More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

" Returning Two Pythia Four Doors "

* Farcical Farsi Flap Jacks *

dude, do you suffer from some kind of mental illness... I have you mostly on ignore because your posts are excercises in deciphering crazy.
" Actual Identities Of Hazes In Horizons "

* More Than Meets The Eyes *

" Returning Two Pythia Four Doors "
* Farcical Farsi Flap Jacks *
dude, do you suffer from some kind of mental illness... I have you mostly on ignore because your posts are exercises in deciphering crazy.
There is not any congenital mental illness here , although there are compelling fates contributing to anomalies and novelties .

I am challenged with technology each day that makes little or no sense to me , however i do not dispatch those contributor as crazy just because more investigation on my own part is required to understand the meaning .

If there is something puzzling , a digress may be required to relate the meaning or intent ; simply inquire .

The terms applied throughout my discourse are chosen from references that are most often well researched .

Keep in mind that sophistry is an art of persuasion not necessarily needing to rely upon convention to convert perceptions of adversaries and corroborators .
What did we expect? Can't think of a more deserving bunch of apathetic schmucks. :udaman: Some kind of evil spell going over the whole world. :dev3:
" Remember Ring Weather Should Hue Plea Play "

* A Round Clock With Squares *
" Returning Two Pythia Four Doors "
* Farcical Farsi Flap Jacks *
Guy, you wouldn't give a crap about what Muslims believe if they weren't standing on top of a shitload of oil, so cut the crap.
No, guy, crazy is letting the Jews and the Oil companies send your kid back in a body bag because they've convinced you that we really need to stick our nose in their business.
If you guys were REALLY CONCERNED about their bad behavior, the first country we'd invade and topple the government of is Saudi Arabia, because they were a lot worse in their treatment of women and gays than Iran is, much less Iraq.
But since the Saudi keep us fixed up on oil like a pusher does his junkie, we tolerate all sorts of bad behavior from them.

Should the geographic region of hejaz be returned to the hashemites ?

Hejaz means the barrier and it took 700 years of their own jurisprudence to determine its region where al sherif for the quraysh tribe presides .

The saudi arabia of acquired hejaz through adverse possession by war - .

To which claim of the lineage from ishmael do the saudis attest - ?
* Bequeath Quraysh Sue Fee Verses Wail Habit Sail a Fist Nudge *
Historically, the Hejaz has always seen itself as separate from the rest of Saudi Arabia.[7] The Hejaz is the most populated region in Saudi Arabia;[8] 35% of all Saudis live there.[9] Hejazi Arabic is the most widely spoken dialect in the region. Saudi Hejazis are of ethnically diverse origins.[10]

The Hejaz is the most cosmopolitan region in the Arabian Peninsula.[10] People of Hejaz have the most strongly articulated identity of any regional grouping in Saudi Arabia. Their place of origin alienates them from the Saudi state, which invokes different narratives of the history of the Arabian Peninsula. Thus, Hejazis experienced tensions with people of Najd.[11]

In 1916, Sharif Hussein ibn Ali proclaimed himself King of an independent Hejaz, as a result of the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence. The ensuing Arab Revolt overthrew the Ottoman Empire. In 1924, however, Ibn Ali's authority was replaced by that of Ibn Saud of the Najd.
Quraysh is also the name of the 106th Surah of the Qur'an.
The Hashemites (Arabic: الهاشميون‎, Al-Hāshimīyūn; also House of Hashim) are the ruling royal family of Jordan. The House was also the royal family of Syria (1920), Hejaz (1916–1925) and Iraq (1921–1958). The family belongs to the Dhawu Awn, one of the branches of the Hasanid Sharifs of Mecca – also referred to as Hashemites – who ruled Mecca continuously from the 10th century until its conquest by the House of Saud in 1924. Their eponymous ancestor is Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
According to the dictionary of American Family Names (Oxford University Pres) it indicates that the Qureshis are descendants of the Quraish, the leading tribe in Mecca at the time of the birth of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (ad 570); Muhammad's mother was a member of it. The Quraish at first opposed Muhammad’s teachings and are said to have persecuted him and his followers, but by the time of his death they had begun to convert to the new faith and played an important role in bringing Arabia under the banner of Islam.[3]

There would be more Qureshis in Sindh because the Arabs settled down and married local women. The first form of contact between the Arab people and modern-day Pakistan originally came in 711 to Sindh.[4]

