941, over 41,000 Americans were captured. In Asia, in many places American soldiers were held, more than half died from starvation and torture.

Donald Trump has never come close to apologizing for such an outrageous comment. As long as he isn't held accountable, what happens to Americans captured under his administration? I could never vote for someone who supports this terrible man by attending his inauguration. He needs, minimum, to apologize to American Veterans.


Nice to know what Republicans actually think of our soldiers. No wonder they are always trying to cut their benefits and screw them over.
Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
Yabut - you lost.
Over 3000 counties to Trump.
57 to the skank.
But your polls said the skank had a 93% chance of being the next president.
Polls don't matter.
And neither does your spewage.
Counties vote now? I thought it was people.
Maybe people don't live in counties?
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"

Dems = Party > Country
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"

Well, you should know the punch line by now:

Trumpers on here need to get used to this, Trump's approval rating is going through the floor. And he's extremely thin-skinned. That's a bad combination and why he has no business being in the White House.


About this result
President-elect Donald Trump's approval rating at 40% - NY Daily News
7 hours ago - A majority of Americans — 54% — have an unfavorable opinion of the incoming president, a Tuesday Washington Post/ABC News poll showed. A second survey, conducted by CNN and ORC, reported that 52% of people do not approve of the way the President-elect has been handling the transition.
Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating ...
Dec 8, 2016 - Americans Reject Trump By Giving Him The Lowest Approval Rating Of Any President-Elect. By Jason Easley on Thu, Dec 8th, 2016 at 3:04 pm.
Donald Trump to enter office with lowest presidential approval rating in ...
7 hours ago - President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in ... › News
11 hours ago - Recent Gallup polling shows that just 48 per cent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his transition - the lowestfigure in its polling history. Its figures only go back to 1992, when President-elect Bill Clinton had a 67 per cent approval rating.
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition -
6 hours ago - Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent ... the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doingapproval rating polls.
Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades - Politico
Dec 14, 2016 - Poll: Trump's transition has lowest approval rating in decades ... split on how the president-elect is handling his transition into the White House.
I love it when people like you post useless information that means absolutely nothing other than showing us how the left works.

They should consider the fact that the woman they had hoped would be taking the oath will be in attendance.
Probably the only thing I can respect her for.

Correct. She, Bill and Bush and Laura will be there.

The fact that they are so petty as to not attend the inauguration should tell everyone all they need to know about how petty they are.
good thing the media asked trump if he was big enough to accept the outcome of the election.

what a bunch of pssie losers.
there is such a loss of integrity with the libturd nation. I honestly didn't think they were that corrupt. wow was I wrong. I'm selling this message from now until i fking die. They have the moral equivalence of a squid.
"selling this message" you are a paid shill?
selling this message, I didn't say anything about paying for one.
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"
Letter I sent to my Congressman and Senators:

As a veteran who served with the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, I was shocked that Donald Trump said, and I quote, "I like people that weren't captured" referring to American soldiers who were captured during times of war.

Since 1941, over 41,000 Americans were captured. In Asia, in many places American soldiers were held, more than half died from starvation and torture.

Donald Trump has never come close to apologizing for such an outrageous comment. As long as he isn't held accountable, what happens to Americans captured under his administration? I could never vote for someone who supports this terrible man by attending his inauguration. He needs, minimum, to apologize to American Veterans.


Nice to know what Republicans actually think of our soldiers. No wonder they are always trying to cut their benefits and screw them over.
too funny.
I would like to know if the OP had the same issue when many GOP members of Congress skipped the Inauguration ceremony in 2012.
More than 50 Democrats have announced they will skip Donald Trump’s inauguration - Hot Air

"There are now more than 50 House Democrats — 52, at last count — who have declared that they will not attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill this week"

"National Review
points out that this is not the first time Rep. Lewis and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have decided to skip the inauguration of a Republican president. The same thing happened when George W. Bush was inaugurated. From a 2001 Washington"
Letter I sent to my Congressman and Senators:

As a veteran who served with the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, I was shocked that Donald Trump said, and I quote, "I like people that weren't captured" referring to American soldiers who were captured during times of war.

Since 1941, over 41,000 Americans were captured. In Asia, in many places American soldiers were held, more than half died from starvation and torture.

Donald Trump has never come close to apologizing for such an outrageous comment. As long as he isn't held accountable, what happens to Americans captured under his administration? I could never vote for someone who supports this terrible man by attending his inauguration. He needs, minimum, to apologize to American Veterans.


Nice to know what Republicans actually think of our soldiers. No wonder they are always trying to cut their benefits and screw them over.
too funny.
So....I see. You think it's funny to denigrate our POWs. Ok. That fits in with the Alt-Right/Right Wing standards.

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