More Trump Criminality

That's right. Start lining up all your excuses now. It's the prudent thing to do.
/——/ Stating facts are not excuses. Look what they did to Mike Lindell. He was a multi millionaire and is now broke due to legal fees.
Of course you won’t even consider they were threatened, because the ends justify the means.
You MAGAs constantly whine about being a victim, don't you? I guess you learned that from trump.
/——/ Rather than addressing the issue, you run and hide claims we’re whining. Ow you go whine about the fake global warming, taxing the rich or some other such nonsense.
/——/ Rather than addressing the issue, you run and hide claims we’re whining. Ow you go whine about the fake global warming, taxing the rich or some other such nonsense.
This thread is about trumps criminality. Why are you bring up that other shit?
This thread is about trumps criminality. Why are you bring up that other shit?
/——-/ Because like global warming and the rich not paying their fair share, Trump’s so called criminality is just more fake news. I hope that answers your question.
All that is left for Trump to say is " I'm not a crook"

He just lies a lot, an authoritarian, and has the ability to corrupts people who are susceptible to corruption. He is only seeking re-election so that he can go after his enemies using the office of the presidency.

Another 11 months to go listening to the drama queen
All that is left for Trump to say is " I'm not a crook"

Another 11 months to go listening to the drama queen
Taiwan next
10 million illegal border crossings that we know of.
Velveeta is $50 a pound
The country more divided than it's ever been since the Civil War

11 more months of Biden and we won't recognize America as it was
Taiwan next
10 million illegal border crossings that we know of.
Velveeta is $50 a pound
The country more divided than it's ever been since the Civil War

11 m ore months of Biden and we won't recognize America as it was
Afghanistan - Trump signed the deal to withdrawal from Afghanistan and withdrew a large portion of the troops. 13,000 troops in Afghanistan. Trump withdrew 10,500 of them prior to leaving office. The remaining 2500 were withdrawn by Biden on the agreed upon date. So he withdrew about 80% of the troops. The remaining would be withdrawn by a certain date that Biden honored.

Biden just finished it up. Funny how republicans want to blame Biden on something that Trump signed.

Ukraine - Trump has 4 years to deal with it and nothing changed. He did not secure a win

Israel - gee so its Biden's fault that Hamas attacked Israel and they responded like they always do

Taiwan next - is that a what if scenario

Border crossing = yes it is high

Velveeta- now your stretching it, Biden has nothing to do with how much a company charges for its product. A product that is not really cheese and it is depended on the market and what people are willing to pay for it.

A divided country - Its always been a divided country. It was divided when Trump was president and he the prime reason for it being divided with his stolen election mantra that was never proven.
You guys even create a name for yourself.
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Afghanistan - Trump signed the deal to withdrawal from Afghanistan and withdrew a large portion of the troops. 13,000 troops in Afghanistan. Trump withdrew 10,500 of them prior to leaving office. The remaining 2500 were withdrawn by Biden on the agreed upon date. So he withdrew about 80% of the troops. The remaining would be withdrawn by a certain date that Biden honored.

Biden just finished it up. Funny how republicans want to blame Biden on something that Trump signed.
True! Even his hand-picked people say it. The BEST people.


More Trump Criminality​

Fulton County investigators have another recording of a Trump phone call pressuring a Georgia official

"Hello, Bob? Yeah, you really have to try to look harder for any votes you missed! We gotta win this election for the country!"

"OK, all the republicans have been sent home. Now back that truck up here and unload those boxes of blank mail-in ballot forms!"

BTW, did Trump ever give his permission to be taped while on the phone? And just why was his phone call being taped, huh?

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