They are entirely Sunni Muslims, and are fairly orthodox. They were one of the earliest groups to shift towards the Deobandi sect. [5]
Makram Mustafa Queisi (born March 31, 1970 in Amman) is a Jordanian diplomat, who is currently serving as the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to France, Portugal, the Holy See and Permanent Delegationto UNESCO.
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" Remember Ring Weather Should Hue Plea Play "

* A Round Clock With Squares *
" Returning Two Pythia Four Doors "
* Farcical Farsi Flap Jacks *

Guy, you wouldn't give a crap about what Muslims believe if they weren't standing on top of a shitload of oil, so cut the crap.
No, guy, crazy is letting the Jews and the Oil companies send your kid back in a body bag because they've convinced you that we really need to stick our nose in their business.
If you guys were REALLY CONCERNED about their bad behavior, the first country we'd invade and topple the government of is Saudi Arabia, because they were a lot worse in their treatment of women and gays than Iran is, much less Iraq.
But since the Saudi keep us fixed up on oil like a pusher does his junkie, we tolerate all sorts of bad behavior from them.

Should the geographic region of hejaz be returned to the hashemites ?

Hejaz means the barrier and it took 700 years of their own jurisprudence to determine its region where al sherif for the quraysh tribe presides .

The saudi arabia of acquired hejaz through adverse possession by war - .

To which claim of the lineage from ishmael do the saudis attest - ?
* Bequeath Quraysh Sue Fee Verses Wail Habit Sail a Fist Nudge *
Historically, the Hejaz has always seen itself as separate from the rest of Saudi Arabia.[7] The Hejaz is the most populated region in Saudi Arabia;[8] 35% of all Saudis live there.[9] Hejazi Arabic is the most widely spoken dialect in the region. Saudi Hejazis are of ethnically diverse origins.[10]

The Hejaz is the most cosmopolitan region in the Arabian Peninsula.[10] People of Hejaz have the most strongly articulated identity of any regional grouping in Saudi Arabia. Their place of origin alienates them from the Saudi state, which invokes different narratives of the history of the Arabian Peninsula. Thus, Hejazis experienced tensions with people of Najd.[11]

In 1916, Sharif Hussein ibn Ali proclaimed himself King of an independent Hejaz, as a result of the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence. The ensuing Arab Revolt overthrew the Ottoman Empire. In 1924, however, Ibn Ali's authority was replaced by that of Ibn Saud of the Najd.
Quraysh is also the name of the 106th Surah of the Qur'an.
The Hashemites (Arabic: الهاشميون‎, Al-Hāshimīyūn; also House of Hashim) are the ruling royal family of Jordan. The House was also the royal family of Syria (1920), Hejaz (1916–1925) and Iraq (1921–1958). The family belongs to the Dhawu Awn, one of the branches of the Hasanid Sharifs of Mecca – also referred to as Hashemites – who ruled Mecca continuously from the 10th century until its conquest by the House of Saud in 1924. Their eponymous ancestor is Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
According to the dictionary of American Family Names (Oxford University Pres) it indicates that the Qureshis are descendants of the Quraish, the leading tribe in Mecca at the time of the birth of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (ad 570); Muhammad's mother was a member of it. The Quraish at first opposed Muhammad’s teachings and are said to have persecuted him and his followers, but by the time of his death they had begun to convert to the new faith and played an important role in bringing Arabia under the banner of Islam.[3]

There would be more Qureshis in Sindh because the Arabs settled down and married local women. The first form of contact between the Arab people and modern-day Pakistan originally came in 711 to Sindh.[4]

They are entirely Sunni Muslims, and are fairly orthodox. They were one of the earliest groups to shift towards the Deobandi sect. [5]
Makram Mustafa Queisi (born March 31, 1970 in Amman) is a Jordanian diplomat, who is currently serving as the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to France, Portugal, the Holy See and Permanent Delegationto UNESCO.

Okay, buddy, you need to tell the nice doctor you are off your medications...

You are starting to make the Unabomber sound rational.
" Pearl Divers Cast Before Swine "

* Opened Trap Blow Hole *
Okay, buddy, you need to tell the nice doctor you are off your medications...
You are starting to make the Unabomber sound rational.

You suggested that a lack of concern for the saudis was hypocrisy , because of oil companies , that the likes of PNAC were grounds to dismiss contention against importing voting blocks , whose expectations are inclined for an ethic of hisbah in elected political leaders , whose preconceptions for public policy include democracy as tyranny by majority , even as tyranny by minority , to implement a nomian legalism extant of hejaz , hence fictional ishmaelism , hence not qurayshism .

