More Trump Criminality

Real wages (your take home pay vs inflation) has dropped for 32 consecutive months, thanks to that drooling, stuttering shit clown.

I get it, most groomers are unemployable, so it has little effect on members of the party that likes to fuck kids.

But there's more of us than you. We just need to start acting like it.

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32 Consecutive Months puts the start of this ^^^^ claim to August 2020.
Congrats.......Don the Con started this ^^^^ trend.

Trump is calling for the protest to begin. Claiming he will be arrested in the NY drama. Even when they are just at the Grand Jury stage of it. Claiming a leak yet, his lawyer know nothing, sees nothing, and won't bend over. Grand jury has to indict and then prosecution must prosecute. I would buy the photo of Trump arrested? No I wouldn't.

Yet how can I disagree with him being arrested. Still it is to early to tell. Trump comments about something he knows nothing about. Yet his butt itches, as something smells.

So who will arrest him first? So many choices. So little time. I hate to say it but is Trump right about something?

Hey if he is extradited to NY will DeSantis will back him up with extradition? Hmm quite the dilemma . One, turn him over and alienate some republicans that he will need later on or go along with "You owe me one", Yet can he trust Trump? Plus the picture, can he deny us that one.

Dear Mr. DeSantis, Please have him extradited. Texas, if he goes to your state, please help him climb that fence he built. Yeah , I know that it was not complete but the photo op will be to hard for Trump to turn down and he can hurt himself. This would anger the mob. Remember the Alamo, oh I mean the Capitol.
I'm sure a moderator will be here shortly to clean up this thread, deleting the trolling posts, ejecting and locking out the offenders from further participation in this thread.

Any time now.
Or, perhaps, since your thread and OP violate the clean start rule, a mod will just move it to the basement where it belonged from the beginning.
If it is so indefensible, then why isn't Trump behind bars with legally proven crimes you can link us to after SIX YEARS of continual literally crawling up his ass 24/7 shaking down every aspect of his life far and above what even the evidence or law allows?

I mean, unless crawling up his ass was all you were after in the first place?

How does it feel up there?

Being up his ass?
And the reprehensible right continues to attempt to defend the indefensible.
Talking out your ass again? Obviously since you dodge my question.
Nah. Just no point is served in humoring you. You’re a troll. A real hack.

I don’t know what they pay you (is it per post?) but whatever it is, you’re overpaid.

End of story.
When you have this many people testifying, if someone lies its easier to see that lie. 6 people testify one way, Dan Scavino testifies the opposite, it's easy to peg him as the liar, then drill down on him. These tactics make it much easier to get to the truth, then prosecute the liars.


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