More than 600 dead in Gaza as Secretary Kerry, UN chief arrive in Egypt

And all Israel requested was for Hamas to stop firing rocket missiles into Israel. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.
there is no chance for peace as long as terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah decide to make it possible..
No chance for peace as long as Israel insists on maintaining a siege and occupation. People under siege have the right to fight back.
HUH??? The people under seige & occupation are the Israeli's. How can Israel find an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

No chance for peace as long as Israel insists on maintaining a siege and occupation. People under siege have the right to fight back.
Now over 1000 dead Palestinians. Way to go Hamas. Keep the rocket missiles coming to end the truce.
No chance for peace as long as Israel insists on maintaining a siege and occupation. People under siege have the right to fight back.

Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.” The Hamas official boasted that the economic conditions in the Gaza Strip are much better than in the West Bank; “people in Gaza receive full salaries, and all the money the Ramallah government transfers goes to Fatah supporters only.”

Straight from the horse's mouth.
Zahhar: Gaza more secure than West Bank | Maan News Agency

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