How interesting had saudi monarchy been razed after 9/11 , because of their association with its orchestration , because they have funded 90% of a fundamentalist expanse , by spending 100s of billions , and had reign over hejaz been returned to al sherif , to the hashemites , to the quraysh ?

An err ran end boy bush whacker foo barred up eye rack by betraying the providence of faith from us founders to demand that a style of us first amendment be implemented in the iraq constitution - post us iraq invasion , when opportunity for demand was available ! , as had been voiced as a criteria for notice ! , a fore warning ! !

It is currently a requirement in iraq to register ones religion with the state , where i slam maintains supremacy , stipulating one directional conversion and preferential treatment by virtue of membership in theocratic law ! ! ! ! !

There are enough of such individuals satisfying their own conceptions of control over the world , it is unnecessary to compromise the incumbency of american voter representation with debase nomian perceptions .

The clueless reich have a love hate relationship with us first amendment and were are too squeamish to stipulate it is a criteria , whether public or private , that it be expected of allies .
Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.[8][9][10][11] Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and Dave Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, particularly in building support for the Iraq War.[12][13][14][15]

Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy:] "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."[45] Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plans.[48]
Hisbah (Arabic: حسبة‎‎ ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is the divinely-sanctioned duty of the ruler (government) to intervene and coercively "enjoining good and forbidding wrong" in order to keep everything in order according to sharia (Islamic law).[2] The doctrine is based on an expression from the Quran ( )[1][3] Some Salafists suggest that it is the sacred duty of all Muslims, not just rulers.[2]
During the Islamic Prophet Muhammad's era, Muhammad carried out military expeditions in the area. The first was the Nejd Caravan Raid against the Quraysh, which took place in 624. The Meccans led by Safwan ibn Umayyah, who lived on trade, left in summer for Syria for their seasonal trade business. After Muhammad received intelligence about the Caravan's route, Muhammad ordered Zayd ibn Haritha to go after the Caravan, and they successfully raided it and captured 100,000 dirhams worth of booty.[4][5]

The Invasion of Nejd, happened in Rabi‘ Ath-Thani or Jumada Al-Ula, 4 AH (i.e. in October AD 625).[5]

Muhammad led his fighters to Nejd to scare off some tribes he believed had suspicious intentions.[6] Some scholars say the Expedition of Dhat al-Riqa took place in Nejd as part of this invasion.[6]

* September 11 2001 09/11/1 According To The Qurayn *
Surah 9:111. Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

* Oh My Information *

In case you had not noticed , names of groups and individuals are skewed for caricature , most often for pun , for disingenuous jest , or flattering fancy , or abject obfuscation .

mu ham mad -
mu sa - musa -
is sa - isa -
sue fee -
wail habit -
sail a fist -
hi jab -
i slam - qurayshism ( inside of hejaz ) , fictional ishmaelism ( outside of hejaz )
nudge -
his bah -
turn key -
tay yip yap ear dog again - tayyip eardogan -ğan - Surah 9:61 And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say, “He is an ear.”

* Natural Freedom Self Determination Tribal Skirmish Pyre Rites *
Brigandage is the life and practice of highway robbery and plunder.[1] It is practiced by a brigand, a person who usually lives in a gang and lives by pillage and robbery.[2]

The brigand is an outlaw who conducts warfare after the manner of an irregular or partisan soldier by skirmishes and surprises, who makes the war support itself by plunder, by extortion, by capturing prisoners and holding them to ransom, who enforces his demands by violence, and kills the prisoners who cannot pay.[3][4]
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You suggested that a lack of concern for the saudis was hypocrisy , because of oil companies , that the likes of PNAC were grounds to dismiss contention against importing voting blocks , whose expectations are inclined for an ethic of hisbah in elected political leaders , whose preconceptions for public policy include democracy as tyranny by majority , even as tyranny by minority , to implement a nomian legalism extant of hejaz , hence fictional ishmaelism , hence not qurayshism .

Okay, buddy, first, that was a long run on sentence. A key to good writing is to write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word.

Here's the reason why the Saudis have us by the short and curlies.... Because 44 years after the first oil crisis, we did not develop a national policy to get ourselves off our addiction to petroleum. In fact, we doubled and tripled down.

The rest of your batshit crazy is not even worth my time to read.
" Numbers Votes Public Policy Discriminating Between Successful And Unsuccessful Outcomes "

* Watt Ever *

You suggested : 1) that a lack of concern for the saudis was hypocrisy - because of oil companies ; 2) that the likes of PNAC were grounds to dismiss contention against importing voting blocks whose expectations are inclined for an ethic of hisbah for elected political leaders , whose preconceptions for public policy include democracy as tyranny by majority , even as tyranny by minority , rather than proffering individual liberty to implement a nomian legalism extant of hejaz , hence fictional ishmaelism , hence not qurayshism .
Okay, buddy, first, that was a long run on sentence. A key to good writing is to write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word.
Grammar does count ; constructing a well formed sentence that is also a cogent sentence are acceptable standards , and less is more and who cares here comes the whole damned sink are constrained by opportunity and whim of indifference .

* Money Talks But Non Aggression Principles Stalks *
Here's the reason why the Saudis have us by the short and curlies.... Because 44 years after the first oil crisis, we did not develop a national policy to get ourselves off our addiction to petroleum. In fact, we doubled and tripled down.
What does intimidation of us policy maker have to do with demanding informed consent that genetic religion of qurayshism does not apply outside of he jaz , just as the genetic religion of torahnism does not apply outside of is ra el , and just as the nomianism of fictional ishmaelism is debase to assert that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz ?

What are your alternative proposals to approach or for propaganda to diffuse myopic ravings of mass hysteria for a uniform fetish for satiating the anxiety about ones own mortality ?

* Opportunities From Do It Your Self *

A return to some form of , to some form of , to some form of , is clearly an act of , as authoritarian collectivists vie for state management ( statism ) , as libertarian individualists vie for autonomy from government and reject a collective commitment to other individuals - except by elective choice - as if social infrastructure does not represent a codependent condition for their own well being .

A commitment for 10 - 15% of federal budget for research and development to nurture growth in proficiency of domestic industries and citizen productivity is a relevant topic .

That government does not reserve Fannie May capital for lower interest rates on loans to students seeking higher education , rather feeds them to banksters who begin collecting interest at +8% from the first year , which is harrowing usury .

* Playing Hiding Seek *
The rest of your batshit crazy is not even worth my time to read.
Try not to relish in your vanity , as my words are written with an indifference for whether you believe them relevant or even dependent upon your validation , or sanction , as the statements are meant to be informative and not all may find them compelling , though they very much are .
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Grammar does count ; constructing a well formed sentence that is also a cogent sentence are acceptable standards , and less is more and who cares here comes the whole damned sink are constrained by opportunity and whim of indifference .

so let me know when you can write a sentence that doesn't sound like it came off a crazy person's manifesto, 'kay....
" Whose Clinging Away Wing "

* Spectator Mania Peculiarities *

so let me know when you can write a sentence that doesn't sound like it came off a crazy person's manifesto, 'kay....
Perhaps your capacity to extract pertinent challenges to this discourse implicates an impotence .

There sets vicious incompetence with the hostility of an old geezer whimpering for anyone , no no one , to attend to its pugnacious lamentations , feigning , wanting validation of feelings , of significance however vicarious , clawing for relevance , snide in hum drum pride , expecting with self pity that all others be placed below thee .

Of all that has been written in crystal clear dictum and to the level of a loathsome critic , a grammar nazi , a constipated instructor issuing one letter grade demerit for every faux pas , after which nothing is read onto the next adolescent drivel .

Fact is that cowering to challenge pernicious adherents pursuant for supremacy through pluralist systems , that cowering to challenge overt citations in creed to instantiate violence against non believers that is not simply self defense , such sheep of weakness equally facilitate both the despicable and the mundane that is fictional ishmaelism .

* Fight Or Flight Promulgates Shaded Child *
Argument from fallacy is the formal fallacy of analyzing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false.[1] It is also called argument to logic (argumentum ad logicam), the fallacy fallacy,[2] the fallacist's fallacy,[3] and the bad reasons fallacy.[4]

Fallacious arguments can arrive at true conclusions, so this is an informal fallacy of relevance.[5]
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Perhaps your capacity to extract pertinent challenges to this discourse implicates an impotence .

No, maybe you are just a crazy person.... I think I'm the only one paying any attention to you at this point.

Honestly, if a shrink saw your writing, they'd probably have you committed.
" Wiggly Wisp Wagging Wacky Wish "

* Political Dissident Laughing Heartily *

Perhaps your capacity to extract pertinent challenges to this discourse implicates an impotence .
No, maybe you are just a crazy person.... I think I'm the only one paying any attention to you at this point.
Honestly, if a shrink saw your writing, they'd probably have you committed.
Eventually it will be clear to see that reiteration of the point is a simplistic solution .

An apathetistic basis upon which to evaluate creed is by non aggression principles that entitles individuals to self defense against such acts committed by other individuals , specifically against threats for , or acts of , illegitimate aggression against their self ownership or self determination .

A difference between religion and creed does not exist in that respect , and there is not a religious exception to violate non aggression principles , no matter which diversion is introduced , in otherwise - see antinomianism .

If tenets of creed violate non aggression principles , then there is no distraction any can offer to deny subjects of that illegitimate aggression from invoking self defense .

If you disagree with that , let me know , because the next step is to determine whether the tenets of creed within fictional ishmaelism violate non aggression principles and to determine which privileges one is entitled to as self defense .

Those who understand the challenge will offer some expertise , whether for or against , either way , that is the criteria for determining the score .
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Eventually it will be clear to see that reiteration of the point is a simplistic solution .

An apathetistic basis upon which to evaluate creed is by non aggression principles that entitles individuals to self defense against such acts committed by other individuals , specifically against threats for , or acts of , illegitimate aggression against their self ownership or self determination .

Just because you strung a bunch of big words together doesn't make you smart, buddy...
" Loose Screws "

It is odd really- the writer of the OP started this thread another of the typical religious hate mongery of the far right- you know sort of like they used to do this:View attachment 196745
But what he and the far right really just can't see is this is the American dream in action. Yes- many of these Muslims(though certainly not all) come from Muslim countries where religious freedoms are curtailed and corruption is rife and many freedoms are restricted- but they came here- and like other immigrants before them- they are choosing to participate in our Democratic system- because they want to be here- rather than where they came from.
* Selling Sky Pie Sniffing *

None wants to live in a shit hole ,'s_hierarchy_of_needs .

Does your point investigate whether the consequence of such social tragedies are or are not a result of arcane and pathological political science precedence designed to overcome sun stroke ?

In deed , were there not a distinction between nomianism and non nomianism , how would recidivism to such dysfunction be mitigated abroad ?

They should be applauded for wanting to be part of our great country(and it has never stopped being great)- instead stooping to the tired old religious bigotry of the past.
* Arguing A Bout Big Got Tree With A 1400 Year Old Totalitarian Sectarian Supremacist Ideology *

Do you have an inkling for expectations included for missionaries of a religion that is proselytizing absolution from mortality ?

So which percentage of the 1.4 million annual permanent immigrants are lauding democracy for its tyranny by majority ?

Which migrants expect to invoke a nomian creed with tenets to violate non aggression principles ?

Does power of the ballot box to set public policy by most populous consensus mean anything ?
" Loose Screws "

It is odd really- the writer of the OP started this thread another of the typical religious hate mongery of the far right- you know sort of like they used to do this:View attachment 196745
But what he and the far right really just can't see is this is the American dream in action. Yes- many of these Muslims(though certainly not all) come from Muslim countries where religious freedoms are curtailed and corruption is rife and many freedoms are restricted- but they came here- and like other immigrants before them- they are choosing to participate in our Democratic system- because they want to be here- rather than where they came from.
* Selling Sky Pie Sniffing *

None wants to live in a shit hole ,'s_hierarchy_of_needs .

Does your point investigate whether the consequence of such social tragedies are or are not a result of arcane and pathological political science precedence designed to overcome sun stroke ?

In deed , were there not a distinction between nomianism and non nomianism , how would recidivism to such dysfunction be mitigated abroad ?

They should be applauded for wanting to be part of our great country(and it has never stopped being great)- instead stooping to the tired old religious bigotry of the past.
* Arguing A Bout Big Got Tree With A 1400 Year Old Totalitarian Sectarian Supremacist Ideology *

Do you have an inkling for expectations included for missionaries of a religion that is proselytizing absolution from mortality ?

So which percentage of the 1.4 million annual permanent immigrants are lauding democracy for its tyranny by majority ?

Which migrants expect to invoke a nomian creed with tenets to violate non aggression principles ?

Does power of the ballot box to set public policy by most populous consensus mean anything ?

Good grief. Anybody remember when the right had it's panties in a twist over electing CATHOLICS to office? Claims about loyalty to Pope over country?

Some things never change.
Havent seen any Catholics with a doctrine like this >>

The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).

Or having done things like this >>








The sooner the war these regressive bastards want starts, the better.

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